Category: survival

  • Is this Proof of Reincarnation?

    Today’s UK Daily Mail carries a fascinating article Reincarnated! Our son is a World War II pilot come back to life. It concerns a two-year old boy, James Leininger, who began having recurring nightmares of being trapped in a burning plane. He appeared to be re-living the horror of being shot down in WWII. (more…)

  • What Was My Past Life?

    Does your life contain recurrent themes that occur for no explicable reason? Were you born with certain innate difficulties or talents that have no bearing on your personal history or circumstances? Perhaps the answer lies in a past life… (more…)

  • Revelations – Talking to the Dead

    It was with some trepidation that I sat down to watch a recording of this UK Channel 4 documetary on Spiritualism, as some investigations of this discipline throw objectivity out the window. I need not have worried. (more…)

  • Past Lives, Present Issues

    Reincarnation is the belief that we consist of a distinct soul, separate from our physical body, that continues to exist after physical death and is capable of being re-born repeatedly into different bodies at different times and in different circumstances.

    Reincarnation is accepted by many religions including Hinduism and Buddhism. It also appears to be a part of Christianity as the New Testament describes the Disciples asking Jesus: “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” [John 9:2] (more…)

  • Searching for My Purpose in Life

    by Jerry Jordison

    We all wonder, at some time or another, if we have a purpose in life – why am I here? I’m not talking about what I want to do in this life, like being a teacher or lawyer, but what is life all about. Many people blindly accept the answers from organized religions – God created us and we are indebted to him, and our purpose is to please him through prayer and going to church. Religions have become an engrained part of society over the last couple of thousand years and therefore respected as an institution of authority. Instead of having to do research to discover why we are here, it is much easier to give our responsibility to a religion and accept their dogma. (more…)

  • Conan Doyle’s New Revelation

    Best known as the creator of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle was also a committed Spiriualist. In this famous work he presents his personal views and experiences on the afterlife.

    Read The New Revelation in full

  • How to Discover the Interlife Through Hypnosis

    by Martine Quibell
    Even Oprah is a believer! You can heal yourself, find out why you are the way you are, why certain things motivate or scare you, and how to live this life to the fullest when you use hypnosis to venture into the Interlife.

    Today, a growing curiosity has brought many individuals to explore the possibility of past lives. Dr. Georgina Cannon has regressed 1000’s of individuals who have come to her for answers about who they have been in another life.

    Hypnosis can help bridge the barrier between this reality and the next and Dr. Cannon facilitates regression sessions for those who are curious to discover if they have had another life and who they might be.

    Read How to Discover the Interlife Through Hypnosis in full

    Dr. Cannon is recognized by many in the media as “The Source” for expert opinion in the field of hypnotherapy and issues around complementary wellness treatments, and she regularly meets with medical and wellness professionals to enhance their knowledge and awareness of hypnosis and the dynamic healing potential of soul, or past life journeys.

    For more on Georgina Cannon visit:

  • Reincarnation, Regression and Science

    Is science starting to take the concept of reincarnation seriously? Today’s Daily Mail ran a story The Last Time I Died was in Jerusalem in 1276 by Danny Penman which suggests this may be the case. The article describes how Penman underwent hypnotic regression and found himself transported back to a previous Christian Crusade against Islam. Besieged within a church he “experienced” being burned alive as the church was set on fire.

    Whist under hypnosis he says he felt “aware of my current life but the world of Jerusalem in 1276 was equally real. Initially skeptical, Penman said “it sounded utterly preposterous”, but he was left with unable to believe the ‘memories’ described were pure fabrication. (more…)

  • Spiritualism and Evidence of Survival

    Two fundamental principles lie at the heart of the Spiritualist movement:

    1. The human soul and consciousness survives physical death, and
    2. Communication between those who have passed and those on earth is possible.

    People often enter the world of Spiritualism following bereavement. Feeling lost, alone, confused… Questioning the very meaning of their own existence. What’s the point of doing all we do, going through all we must, if it’s all to end with the death of the physical body? (more…)

  • Proof of Life After Death?

    Throughout history man has pondered whether individual consciousness survives the death of the physical body, amassing along the way countless pieces of evidence suggesting that it does. Though much of this evidence is anecdotal, modern science is also lending the power of its tools and methodology to the investigation of the eternal question.

    The Forever Family Foundation is bringing together the finest scientific researchers on this topic for a two-day conference entitled “Investigations of Consciousness and The Unseen World – Proof of an Afterlife?” The conference will run over January 19-20, 2008 at the Cowell Theater, Fort Mason Center, San Francisco, California.

    Speakers include:

    • Parapsychologist Dean Radin, PhD, Senior scientist with the Institute of Noetic Sciences and world authority on psi phenomena and consciousness.
    • Psychologist Gary E. Schwartz, PhD, Director of the VERITAS Research Program at the University of Arizona, dedicated to discovering the truth about the consciousness and the continuity of life. Professor Schwartz is a leading researcher into mediumship.
    • Quantum physicist Fred Alan Wolf, PhD on quantum physics and consciousness – does this hold the key to how Spirit interacts with incarnate beings?
    • Medical doctor Bruce Greyson, MD on his decades of research on NDEs.

    For more information and to book tickets ($225) visit the conference Web site at