I’ve had several instances where my dream of the previous night is somehow realized in the events of the next day. This is one from last night that has really got me thinking.
To give context I SOMETIMES write dreams down, but not every night, maybe 1 every 2 weeks. Here’s what I wrote this morning (bold-ing added later): “On roof of some very tall building looking over city, good air is clean but thin. Then Im inside building, like Catford town hall but corporate building, Ive got to go to 96 floor, to work, or some reason, different set of lifts serve high floors, some run fast to floor 50, I get to floor 97 but don’t seem able to get to 96 even I push button. Seems pretty standard office, some youner workers pushing boy round in chair, manager sitting alone, wonder whether to ask like enquiry point, try again to get to 96 running late but not my fault, don’t actually get there.”
Today I was sorting through some of my mother’s old papers ahead of a house move and I came across this certificate for her wedding ring from a jeweller with a branch at “TOWN HALL, CATFORD” (more…)