Category: astral projection

  • Astral Projection Questions Answered

    Astral projection describes the experience of one’s consciousness leaving the physical body and traveling independently, either within the physical world or on the astral plane. is currently offering 5 free videos answering the 240 most commonly asked questions about astral projection. The questions and answers are also provided in printable PDF format.

  • 20 Astral Projection Myths Busted!

    Author: Abhishek Agarwal

    There are a lot of misconceptions about Astral Projection floating around online and offline. Let us go through some of the common ones, and throw some light on them.

    Myth 1 : Astral Projection is very rare.
    Truth : Astral Projection is a very common phenomenon indeed. 5% to 10% of the world’s population has experienced a conscious Out of body experience at least once. This means around 6 million in the U.K or as much as 30 million in the United States. (more…)

  • Astral Projection For Beginners – How to Get Started Today

    By Christos Varsamis

    Everybody can do astral projection. All of us have both the physical body and the emotional body or the astral body. There are surveys that show that a number of people have experienced the feeling of their astral body leaving their physical body at some point in their lives. This kind of feeling is often mistaken for dreaming because astral projection happens at a point where the body is relaxed enough to get into sleep. Those who are able to project their astral bodies to another time and place deliberately are able to control their minds and stop it from getting into full sleep. A beginner in the practice of astral projection has to learn how to get into the right state of mind in order to experience the psychological benefits of being able to go on astral travels at will. (more…)

  • How To Distinguish Between Astral Projection And Lucid Dreaming?

    by William Ember

    With Astral Projection you get into the Astral Plane direct from your physical body. When you have a Lucid Dream, you have simply ‘missed’ the initial projection. They are just two different ways of entering the Astral Realm. In either case you are still conscious in the Astral, however, as there are degrees of lucidity in dreaming, you may or may not be fully in control of your experience. But this is highly unlikely in an Astral Projection. There is still a difference, whether more slight or obvious. (more…)

  • Top 10 Benefits Of Astral Projection

    By Kate Pusey

    The benefits of out-of-body exploration extend far beyond the limits of our physical senses and our intellect. After an out-of-body experience, many people report an inner awakening of their spiritual identity. They see themselves as more aware and alive. (more…)