Is science starting to take the concept of reincarnation seriously? Today’s Daily Mail ran a story The Last Time I Died was in Jerusalem in 1276 by Danny Penman which suggests this may be the case. The article describes how Penman underwent hypnotic regression and found himself transported back to a previous Christian Crusade against Islam. Besieged within a church he “experienced” being burned alive as the church was set on fire.
Whist under hypnosis he says he felt “aware of my current life but the world of Jerusalem in 1276 was equally real. Initially skeptical, Penman said “it sounded utterly preposterous”, but he was left with unable to believe the ‘memories’ described were pure fabrication.
The article describes the work of the late Dr Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia who documented many cases of reincarnation, some truly remarkable in the level of detail remembered be ‘reincarnated’ subjects. Dr Stevenson found many cases where children described details of their former lives and these details were later verified as relating to deceased people. Some of the children exhibited birthmarks corresponding to the locations of wounds or defects on the body of the person they claim to have been.
By Dr Stevenson:
Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Question of Reincarnation
Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation
Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect
European Cases of the Reincarnation TypeÂ
King’s College London neuropsychiatrist Dr Peter Fenwick is quoted as saying ‘The phenomenon seems real but its origins are open to interpretation.’ Dr Fenwick is co-author of Past Lives an insightful exploration of reincarnation with over a hundred first-hand accounts that questions the very framework of Western science.
From a Spiritual perspective reincarnation is entirely feasible. The human soul is essentially a small, distinct, part of Spirit (or God) that decides to be born into the physical realm to contribute to the insatiable desire for experience and growth of the whole. The soul is immortal and one soul can live many lives. Each life is either a continuation of the last or undertaken for an entirely different purpose. Difficult lives are chosen as fast-track learning opportunities, not dished out as punishment!
In Spirit we’re said to be part of a soul group or soul family and usually incarnate with other members, each agreeing to play some role in the others’ adventures. This might explain how some people we’ve never met before can seem strangely familiar.
Within the physical realm knowledge of our Spiritual essence, and any past lives, is hidden so deeply that we are usually unaware of their existence. This is so we focus attention upon our earth life, as we must in order to fulfill its purpose, although odd happenings such as coincidences do offer a glimpse of the bigger picture. By breaking down our conscious inhibitions hypnosis is able to uncover some of the soul’s deeper knowledge. Clues to a previous life may also come from recurrent dream themes and seemingly unfounded passions, interests and phobias.
Acceptance of reincarnation varies widely across cultures and religions, with the East being far more open to the possibility than the West. Cases of spontaneous recollection seem to occur more within cultures where reincarnation is considered normal.
Skeptics claim the ‘memories’ dredged up by regression are merely concoctions from half-forgotten period movies and high school history classes etc. It may be that such consciously acquired knowledge provides the substance of many regression experiences and the embellishment for others, however the incredible detail and accuracy of the best cases recorded by Stevenson and others cannot be so easily explained.
That said, does uncovering one’s former lives have any use, or is it of curiosity value only? It certainly isn’t essential to our current existence, else the memories wouldn’t be so deeply concealed. However, uncovering these memories might understand ourselves a bit better by explaining certain innate characteristics, we might then simply accept them instead of puzzling over their origin.
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