Category: jesus

  • One God, One Planetary Family

    by Van / Gabriel of Urantia

    500,000 years ago the Planetary Prince Caligastia, a Primary Lanonandek Son, came to Urantia with 100 supermortals, some even from other universes, who were resident on Jerusem, the capital of Satania, our administrative local system. Monmatia is the name of our solar system. There is a huge administrative system of many sectors all the way to Paradise. I am just giving you some preliminaries. You can research the rest of this cosmology in The URANTIA Book.

    Nebadon is the name of our local universe that was created by Christ Michael, who came to this planet as Jesus, a Son of God and Son of Man, whose origin was Paradise. He is known as a Michael Son, a Creator Son, and is the creator of Nebadon. It is good to know the structure of your local universe and superuniverse as you ascend on this fallen world, so that you can have a sense of place.

    That place was distorted when a Primary Lanonandek Son, Lucifer, rebelled from the Divine Administration of his father, Christ Michael. Michael is not just an angel. There are tens of thousands of angels also called Michael (because they want to be named after their Father), but only one Creator Son who created all of them. (more…)

  • Jesus’s Wife? Scholar Announces Existence of a New Early Christian Gospel from Egypt

    Rabbi Allen S. Maller
    Four words written in Coptic, a language of ancient Egyptian Christians, appear on a fragment of about one and a half inches by three inches. and translate to, “Jesus said to them, my wife…”. This is the first evidence that some early Christians believed Jesus was married Harvard Divinity School Professor Karen King told the 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies hosted in 2012 by the Vatican’s Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum in Rome.


  • Was Jesus a Prophet, a Rabbi, or the Son of God

    Rabbi Allen S. Maller
    Jews believe that Jesus, a young rabbi/teacher, was falsely accused by the Roman rulers of the Land of Israel, of claiming he was ‘The King of the Jews’ (Mark 15:2 & 18, Matthew 27:11, Luke 23:3, and John 18:33 & 19:21). At the same time Rabbi Jesus was being proclaimed by some of his followers to be ‘The Son of God’.
    Jews and Muslims are frequently asked by Christians why they do not believe that Jesus was The Son of God. It is true that Rabbi Jesus often did refer metaphorically to God as his father. He did this in accord with the metaphorical style of the Torah. He never expected that any Jew who heard him speak about God as his father would take his words literally.
    As the Qur’an states: “It is not (possible) for any human being to whom Allah had given Scripture, wisdom and prophethood, that he should afterwards have said to mankind: Be slaves of me instead of Allah; but (Jesus said): Be ye faithful servants of the Lord by virtue of your constant teaching of Scripture and your constant study of it.” (Quran 3:79)


  • It’s Easy To Get Off Track In Your Spiritual Discovery

    by Gabriel of Urantia

    I believe in the God of our founding forefathers of the U.S. Many of those men were Freemasons, and though some people say that Freemasons do not really know God, I say they probably know God better than those who say otherwise.  Before going into battle, George Washington, a Freemason, would kneel and pray to God the Father and Jesus Christ the Divine Son. Most of the designers and signers of the Constitution prayed for wisdom and guidance, including Thomas Jefferson, who made a pretty good deal when he purchased the Louisiana Purchase. Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Alexander Hamilton also were men of faith and prayer, looking to Christ as their Lord. (more…)

  • Who Was Jesus? From King To Messiah To Son Of God

    by Rabbi Allen S. Maller

    At some point in our lives, we are faced with the question. Who was Jesus? A prophet? A morals teacher? A Jewish Rabbi? The Son of God? Jesus asked this question to his own disciples in Matthew 16:13-16, Mark 8:27-29, and Luke 9:18-20. In all three accounts, Jesus first asks, “Who do people say I am?” (Mark 8:27) or “Who do the crowds say I am?” (Luke 9:18).

    The disciples answer, “‘Some say John the Baptist; others say [prophet] Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets’”(Matthew 16:14, Mark 8:28). Or, in Luke 9:19, instead of “one of the prophets,” they say, “‘one of the prophets from long ago who has come back to life.’”

    If the people who heard and saw Jesus himself were unsure who was; what about us today? (more…)

  • Anonymous Benefactor

    By Gabriel of Urantia

    We are separated on this planet we call Earth/Urantia by many views of God and His workings with humankind. These problems lead to divisions, hate, bigotry, and wars. Some Christian denominations and sects, particularly fundamentalists, think they have the cornerstone of truth when it comes to the Spirit of Truth. They say that you have to literally ask Jesus to come into your life or heart and be willing to turn over everything to Jesus to receive that Spirit of Truth. (more…)

  • Is Blood Thicker Than God?

    by Gabriel of Urantia

    From the beginning of the Lucifer Rebellion around 200,000 years ago, humans—as well as nonhuman mortals and various celestial orders in the system of Satania—have had to make the decision between following God’s ways or rebelling against them, and this has been the way on our fallen world since then.[i] The Old and New Testaments of the Bible refer to families at war among each other that involve conflicts between those who are more Godly and those who choose more evil ways. (more…)

  • Edgar Cayce’s Story of Anna, Mother of the Virgin Mary

    by Doug Simpson

    Edgar Cayce, the legendary American mystic, gave over 15,000 psychic readings in a self-induced, deep trance state. Over 2500 of those readings were life or reincarnation readings for approximately 2000 real people. I wish that I could tell you otherwise, believe me, but if the soul of Anna was reincarnated at the time of Edgar Cayce, it was not identified in any of Edgar’s reincarnation readings. But, let us not despair. Anna makes a few significant appearances in other requested readings, and I will now share that information with you. (more…)

  • The Story of the SOULS of Jesus the Christ and Edgar Cayce In Palestine

    by Doug Simpson

    The Edgar Cayce life readings provide us with the opportunity to view incarnations of Jesus and of Edgar Cayce, in Palestine, and they reveal, without question, some enlightening information on a time when their souls worked in consort.  At the time of Jesus, Edgar Cayce’s soul had an incarnation as a man known as Lucius.  Lucius is mentioned twice in the New Testament.  Acts 13:1 identifies Lucius of Cyrene at the church at Antioch, and Romans 16:21 names him with Timothy and others.  No other details concerning Lucius are revealed in the Gospels.

    Edgar Cayce had channeled two life readings from the Heavenly Source for himself, and neither of these readings had mentioned an incarnation at the time of Jesus.  It was often pointed out by the Heavenly Source in the approximately 2500 Edgar Cayce life or reincarnation readings that the life readings did not reveal all previous incarnations for the recipient of the reading, but only information on those incarnations which the Source deemed helpful to the recipient’s current lifetime, and at his or her current age.  (more…)

  • The Gospels’ Veiled Agenda (Review)

    The Gospels’ Veiled Agenda – Revolution, Priesthood and The Holy Grail by Harry Freedman

    Review by Wendy Stokes

    the gospels veiled agenda

    Dr Freedman here examines the life of Jesus and what we can learn about his mission by looking at parallels, connections and shadowing from the time of the Old Testament. For instance, Isaac carrying the wood for his own death on the pyre and Jesus carrying his cross to his crucifixion; a decree for all boy children to be put to death finds Moses saved in the bull-rushes and a similar decree finds Jesus taken to Egypt for safety. Moses fasted 40 days and nights, as did Jesus. Many incidents in the lives of Adam, Noah, David, Joseph, Isaac, Elijah and others are born out in the New Testament. (more…)