Category: angels

  • The joy, the smile and the gratitude

    This section collects messages donated by the Angels through channeling channelled by Satya, to accompany us on a Path of awareness, growth and evolution.

    The purpose of these Messages is to help us to live happy here and now, in peace, totally free and in harmony with ourselves, with others, with everything around us.

    These Messages are collected in books of Satya, disclosed by the Associação Cultural Suoni di Luce”.



    Dear Luminous Soul, as I smile I give you joy as an expression of the Love I feel for you.

    When in my heart there was the joy it was indispensable to express it, share it and donate it.

    I could tell how it affected heart and that made me happy.

    But I often asked myself: “There are many things around me, and within me to be happy about, why isn’t joy always present in my life without interruption?

    Why, during hardships, am I not able to feel the joy anyway for all those things I am infinitely grateful for?” (more…)

  • The Love

    “This section collects messages donated by the Angels through channeling channelled by Satya, to accompany us on a Path of awareness, growth and evolution.

    The purpose of these Messages is to help us to live happy here and now, in peace, totally free and in harmony with ourselves, with others, with everything around us.

    These Messages are collected in books of Satya, disclosed by the Associação Cultural Suoni di Luce”. (more…)

  • Messages of the Angels

     “This section collects messages donated by the Angels through channeling channelled by Satya, to accompany us on a Path of awareness, growth and evolution.

    The purpose of these Messages is to help us to live happy here and now, in peace, totally free and in harmony with ourselves, with others, with everything around us.

    These Messages are collected in books of Satya, disclosed by the Associação Cultural Suoni di Luce”. (more…)

  • Who is your Angel, how to perceive Him, how to live a relationship with Him

    This section collects messages donated by the Angels through channeling channelled by Satya, to accompany us on a Path of awareness, growth and evolution.

    The purpose of these Messages is to help us to live happy here and now, in peace, totally free and in harmony with ourselves, with others, with everything around us.

    These Messages are collected in books of Satya, disclosed by the Associação Cultural Suoni di Luce”.

    messages of the Angels


    Dear Luminous Soul, you can perceive your Angel in so many ways and each one of them is beautiful, because in that moment you will perceive His Essence, His Love, and then you are fulfilled.

    The scent you may smell will not remind you of any known flower, not of anything else existing known to you.

    It is a special perfume, one of a kind, soft and intense, impossible to define.

    You might perceive a light breeze through your hair or perceive a light touch by a breath of wind.

    Sometimes it appears as a sudden light, and following a heart jump you may perceive His presence.

    You may feel like someone is standing next to you, but when you look no one is there.

    Angels’ presences can be perceived in such ways and so many others but always in a very sweet, delicate way. That is why one must be very alert, and of course, hold an open heart.

    When you ask your Angel for advice, in the beginning it is not easy to intuit the answer or overcome the doubts that it may be some other voice from your heart you hear, however rest assured the answer will come in its own way.

    It may come through someone you meet, and while that person is talking of something else or telling you what has just happened to her or him.

    There is also a little game you can do.

    Choose a book, close your eyes, think intensely of your Angel, picture Him right there in front of you, establish a connection with Him, ask Him advice on what you need right then, and ask Him to give you the answer by means of that book.

    Take a deep breath and open the book randomly.

    Then open your eyes and read that page ‘with an open heart’. Often through those words you will clearly get His answer. (more…)

  • Stunned By Angelic Help with Health

    by Jennifer Underwood

    I have been working with Angels for months now. I first learned about it in 2007 from a woman that claimed she was an Earth Angel. I found it weird at the time, but did not question it. She slipped out of my life, and years later, because of her, I started to talk to Angels. Problem was, I did not beckon them correctly, and ended up with bad, evil, fake entities that pretend to be Angels. So truly for years, I suffered thinking the Angels did not want to help me. Recently, I read that Archangel Raphael can help you with your health if you call him and imagine he is standing over your head with his amazing green light healing you from top to bottom. (more…)

