Readings Received at 2 local Spiritualist Churches: January 2013 – April 2015
I attended regularly (more or less weekly, with some gaps) one of two local Spiritualist churches for some years to mid-2015 (when I stopped attending for various reasons). This article summarises and attempts to assess for accuracy and meaning this briefest snapshot of Spiritualist practice.
In order to obtain an “objective†score, each testable statement made by the medium was given an estimated probability (and hence odds) of being correct given information available to medium (eg my appearance, previous answers in reading, potential memory of previous readings etc). Statements were treated as unit stake “bets†at assessed odds. NB: i) where statement was true but in very broad sense (eg name was someone I knew casually many years ago) bet was calculated at less than unit stake; ii) estimated odds may unconsciously reflect my desire for Spiritualism to be real. Score is total return/loss of all bets for a reading. (more…)