Category: edgar cayce

  • The Original Settlers of Central America

    By Doug Simpson

    Christopher Columbus landed on the eastern shore of Costa Rica in 1502, but it is incorrect to claim that he discovered Costa Rica. The best we can grant him with is the rediscovery of Costa Rica, as the indigenous Indians had resided in Costa Rica for thousands of years before Columbus arrived. This article will provide you with some information on the original settlers of Central America.

    Enter Edgar Cayce. Edgar Cayce is regarded as America’s legendary mystic, and has often been referred to as America’s Nostradamus. Edgar was born in rural Kentucky in 1877, and his soul returned home on January 3, 1945, but he left behind a priceless treasure-chest of over 14,000 transcripts of his readings, recorded while he was in a deep, self-induced, trance state. (more…)

  • Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss, M.D. – reviewed

    by Doug Simpson

    Dr. Weiss graduated from Columbia University and Yale Medical School. He is Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami, Florida. A nationally recognized psychiatrist, he risked his reputation by going public with the story of his personal experiences with a seriously-traumatized, intellectual young lady he has called Catherine. After endless months of minimal success in dealing with Catherine’s phobias and resulting traumas, he resorted to deep hypnotic therapy and the unexpected happened. Catherine, without any prompting, commenced talking about her past lifetimes. At first Dr. Weiss could not believe what he was hearing and sought all sorts of alternative explanations for the source of the information that freely flowed through his difficult-to-help patient. To make his case against reincarnation even more difficult, over a short period of time Catherine commenced to systematically shed her phobias as she uncovered their origins in past lifetimes. Dr. Weiss was very relieved when he eventually confided his unthinkable discoveries to a few close colleagues and they conceded that they too had made similar discoveries but were also reluctant to go public with them. (more…)

  • My Favorite Author

    By Doug Simpson

    Identifying my favorite author is easy. The difficult part is the possibility that many readers may never have heard of him. His name was Edgar Cayce, and he is regarded by many authorities in his field as America’s legendary mystic.

    If you happen to be unfamiliar with the name, Edgar Cayce, the most probable reason is that you likely belong to a younger generation.  Edger Cayce passed on in 1945, but he left behind an enormous legacy of unimaginably accurate psychic readings on an unusually diverse assortment of topics. (more…)

  • Edgar Cayce’s Story of Anna, Mother of the Virgin Mary

    by Doug Simpson

    Edgar Cayce, the legendary American mystic, gave over 15,000 psychic readings in a self-induced, deep trance state. Over 2500 of those readings were life or reincarnation readings for approximately 2000 real people. I wish that I could tell you otherwise, believe me, but if the soul of Anna was reincarnated at the time of Edgar Cayce, it was not identified in any of Edgar’s reincarnation readings. But, let us not despair. Anna makes a few significant appearances in other requested readings, and I will now share that information with you. (more…)

  • The Story of the SOULS of Jesus the Christ and Edgar Cayce In Palestine

    by Doug Simpson

    The Edgar Cayce life readings provide us with the opportunity to view incarnations of Jesus and of Edgar Cayce, in Palestine, and they reveal, without question, some enlightening information on a time when their souls worked in consort.  At the time of Jesus, Edgar Cayce’s soul had an incarnation as a man known as Lucius.  Lucius is mentioned twice in the New Testament.  Acts 13:1 identifies Lucius of Cyrene at the church at Antioch, and Romans 16:21 names him with Timothy and others.  No other details concerning Lucius are revealed in the Gospels.

