Category: dreams

  • A precognitive dream? Catford Town Hall

    I’ve had several instances where my dream of the previous night is somehow realized in the events of the next day. This is one from last night that has really got me thinking.

    To give context I SOMETIMES write dreams down, but not every night, maybe 1 every 2 weeks. Here’s what I wrote this morning (bold-ing added later): “On roof of some very tall building looking over city, good air is clean but thin. Then Im inside building, like Catford town hall but corporate building, Ive got to go to 96 floor, to work, or some reason, different set of lifts serve high floors, some run fast to floor 50, I get to floor 97 but don’t seem able to get to 96 even I push button. Seems pretty standard office, some youner workers pushing boy round in chair, manager sitting alone, wonder whether to ask like enquiry point, try again to get to 96 running late but not my fault, don’t actually get there.”

    Today I was sorting through some of my mother’s old papers ahead of a house move and I came across this certificate for her wedding ring from a jeweller with a branch at “TOWN HALL, CATFORD” (more…)

  • 6 Disturbing Dreams That You Can’t Ignore

    By Vanessa Kearney

    Dreams may occur at night, when you’re asleep. However, most people may play them off as fantasy. In fact, there are many dreams that people would ignore, yet their importance may be serious and or dire.

    So, if you’re curious to know what some of the most disturbing dreams might mean, then keep reading! (more…)

  • The Golden Caress

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Hesitantly the Traveler told the Blindman about his dream.

    “Last night as I slept I was uncertain if I was awake or asleep? I found myself in a Throne Room that was arrayed in Sparkling White Light. I found myself kneeling before a person or Being that I did not know, but felt very comfortable with. Because of the intensity of the White Light with its changing hues, many of the physical details about his appearance were blurred and indistinct.

    As I knelt, he stood and placed a kiss upon my forehead and whispered, very softly, “In the Name of God, Most Gracious and Most Merciful.” With these words, the Throne Room grew brighter and brighter, until I was forced to close my eyes. Then I awoke; and when I awoke, I felt a warm gentle sensation, tingling in the center of my forehead, where I had just been caressed. (more…)

  • 7 Reasons to Record Your Dreams

    by Tom T. Moore, Copyright 2014

    Back in 1979, I started to record my dreams each night and morning as I awoke.  About two weeks after I began, I had an extremely vivid dream of an explosion with awoman and men somehow involved.  My wife and I, at that time, owned an international, wholesale tour company, and were planning a trip to Manila for a world congress of travel agents.  We both decided to delete the Manila portion of the trip and added days to Taiwan and Hong Kong.  On the first day of the congress, terrorists blew up a bomb near the front of the stage where we would normally have sat, injuring ten travel agents.  Later, a woman that worked in the Philippines cultural office in Los Angeles and four other men were arrested.  Afterwards, I vowed to record my dreams the rest of my life.

    Below are seven reasons why you should record your dreams each day, one of which I touched on above. (more…)

  • Dreams: Understanding Mind, Spirit and Self

    Dreams provide a valuable key to understanding our unconscious mind, and therefore our true self. They may also offer an insight into our Spiritual essence and connection with the greater Spiritual reality. This article seeks to describe the concept of mind and give guidance on understanding the dreams it produces.

    What is Mind?

    If our brain is like a supercomputer, the mind is like the software that it runs. Note that the software is distinct from the computer it runs on. Continuing the analogy for the Spiritually inclined the mind is the interface between our physical and Spiritual aspects, ie body and soul! (more…)

  • Universal Dreams and What They Might Mean

    Long considered by many to be a window on the soul, the dream world weaves an infinitely varied tapestry from the mundane to the bizarre, the unspeakably beautiful to the downright terrifying. And yet within the vast diversity of the dream space, there are a number of themes which seem to occur repeatedly across individuals and cultures.

    In The Universal Dreams Patricia Garfield, Ph.D., former President of the Association for the Study of Dreams identifies 12 universal dream themes including “chase or attack”, “poor test performance”, and “being lost or trapped”. Might the frequency of these universal themes point to a common origin, even purpose, shared by all humanity?

  • How to cure your mind and body through Dream Programming

    by Jim Francis

    The mind does not make an appearance within physical reality, but the brain is based in physical reality. Our dreams occupy the same space as the mind…..that is, no space at all.

    The images that appear in dreams appear as “forms” in other realities and they are not restricted by our physical reality rules of time, space and growth. They involve the materialization of spontaneous constructions which would normally not occur in our physical world. (more…)

  • The Message Behind Recurring Dreams

    By Zoe Young at Answers in Writing

    When we fall asleep we release tension, we relax and our mind slips away. We slide into another state, that of dreams and often of a very personal message to ourselves.  When we look at dreams, especially recurring ones, we can see a theme.  But what does it mean and how does it truly relate to you?  To find this out it is important to remember that in the state of dream sleep you are not fully present, it is your subconscious that is at play.  It is your subconscious then that is arising to give you a message.  It could be relaying a truth of an underlying problem and giving you a diagnosis. (more…)

  • Life is But a Dream – Find Your Dream’s Real Meaning

    Author: Rhyanna Regan

    Our fascination with dreams is as old as human identity. Dreams represent a world existing on another level of consciousness, common to all, yet still completely individual. Dreams reflect one’s most personal thoughts and feelings, often so private, they are hardly known even to the dreamer. (more…)

  • How to Experience a Lucid Dream

    Author: David Slone

    Lucid dreaming means dreaming while you know that you are dreaming. The term was coined by Frederik van Eeden who used the word “lucid” in the sense of mental clarity. With practice nearly anyone can experience lucid dreams. (more…)