  • Edgar Cayce’s Angel

    by Doug Simpson

    Edgar Cayce, the Edgar Cayce who was destined to become America’s legendary mystic, began attending Sunday School classes at age ten. The lesson on his first day was the story of creation, from the book of Genesis. Edgar was mesmerized. He received a gift of his own personal Bible and a life-long love of, and expertise in, the contents of the scriptures commenced. Edgar vowed to read the entire Bible at least once each year for the rest of his life, a promise he faithfully kept. Ten readings in arrears, Edgar was fourteen years old when he completed his fourteenth reading. He started teaching adult Bible classes while still a teenager. (more…)

  • A Simple Tool For Your Toolbox

    By Tom T. Moore Copyright 2012

    As we get older, one of the things we must face are more trips to a hospital for any variety of reasons.  This happened to me recently when I went in for arthroscopic knee surgery to repair a torn cartilage brought on by years of skiing. After a vacation this past September to Orlando’s amusement centers and St. Petersburg, Florida, I could barely walk.

    Certainly there’s stress involved with any type of procedure, but I’m going to give you a simple tool you can use not only in serious circumstances, but for ANY situation, no matter how mundane for the rest of your life.  It is requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) each time you go anywhere or do anything.  As an example, before I left for the hospital I said out loud, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for my drive to the hospital, thank you!”  Now I believe that my own Guardian Angel handled that request, but you can believe the request is going to God, Allah, Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, Vishnu, or any other deity.  It does not matter, because IT WORKS!  Before the surgery I said, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for this surgery, and may the results be even better than I can hope for or expect, thank you!” (more…)

  • Probabilities and Predictions

    By Tom T. Moore – Copyright 2011

    During meditation, I’ve been given predictions of events to come by both Gaia, soul of the earth, and my own Guardian Angel, whom I named Theo, as he said our vocal chords are not constructed to pronounce angelic names. But I noticed that not only the predictions given to me, but to trance channels and psychics seemed to be hit and miss. In my case, some events would be within a day or two of the event—a major earthquake or say within a half-mile of the place I was told Katrina would make landfall. In other instances I would be way off, such as when I was told there would be a major earthquake in Japan around the first of September 2010 and it did not take place until March 2011. Then there were the times I would be told an event would take place, such as massive earthquakes in California the last week of December 2010, and nothing happened. (more…)

  • Guardian Angel Conversations

    By Tom T. Moore - Copyright 2011

    Six years ago I discovered that I could converse with “spirit” as it’s called.  This is something you can do too if you don’t mind putting in the time and effort, which I’ll explain below.

    The first person I communicated with was an American Indian Shaman living in the western United States in the 1600’s.  He explained that I was a Shaman also living at that time and that I was to reintroduce people to “The Gentle Way.”  This became the title of my first book on teaching people a simple, yet very powerful spiritual tool to use—requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s).  I had been requesting   MBO’s for several years, but I did not understand how powerful they are.  I only cared that they worked PERFECTLY, and I had never been able to say that about any of the other modalities I had tried—law of attraction, power of positive thinking, etc. (more…)

  • A True Believer Meets His Angel

    by Doug Simpson

    Edgar Cayce, the Edgar Cayce who was destined to become America’s legendary mystic, began attending Sunday School classes around the age of ten. The lesson being taught on that first day was the story of creation from the book of Genesis. Edgar was mesmerized. He asked his father for a book with the entire story of creation in it, and soon received a gift of his own personal Bible. Edgar’s life-long love of, and expertise in, the contents of the scriptures had commenced. Edgar quickly vowed to read the entire Bible at least once each year for the rest of his life, a promise he faithfully kept. But, at age ten he considered himself ten readings in arrears. Edgar was fourteen years old when he completed his fourteenth complete reading of the Bible. He was quickly regarded as the local Biblical expert and began teaching adult Bible classes while still a teenager. (more…)