by Jerry Jordison
We all wonder, at some time or another, if we have a purpose in life – why am I here? I’m not talking about what I want to do in this life, like being a teacher or lawyer, but what is life all about. Many people blindly accept the answers from organized religions – God created us and we are indebted to him, and our purpose is to please him through prayer and going to church. Religions have become an engrained part of society over the last couple of thousand years and therefore respected as an institution of authority. Instead of having to do research to discover why we are here, it is much easier to give our responsibility to a religion and accept their dogma.
But, do religions know why we are here? Do they know our purpose? Do religions have the ‘right’ answers? When I decided to take back my responsibility and do some research into my purpose in life, I realized I was being controlled by my religion with the hundreds of do’s and don’ts they proclaimed. What happened to the concept of ‘free will’? It was then I recognized responsibility and free will went hand in hand. To have free choice I must be completely responsible for everything happening to me. That means there cannot be any controlling god, out there, punishing me or handing me favors. If I am financially successful it is my own doing. If I break my arm, I’m accountable. If some god is responsible then I don’t have free will.
            Now, if I’m completely responsible for everything that happens to me, then there are no accidents, and therefore no blame. If there is no blame, then there is no reason for revenge. Forgiveness would be easy. If there is free will and no controlling god, then prayer is futile, worshipping is pointless. There would be no reason to have any fear of punishment, or Hell. Â
I started to compare this new revelation, pertaining to my purpose in life, to the traditional one I had been taught by society. Though I was taught that God was love, he apparently also controlled me by fear, suggesting that if I didn’t follow the rules he would punish me by sending me to a place called Hell. He demanded I worship him and beg him for favors, through prayer. I didn’t think a loving God would make those rules. I was taught that I was born a sinner, and the only way I could become saved from my fiery fate was to accept Jesus as my savior. I needed to go to church, pray and pay (tithe), and go around telling other people they must do the same thing. Living in fear of Hell didn’t make me feel very good. Attending church on Sundays didn’t make me feel saved.
As I moved beyond the propaganda of the church I began to realize I had been drawn into a huge societal lie. The more I started to read and research alternative ideas, the more I wanted to make my life real.
I discovered my purpose in life was connected to the rational concept of reincarnation. I was not a person with a Soul; I am Soul, living in a physical body, experiencing different life times in order to learn – to reach my maximum potential.
I began to realize the futility of two big conflicting myths presented by our culture. I’m not simply a biological being reacting to stimuli, nor am I placed on Earth by God to serve and worship him. Instead, I’m a part of a universal Spirit, as we all are. Collectively we are co-creators of the universe; individually we create our own reality by ‘intent’.
With this realization, I can live with love, not fear. Out of love I can respect all people and all living things. With the simple awareness there is no blame, and therefore no need for revenge, all conflicts can be solved – no more wars. Just imagine, with an effortless change in values based on reincarnation, responsibility and respect we can begin to live with love and in peace. Wow! So, my purpose is to learn about love through various life times until I reach my maximum potential.
© Jerry Jordison,
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