Category: science and spirituality
Mahdi And Messiah Alone Will Not Cool A Hot Shot Planet
Rabbi Allen S. MallerThe week of Passover was celebrated during the month of Ramadan again this year, so Jews and Muslims should concentrate on the challenges facing our world.March 2023 was Earth’s second-warmest March in 174 years.Both Judaism and Islam teach their followers to take care of the earth. Muslims and Jews also believe that humans should act as guardians and trustees (stewardship and khalifah) four our planet, and that they will be held accountable by God for their actions. So what will a half degree Celsius of warming do to our planet? -
God’s 5000+ Signs Of Exoplanet Life
Rabbi Allen S. MallerIn the 20 years before NASA launched the Kepler Space Telescope in 2009, about 325 exoplanets were discovered. Kepler was a full-time planet hunter that revolutionized astronomers’ understanding of exoplanets. It was particularly interested in finding Earth-sized planets orbiting sun-like stars at a distance where water on the surface could be stable in liquid form — the so-called habitable zone.In the 14 years since 2009 almost 5000 confirmed exoplanets have beeb found and we now know that there could be more planets than stars in the Milky Way. Many of them are in multiple-planet systems like our solar system, and a large share of the exoplanets appear to be super-Earths — a class that’s bigger than our planet but smaller than Neptune. -
The new thoughtful generation
By William T. Hathaway
Philosophy hasn’t been a popular topic in recent years, but that seems to be changing. Many young people now are interested in exploring the fundamental questions of life. The majority were born between 1995 and 2008, the years when the planet Pluto was transiting the sign Sagittarius. Pluto is the astrological generation marker and represents transformation. Its passage through the zodiac indicates humanity’s gradual, progressive transformation to higher stages. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, representing expansion, benevolence, spirituality, philosophy. Many people born with this combination, now between 15 and 28, are interested in these issues.
This is demonstrated in their environmental and gender activism and in the popularity of a series of video discussions between neuroscientist and philosopher Dr. Tony Nader and other experts in these areas. Nader is the author of One Unbounded Ocean of Consciousness, which integrates Advaita Vedanta (the ancient philosophy of unity, nonduality) with contemporary quantum physics. (more…)
Subtle Matter: Where the physical and spiritual unite
By William T. Hathaway
Dr. Klaus Volkamer’s new book, “Weighing Soul Substanceâ€, builds bridges across the gulf that has separated science from spirituality, materialism from mysticism. It confirms the reality of auras, clairvoyance, remote viewing, psychokinesis, telepathy, and precognition, and presents empirical evidence that these phenomena have a material aspect. By using newly developed measuring technologies Volkamer detected changes in the mass of objects and people resulting only from mental activity. He proved that our thoughts produce physical changes in us and the world around us. “[H]uman thought and directed attention leave a detectable impression in our surroundings.†(more…)
Introducing ‘Decoding Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics’ by Barnardo Kastrup
My new book, Decoding Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics (DSM), is now available for pre-ordering from amazon UK, amazon USA, and other retailers as well. In this post, I want to give you a brief overview of the book, tell you why I wrote it and why I think it is important.
After I finished The Idea of the World—over a year before the book was actually published—I started an effort to trace my ideas back to their historical predecessors and anchor them in the Western philosophical tradition. Regarding 19th-century philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, I took it light at first and read Christopher Janaway’s little book Schopenhauer: A Very Short Introduction. I describe this experience, and what happened next, in DSM: (more…)
A New Hope of Students Suffering Trauma
by Dr. Scott F. Terry & David Shapiro
New Study in Psychological Reports: Transcendental Meditation (TM) Significantly Reduces Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Depression in Students
Before practicing Transcendental Meditation (TM), it was mayhem at our school. A lot of fights were going on, basically every day. People were not friendly, they were mean. When I learned it I noticed it was different, because TM is not just closing your eyes, it is deeper than that. It makes you feel better, makes you more energized and it takes away all your stress. It really, really helps. – 7th grade student
I used to be really fidgety, I used to move a lot, couldn’t’ stay in my seat for very long. Now after meditating I can sit down for a whole class without standing up. Before practicing TM, it was hard for me to concentrate; after practicing TM, I could concentrate very well. – 7th grade student
These children live in communities and go to schools where violence threatens the children and puts them at risk for accumulating high levels of stress and even suffering post-traumatic stress disorder.
Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, a chronic and debilitating condition, arises from life-threatening and deeply traumatic events: war, sexual abuse, violence and natural disasters. Symptoms include nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, fear, hyper-vigilance, emotional numbness, anger, and violent behavior, often leading to the abuse of drugs and alcohol. PTSD is a chronic, debilitating condition that may last a lifetime if not treated effectively. (more…)
Soon Signs Of Exoplanet Life Close By TESS
Rabbi Allen S. MallerIn the 20 years before NASA launched the Kepler Space Telescope in 2009, about 325 exoplanets were discovered. Kepler was a full-time planet hunter that revolutionized astronomers’ understanding of exoplanets. It was particularly interested in finding Earth-sized planets orbiting sun-like stars at a distance where water on the surface could be stable in liquid form — the so-called habitable zone.In the 9 years to date, data from Kepler have turned up 2,343 confirmed and 2,244 candidate exoplanets; and revealed that there could be more planets than stars in the Milky Way. Many of them are in multiple-planet systems like our solar system, and a large share of the exoplanets appear to be super-Earths — a class that’s bigger than our planet but smaller than Neptune.Now TESS, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite which launches this week, will scan almost all of the sky for nearby stars in order to find planets that are smaller than Neptune, with a radius less than about four times that of Earth. A few of the worlds TESS finds may be small, rocky bodies, like Earth. And a few of those might, just possibly, be habitable places for life as we know it.When TESS does get up, it will stare at stars for weeks at a time, hoping to catch the dips in brightness that occur when orbiting worlds traverse their faces. The expectation is that it could identify some 2,000-3,000 planets in its first two years of operation.The satellite, which carries four camera-detectors, will essentially compile a catalogue that other telescopes – both on the ground and in space – can then focus in on for more detailed analysis. -
The Most Important Question Ever Asked
What’s the Deal with Free Will?
Whether or not we have free will is (arguably) the most significant question we ask about ourselves and the reality we inhabit. It is synonymous with: is (our) existence meaningful? (or just an accidental curiosity of indifferent fate?)
What is Free Will?
In a deterministic universe every event is the result of its causes, and in turn acts as causes to following events. There is no place for free will.
However, science suggests that at its most fundamental level nature is not deterministic. It is governed by quantum mechanics which, to the best of current knowledge, means that fundamental particles behave randomly. But because there are so many of them, on aggregate they average out to appear deterministic. But randomness is not free will.
Free will is the ability to act as a first cause, ie in some way that is not the result of preceding events. (more…)
Thoughts on the Nature of Reality and Human Experience
Origins and Predestination
The best current scientific evidence indicates that the entire universe began some 13.7 billion years ago when the totality of matter that was concentrated into a single point began to enlarge rapidly in a hot explosion, known as the Big Bang.
But, that being so, does it imply that all the information in the universe was also contained or formed in this ginormous explosion? That is, the entire destiny of the universe, including the miracle of life, wonders of technology, momentous historical events, right down to the placement of every object, the timing of every happening to the tiniest degree. Not just on this earth but throughout the entire universe. All coded, inevitably, in that single occurrence.
According again to best current scientific evidence, the answer is no. Quantum theory suggests the future is not completely defined or caused by the past, but rather is subject to a degree of random variability at the most fundamental level of reality. But when viewed from a human macroscopic level the enormous number of randomly influenced micro-events appear more or less deterministic.
That raises the question of whether that random variability is truly ‘random’, or is somehow itself ‘caused’ by something outside the universe, something that for want of better terminology might be called spirit or God? (more…)
Web Bot (Psychic Messages Over the Internet)
By John Alba
What is Web Bot?
The Web Bot project, also known as Predictive Linguistics, is not widely known, or accepted by the scientific community (due to the potential absurdity of the project). The idea is that every person at some point every day, posts, or says something on the internet. That information is then archived and looked over by the Web Bot software imbedded throughout the internet.
It then transcribes the information and interprets into preprogrammed alerts. These alerts and information are what is considered to be the “subconscious†of the internet. The signals and information provided is used to draw predictions of future events.
While it might seem like something out of a sci-fi novella, this is a very real technology that has been seen in action; however, look no further than below to find out the origin of the project and how it works. With luck, you’ll be able to grasp a greater understanding of what the Web Bot project really is. (more…)