Category: survival

  • Proof of Heaven

    Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the AfterlifeProof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander M.D.

    Thousands of people have had near-death experiences, but scientists have argued that they are impossible. Dr. Eben Alexander was one of those scientists. A highly trained neurosurgeon, Alexander knew that NDEs feel real, but are simply fantasies produced by brains under extreme stress.

    Then, Dr. Alexander’s own brain was attacked by a rare illness. The part of the brain that controls thought and emotion—and in essence makes us human—shut down completely. For seven days he lay in a coma. Then, as his doctors considered stopping treatment, Alexander’s eyes popped open. He had come back.

    Alexander’s recovery is a medical miracle. But the real miracle of his story lies elsewhere. While his body lay in coma, Alexander journeyed beyond this world and encountered an angelic being who guided him into the deepest realms of super-physical existence. There he met, and spoke with, the Divine source of the universe itself. (more…)

  • Meditation for Communication with Departed Loved Ones

    We are at essence Spiritual entities. While incarnate upon the earth plane we inhabit a physical body to enable us to survive and interact with our environment and fellow travelers. Upon physical death our Spiritual essence or soul simply discards the body and returns wholly to the Spirit realm that is its natural home. Our personality, memories, experiences, and concerns for those we walked the earth with remain intact. This meditation will help you raise the vibrations of your inner self to become more aware of the Spiritual realm and to more easily communicate with departed loved ones. (more…)

  • Meditation for Past Life Recall

    Human experience is transient, but the soul within is eternal. Many of us have walked the earth plane before in one or more previous lives. In some cases the experiences of our past lives continue to an exert an influence on our present existence.

    This meditation can help you unlock hidden memories from previous incarnations. Use it for relaxation, fun, or to better understand what makes you what you are. (more…)

  • The Seven Principles of Spiritualism

    A Personal Interpretation

    The seven principles described here were given in the 19th century through the mediumship of Emma Hardinge Britten. They are widely accepted by Spiritualists and Spiritualist organizations around the world as the cornerstone of their philosophy. However, these principles are worthy of reflection by all faiths as well as those of none.

    1 The Fatherhood of God

    This principle is the recognition that everything that exists – you, me, all humanity, the entire physical universe – emanates from a single, purposeful “source” commonly referred to as God, Spirit etc. (more…)

  • The Role of Mediums and Psychics

    Why People Consult Mediums and Psychics

    It seems these days more and more people are consulting mediums and psychics with numerous Websites, telephone services and even entire TV channels dedicated to offering 24/7 readings. But why do people seek the services of these individuals, and what can we expect from them?

    At least part of the reason for the growth in demand for medium and psychic services is the ever-growing complexity of modern life leaves many feeling unable to cope independently and thus feeling the need for some external advice. If that advice can come from an other-wordly source then so much better than from a counselor or therapist, who is ultimately just another human being like themselves.

    I’d like to think a secondary reason may be that humanity is approaching a point where acceptance of a greater, infinite, Spiritual reality becomes the norm rather than something that seems freaky. (more…)

  • Spirits Whispering In My Ear

    by Psychic Medium and Ghost Whisperer, Kerrie Jean Erwin

    At the age of eight, Kerrie Jean Erwin had her first conversation with the dead.

    Personal encounters

    Kerrie Jean Erwin’s new book, Spirits Whispering in My Ear, takes us on an incredible journey into another dimension beyond our living world. Kerrie shares fascinating experiences as she transcends our world to connect clients with their departed loved ones, desperate to relay their messages of love and hidden secrets into Kerrie’s ear. (more…)

  • Death: The Great Change

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Why must the physical body die?  Why must each soul taste death?

    In death the reason for life is more visible. Death of the physical body is necessary for the lesson to be learned.  The universe is in motion, constantly changing; connected by energy, recreating itself according to various designs. This is our destiny as well.

    To the poet: life is like an afternoon at the shore.  The sunlight, ocean spray, sand, and multitude of sea creatures are to be enjoyed.  We come for a few hours, experience the many sensations with family and friends, then return renewed to our other duties and life. (more…)

  • The Wisdom of Silver Birch

    Silver Birch is arguably the most famous guide and prolific teacher in the history of Spiritualism. Though presenting himself as a North American Indian the wisdom of this timeless master transcends both history and culture.

    The philosophy of Silver Birch was channeled over an incredible 61 years by trance medium and founder of Psychic News, Maurice Barbanell.

    Silver Birch not only provides us with a comprehensive description of the Spirit realm and its relation to the material plane we temporarily call home, his words also provide a blueprint for living a purposeful and ultimately satisfying life. (more…)

  • Akashic Records

    Accessing the Akashic Records and Understanding Their Influence upon the Present

    The Akashic Records are a Spiritual concept describing the collective store of the totality of information. Akashic Records exist for all levels of reality – individual souls, nations, races, planets…, and the manifest universe as a whole.

    An individual soul usually has many incarnations in order to perfect its purpose. The minutiae of experience of each incarnation is held in the individual’s Akashic Record, along with that individual’s life purpose blueprint.

    Our Akashic Records hold hidden details that may exert an unseen influence upon its current incarnation. An obvious example is where someone drowned in a previous existence and exhibits an irrational fear of water in this life. Certain souls, forming a soul family, often incarnate together in widely varying relationships; eg a child in this life may previously have been a parent. More dramatically former mortal enemies often find themselves thrown together with unaccountably strong feelings of negativity towards each other. The Akashic Records can provide insight to resolving such conflicts. (more…)

  • Life After Death – What’s Your Verdict?

    If you are anything like me, I know you are fascinated by the idea of life after death, but there are so many conflicting accounts! How then are we to assess the truth for ourselves? Well today I am really excited to share an opportunity with you to deliberate the matter for yourself in a very special online trial, and best of all, participation is totally free!

    We’ve all heard stories about near death experiences and afterlife encounters, but is there enough evidence to hold true in the criteria used by our court system – beyond a reasonable doubt – that personal consciousness survives death? This is exactly what my friend and colleague New York Times bestselling author and former criminalist, Eldon Taylor investigates in his provocative new series where you, the listening audience, become the jury. But be advised, in your search for the truth, you may well find some of your favorite theories disproved!

    More details here: (more…)