Reincarnation is the belief that we consist of a distinct soul, separate from our physical body, that continues to exist after physical death and is capable of being re-born repeatedly into different bodies at different times and in different circumstances.
Reincarnation is accepted by many religions including Hinduism and Buddhism. It also appears to be a part of Christianity as the New Testament describes the Disciples asking Jesus: “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?†[John 9:2]
The experience of life, ie of Spirit being born into flesh, may be considered as part of an ongoing learning process. The duration of a single human lifetime is miniscule compared to eternity; it is not thus unreasonable that a distinct part of Spirit (soul) may make numerous visits to earth school.
The reasons for reincarnation are many and varied. Perhaps we need to be presented with previous lessons once more in different form. We may graduate to a new lesson. Or we might be assigned to play a supporting role in the experience of another…
In coming to the earth plane much of the knowledge of our Spiritual essence and previously acquired experience is dimmed from our conscious mind in order that we can best focus on the time in hand. But we never cease being Spiritual, and that latent knowledge is never far from the surface and continues to exert an influence.
Rediscovering past lives can be beneficial in resolving issues with, and making the best of, our current incarnation; such can is also fascinating for its own sake. Issues are carried forward from one life to the next, not as punishment, but in order that we may continue unfinished lessons. But we must consciously choose the path of exploration; else we must repeatedly face the same challenges.
Clues to one’s past life are given by the predispositions we carry from birth. These may be natural talents, eg a “gift†for music or drawing, or unexplained phobias, eg a fear of dogs in someone who’s never been attacked by one. Inherent talents, likes or dislikes also provide a pointer, as do recurrent dream themes, especially where such themes bear no relation to one’s current life. But beware, not every trait that can’t be readily explained is due to one’s past lives.
Hypnotic regression is a technique offered by some therapists and involves the “patient†being placed into a hypnotic trance and taken back through time. The technique is controversial and, although evidence exists of subjects recalling verifiable details, skeptics doubt the authenticity of recalled events. Regardless of whether regressed memories are real or manufactured (the truth seems to be it’s a bit of each), regression has certainly helped many people deal more effectively with the present.
Regression has also revealed that the same souls tend to incarnate together, albeit in different relationships. Of course it’s easy to imagine that those most significant in one’s present life have also featured previously, but the phenomenon closely parallels the Spiritual concept of the soul group, related souls who journey together helping each other’s evolution.
Not everyone wants, or is able, to consult a regression therapist. However, it is still possible to glimpse one’s past lives through meditation or self-hypnosis techniques. Such techniques take time to perfect, so resolve to find a quiet space and time to practice on a regular basis.
Begin by relaxing body and mind. You might like to play some gentle background music. Breathe deeply and try to empty the mind; don’t force it. When the inevitable thoughts enter, pay them no heed; just let them pass. Relax each part of the body in turn, starting with the toes and progressing p to the top of the head, then repeat the process back down to the toes.
Visualize something that represents your present life: family, work, whatever. See today’s date superimposed upon it. Now take the date back, and visualize the thing that symbolized your life at that time. Repeat the process 3 or 4 times until you’re back to your earliest memory. Once you’ve absorbed that symbol take the date back one more time. Don’t force it; just let your mind’s calendar go where it will, near or far. Observe the experience that comes with the date, feel the emotions that accompany the experience. It might help to have a tape recorder running so you can speak your impressions aloud.
Are your impressions real? Repeat the procedure. Are the same experiences presented each time? Note the intensity with which you feel each experience; the greater the intensity, the more likely the reality.
Very simply, the purpose of this life is to learn from the experiences we create and are presented with. Those experiences are shaped by our entire history. By even acknowledging the possibility that history exists we take a giant step along our personal pathway. By connecting with experiences undergone in past lives we can come to understand our purpose in being. If we can at least discover the syllabus we might better prepare for the exam.
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