Category: astrology

  • 3 Steps on How to Impress Your Boss Using Astrology

    by Margarita Celeste

    Astrology is no longer relegated to the “fortune teller” status that it had back in the day. In the last two years, the world has steadily moved towards embracing this magical art. It has mainly come through Millennials and Generation X leading the way; generations searching for a little more meaning in the world.

    Although Astrology is mainly known through horoscope reading in the daily newspaper, or most recently through online sources, it is gathering speed. More and more people are learning to read their “birth charts”. From business to love and relationships, to planting the right seeds at the right time, astrology has become an indispensable tool for the modern generation.

    We can totally use astrology to get ahead in the workplace, simply by understanding a little of how it works and the applying that to our careers; specifically, to impress our boss. It’ll take a few hours of practice, but by the end of it, you’ll be the envy of the office with your seemingly magical way of knowing exactly what makes your boss tick.

    Read on to find out 3 ways to impress your boss using Astrology:


  • Different Types of Psychic Readings

    by Sarah Roberts

    So you have arrived at a moment in your life when you feel like you could use some guidance, and you are thinking about seeing a psychic. But there are so many different psychics out there offering so many different types of readings, it is difficult to know which direction to choose.

    Not all psychics are the same and the type of reading that a psychic offers will depend on their own psychic affinities and strengths. Depending on what type of information you feel would be useful to you in this moment, different types of readings will be more or less suitable. But remember that when choosing a psychic, you should also trust your own innate psychic abilities and go with your intuition. Choose a psychic that you connect with, and don’t be afraid to walk away if it doesn’t feel right.

    Below is a list of some of the most popular types of psychic readings. (more…)

  • Chinese Year of the Dragon – 2012


    In Chinese tradition, every year is dedicated to a particular animal. The 12 animals that are a part of this tradition are the Dragon, the Horse, the Monkey, the Rat, the Boar, the Rabbit, the Dog, the Rooster, the Ox, the Tiger, the Snake and the Ram. Each of these animals is believed to bestow its characteristics to individuals who are born in its year.

    According to the Chinese astrology 2012 is the Year of the Dragon. And true to the animal’s nature, the Year of the Dragon is expected to be marked with excitement, exhilaration, intensity and unpredictability. The drama and spirit of the dragon is expected to inject vitality, energy and unbridled enthusiasm which could easily lead individuals to throwing caution to the wind. It is especially important to take care this year, and avoid unnecessary risks that could lead to tragedy. (more…)

  • Christ, The ‘Fish’, The Vesica Pisces, and Astrology

    By Andrew Cort

    (An Excerpt from THE PURPOSE OF RELIGION: Enlightenment, Meaning and Love in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Symbology)

    When he had finished speaking he said to Simon,
    “Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch.”
    Simon answered, “Master, we have worked all night long
    but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so,
    I will let down the nets.”
    When they had done this they had caught so many fish
    that their nets were beginning to break. (Luke.5.4-6)

    They signaled the other boat to come and help them, and soon both boats were filled with so many fish that they began to sink. Simon (he that obeys), who was also called Peter (a rock or stone), “fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, ‘Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.’ For he and all who were with him were amazed at the catch of fish that they had taken; and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee [abundance], who were partners with Simon.” They were afraid the boats would sink under the weight of all the fish, but Jesus said: “Do not be afraid; from now on, you will be catching people.” (more…)

  • Free Astrological Birth Chart

    The presence of an astrology column in most newspapers and magazines suggests just how many people regularly check their “stars”. And yet these ubiquitous forecasts, each applying to a twelfth of the population, offer at best a gross generalization of what we might be currently experiencing.

    A true astrological birth chart is unique to the individual, and represents a map of the heavens at the moment of birth. Its interpretation depends not just on the positions of the heavenly bodies as viewed from earth, but also on the angles (aspects) between them. A thorough interpretation reveals numerous indications, some of which are contradictory while others are reinforced. It is those indications supported by multiple chart features that suggest life’s major trends. It is said that the most accurate interpretations rely not just on the planetary data, but also on the psychic attunement of the astrologer with the subject.

    Create your free astrological chart (more…)

  • The New Zodiac

    by Cinnamon Crow

    When the media announced a new Zodiac system there was a huge uproar and much debate. The new system changed all the traditional Zodiac dates and even added another sign making thirteen signs in all. Many refuse to acknowledge the new system feeling that they fit perfectly within the traditional signs. Others seem to embrace the new sign arrangement. This split has caused much controversy and confusion. What was wrong with the old Zodiac? Why has it suddenly changed? The answer is that it hasn’t changed. Ophiuchus, the thirteenth sign is not newly discovered and the rearrangement of the Zodiac has been in place for almost two thousand years in the Eastern part of the world. This information is only new to the West. (more…)

  • Hindu Astrology and Karma

    Author: alka kaushik

    Though the Law of Karma is simply stated – ‘as you sow, so shall you reap’ – it is no simplistic, tit-for-tat theory, nor is it an arbitrary human creation. The Law of Karma is another name for Newton’s Third Law of Motion: ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.’ As such, it is inherent in the universe’s structure: ‘The doctrine of karman and phala, act and fruit, is less a product of man’s sense of justice, that one shall be punished for what one has done, than a necessary consequence of the doctrine of the inherent efficacy of the acts’. (more…)

  • Astrology and Your Karma

    Author: Diwakar Vashist

    Though the Law of Karma is simply stated – ‘as you sow, so shall you reap’ – it is no simplistic, tit-for-tat theory, nor is it an arbitrary human creation. The Law of Karma is another name for Newton’s Third Law of Motion: ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.’ As such, it is inherent in the universe’s structure: ‘The doctrine of karman and phala, act and fruit, is less a product of man’s sense of justice, that one shall be punished for what one has done, than a necessary consequence of the doctrine of the inherent efficacy of the acts’. (more…)