    Edgar Cayce had channeled two life readings from the Heavenly Source for himself, and neither of these readings had mentioned an incarnation at the time of Jesus.  It was often pointed out by the Heavenly Source in the approximately 2500 Edgar Cayce life or reincarnation readings that the life readings did not reveal all previous incarnations for the recipient of the reading, but only information on those incarnations which the Source deemed helpful to the recipient’s current lifetime, and at his or her current age.  (more…)

  • Edgar Cayce’s Angel

    by Doug Simpson

    Edgar Cayce, the Edgar Cayce who was destined to become America’s legendary mystic, began attending Sunday School classes at age ten. The lesson on his first day was the story of creation, from the book of Genesis. Edgar was mesmerized. He received a gift of his own personal Bible and a life-long love of, and expertise in, the contents of the scriptures commenced. Edgar vowed to read the entire Bible at least once each year for the rest of his life, a promise he faithfully kept. Ten readings in arrears, Edgar was fourteen years old when he completed his fourteenth reading. He started teaching adult Bible classes while still a teenager. (more…)

  • The Reincarnation of Mary Magdalene

    by Doug Simpson

    Miss 295, a cousin of Gladys Davis, Edgar Cayce’s long-time stenographer and secretary, was the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene.  In 1929, Miss 295 came to Virginia Beach to visit Gladys and ended up staying for over five years, becoming a secretary and office assistant to Edgar Cayce and the A.R.E.  Miss 295 utilized her proximity to the channel to the Heavenly Source and requested a number of life readings.  I will now share with you, in order, the information Miss 295 received on her previous incarnation as Mary Magdalene.  Some Biblical scholars refer to Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany as two separate individuals, but the Edgar Cayce readings clearly identify them as the same person.  See the contents of reading 295-8, below. (more…)

  • The Story of the Essenes – Mary and Joseph

    by Doug Simpson

    This is the fourth article in a series of articles on the Essenes. If you have not read The Story of the Essenes – The Beginning, The Story of the Essenes – Jesus’ Teacher, and The Story of the Essenes – Twelve Maidens, I respectfully suggest that you stop reading this article and locate and read the first three articles. It is not crucial that you do this, but knowledge of the first three articles may be of assistance to you in understanding the background for this fourth article. If you cannot locate the first three articles on the website where you currently are, you will find them on my website at

    We concluded our previous Essene article with a brief look at six of the twelve Essene maidens whose reincarnated soul entities had obtained readings from the legendary American mystic, Edgar Cayce. These six maidens plus five others who did not appear in the Edgar Cayce readings, leave us with the Virgin Mary, who was selected by the Angel to become the Mother of the long-awaited Savior. Here is the story of Mary and Joseph, as recorded in the Edgar Cayce readings, up to just preceding the birth of Jesus. (more…)

  • The Story of the Essenes – Twelve Maidens

    by Doug Simpson

    This is the third article in a series of articles on the Essenes, based on the information revealed in the in-trance readings from America’s legendary mystic, Edgar Cayce. If you have not read The Story of the Essenes – The Beginning and The Story of the Essenes – Jesus’ Teacher, I respectfully recommend that you do so before continuing to read this article. It is not crucial that you do this, but it will assist you in understanding the background of the Essenes organization and religion, prior to the point in time where they were making contingency plans during their preparations for the birth of the long-awaited Messiah. (more…)

  • The Story of the Essenes – Jesus’ Teacher

    by Doug Simpson

    If you have not read the first part of the Story of the Essenes – The Beginning, then I respectfully recommend that you do so before you continue to read this article. It is not crucial that you do so, but it will be of some help in understanding how we reached our starting point for this article. If you cannot locate the first article on the website where you currently are, then you can read it on my website at

    After centuries of faithful planning and progress, a small group of especially devoted and Divinely gifted members of the Essenes became aware, through dreams, visions and voices, that the birth of the long-awaited Savior was like a faint light at the end of a long tunnel, but a light none-the-less. But first, the birth, not selection but birth, of a Heavenly gifted teacher for the Messiah, needed to occur two or three decades before the birth of this prophesied Savior. Here is Edgar Cayce’s story of that Heavenly anointed teacher, the next leader of the Essenes, and the most important person in the life of Jesus who was not named in the Bible. (more…)