
  • Numerology – The Meaning of Numbers

    What is Numerology?

    In its simplest form numerology manifests in the way many cultures, and individuals, consider certain numbers to be lucky or unlucky. For example:

    • Four is considered unlucky by the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean because it sounds like the word for “death”.
    • Seven is considered lucky by many cultures, but not the Chinese as it has connotations with the dead (eg the Festival of the Hungry Ghosts is in the Seventh Lunar Month).
    • Eight is considered lucky by the Chinese and Japanese, because it sounds like the word for “prosper”.
    • Thirteen is considered unlucky by most Western cultures, because Judas Iscariot, the disciple and betrayer of Jesus, was the thirteenth man at Jesus’ Last Supper. The belief is so strong that 13 is sometimes omitted as a house number or floor number in a building. However, thirteen is considered lucky in Italy. It is also considered lucky in China, because it sounds like the word for “sure life”.

    Interestingly, these generalized meanings are culturally dependent. This suggests that rather than being intrinsic, the significance of numbers depends upon the context of consideration, and that this contextual significance has been created by eons of consistent association. (more…)

  • The Spiritual Meaning of Colors

    Aura Colors, Healing Colors

    Colors are one of the most beautiful and also one of the most under-appreciated aspects of the physical realm. We are surrounded by colors, but how often do we notice the numerous subtleties in the myriad shades.

    Spiritually, color can impart both information – as in aura colors, and energy – as in healing. The aura is the spiritual energy field surrounding living beings which is “visible” to the psychically sensitive.

    This short article presents the meanings generally associated with the most common colors. Use these meanings as a starting point in your own explorations. We are each unique individuals and colors may hold different meanings for us than for others, just as a piece of music inspires different feelings in different people.

    Use colors to promote those qualities you wish to emphasize. Use them in your surroundings for qualities you wish to emphasize permanently. Wear clothes of appropriate colors to promote those qualities in a particular situation. You can also use colors simply by visualizing them, whether to promote their qualities or to exploit their healing energy for yourself or others. (more…)

  • Climate Change, Gog-Magog, Mahdi, And Messiah Are Coming

    Looking forward for 2025

    Rabbi Allen S. Maller
    More than 90% of the world’s population is projected to face increased risks from the compound impacts of extreme heat and drought, widening social and economic inequalities as well as undermining the natural world’s ability to reduce CO2 emissions in the atmosphere—according to a study from Oxford’s School of Geography.
    Warming is projected to intensify these hazards ten-fold globally under the highest emission pathway, says the report, published in Nature Sustainability. In the wake of record temperatures in 2022, from London to Shanghai, continuing rising temperatures are projected around the world.
    This year for the first time ever, over 100 million people worldwide were displaced persons fleeing war, floods and drought. World leaders have been meeting and failing for 30+ years to try to curb global warming, and in that time Earth has become a much hotter and deadlier planet.


  • Allah’s Hanukah “Nūr”/Nair

    Rabbi Allen S. Maller
    When I will kindle the wicks of oil or candles and say the special Hebrew blessings celebrating the strength of God’s vessel of holy light (in Hebrew Nair in Arabic Nur) of goodness to overcome the dark depths of evil on this eight day celebration of Hanukah [which this year begins on the evening of December 25, 2024 to January 2, 2025]; I will also think of the ayah, “He is the One Who sends to His servant manifest signs that He may lead you from the depths of Darkness into Light; and verily Allah is to you most Kind and Merciful.” (Qur’an 57:9)


  • Prophet Abraham’s Many Covenants

    Rabbi Allen Maller
    Prophet Abraham is famous for the numerous ways God tested him especially the terrible tests of banishing his wife Hagar and his first born son Ishmael (Qur’an 2:124 & Genesis 9:9-21) and bringing his son to a special place as an offering to God. (Qur’an 37:100-113 & Genesis 22:1-24) Most Muslim commentators say the son, unnamed in the Qur’an, was Ishmael. Some Muslims assert it was Isaac.


  • When Peace Should Override Truth

    Rabbi Allen S. Maller

    The Jewish Sages teach that: “The world stands on three things, on justice, on truth, and on peace.”[Talmud Avot 1:18] Jews are commanded to follow the ways of God. He is truthful, so too, we must strive to be truthful in all of our ways.[Torah Deuteronomy 28:9] It is good to practice being truthful because the Torah prohibits lying: “Keep far away from an untruth.”[Torah Exodus 23:7] Whoever lies in a court of law, violates one of the Ten Commandments, “You shall not bear false witness.”[Exodus 20:12] (more…)

  • ‘Practicing The Presence’: Conversations With Yanni Part V

    To accompany their recent study group on Joel Goldsmith’s book ‘Practicing The Presence’, Heather Smith and Yanni Charalambous continue to share thoughts, contemplations and short meditations on the ‘Infinite Way’ teachings. Heather offers comments on questions that have arisen from the group and introduces quotes from other Joel Goldsmith literature. The link for this YouTube video is available at the end of this article.

    Yanni: ‘God’s grace flows out into the world as an invisible presence and as an invisible power of blessings through me!’ Please elaborate.

    Heather: So far in our study of ‘Practicing The Presence’, Joel’s showed us that the blessings of Consciousness flows through the mind that’s a transparency or a vacuum, and he’s discussed the importance of being Still and how to do that. So, now, what truths can we know about this Life Force? Well, we can start by knowing that Life is invisible to the senses, and that it is an invisible Law, an invisible Power and Presence of Good. So, let’s explore these one by one. (more…)

  • A “wrong” text

    My partner is in process of booking a hotel for a short stay in early Sept for her, me, and our daughter. Yesterday she received a text saying they will arrange a cake saying ‘Happy Birthday A****’. A**** is our daughter’s name, and her birthday is around the time of the trip. But we hadn’t told the hotel our daughter’s name, nor her birthday. It turns out the text was sent mistakenly and was actually for another person. Bizarre coincidence, or synchronicity.

    This kind of stuff is not uncommon. But does it have some meaning? Like sometimes getting or being given a glimpse of the susally hidden greater reality?, or the spirits of actual departed loved ones letting you know they’re still around?, or merely the law of large numbers?

  • ‘Practicing The Presence’: Conversations With Yanni Part III

    To accompany their recent study group on Joel Goldsmith’s book ‘Practicing The Presence’, Heather Smith and Yanni Charalambous continue to share thoughts, contemplations and short meditations on the ‘Infinite Way’ teachings. Heather offers comments on questions that have arisen from the group and introduces quotes from other Joel Goldsmith literature. The link for this YouTube video is available at the end of this article.

    Yanni: In the chapter, ‘Love thy Neighbor’ it tells us: I must “love thy neighbor as myself”. Why is that? (more…)

  • ‘Practicing The Presence’: Conversations With Yanni Part II

    To accompany their recent study group on Joel Goldsmith’s book ‘Practicing The Presence’, Heather Smith and Yanni Charalambous continue to share thoughts, contemplations and short meditations on Joel’s ‘Infinite Way’ teachings. Heather offers comments on questions that have arisen from the group and introduces quotes from other Joel Goldsmith books. The link for this YouTube video is available at the end of this article.

    Yanni: Hello everyone. It’s lovely to have you here with us. We’re currently studying the mystical book, ‘Practicing The Presence’ by Joel Goldsmith in our online Book Study Group. In this series, Heather and I will be discussing the spiritual principles Joel shares, together with some thoughts and questions that have been asked. We’ll work our way through each of the chapters, and in this video, we’ll be discussing Chapters 3 and 4.

    So, Heather, shall we begin with the first question? ‘To know God is to love God’. Can you please elaborate? (more…)