What Was My Past Life?

Does your life contain recurrent themes that occur for no explicable reason? Were you born with certain innate difficulties or talents that have no bearing on your personal history or circumstances? Perhaps the answer lies in a past life…

Reincarnation is the belief that a single soul may be re-born into multiple lives. It depends on i) the existence of a distinct soul (independent of the physical body), and ii) the soul being born repeatedly into different bodies and circumstances. Reincarnation is an ancient concept that remians central to major religious traditions including Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism.

Psychiatrist Ian Stevenson is one one the best known researchers into reincarnation. In Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation Stevenson describes his research into the spontaneous recall of information about previous lives by young children. The book focuses on twenty such cases.

Stevenson’s work is further described in Old Souls by Thomas Shroder. Journalist Shroder accompanied Stevenson in his fieldwork, changing from skeptic to believer as he came face-to-face with concrete evidence he couldn’t discount.

Past life regression is a technique in which subjects under hypnosis are helped to remember past lives, often doing so in great detail. In Many Lives, Many Masters psychiatrist Brian Weiss describes how one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her present problems. His initial skepticism was eroded when she began to channel messages from “the space between lives,” which contained remarkable revelations about Dr. Weiss’s family and his dead son. The experience was sufficient to make this man of science into a believer in reincarnation who has used regression to aid numerous patients.

In Same Soul, Many Bodies Weiss extends his work on regression by progressing patients into the future. Raising the philosophical question of destiny vs free choice Weiss offers the positive message that futures can be changed, by changing our lives in the present.

In The Search for Bridey Murphy, perhaps one of the most famous reincarnation case studies ever, hypnotist Morey Bernstein describes his work with Ruth Simmons, who while under hypnosis recants the story of the life of 19th-century Irishwoman Bridey Murphy.

Regression to Times and Places 

You are probably asking: “What was my past life?” With the Meditation Regression Series renowned regression therapist Brian Weiss guides your personal journey of discovery. You will discover and learn meditation and regression techniques. The meditations utilize powerful imagery to promote physical, mental, and spiritual healing and renewal; profound relaxation; and deeper self-understanding. The regressions provide different techniques for retrieval of memories from this lifetime and prior lifetimes, as well as methods to access spiritual states and inner wisdom.

Regression to Times and Places uses several visualizations to access the mind-body connection for healing; for releasing negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions; and for replacing them with positive energy, peace, wisdom, love, and joy. Dr. Weiss uses a technique of recounting different historical time periods and suggesting the visualization of geographical places to trigger past-life memories.

Regression Through the Mirrors of Time is a past-life exercise in which Dr. Brian L. Weiss leads you first to childhood memories in this lifetime, then guides you to visualize yourself in many mirrors of light, in different (often ancient) times and places. This will enable you to discover the blocks and obstacles that impede your present-day peace and joy. The meditation incorporates positive affirmations, allowing you to find the peace and love that lies within you. You’re also given the opportunity to contact a wise and loving being or guide.

Spiritual Progress Through Regression is an extended regression in which Dr. Weiss leads you to a childhood experience, in utero memories, and then through a doorway to a previous lifetime. Then through powerful imagery, you’re able to view scenes from even more past lives, each shedding light on your spiritual progress in this life… helping you attain peace, understanding, and joy. In the meditation, you’ll be led on a journey to an island of healing with crystal waters and dolphins, providing you with a treasure chest of manifestation, and introducing you to your spiritual guides—helping you gain greater insight into your physical, emotional, and spiritual fulfillment.


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