By Janet Li
In the process of nail growth, we can check certain information of health variation through the supply of the blood. (more…)
By Janet Li
In the process of nail growth, we can check certain information of health variation through the supply of the blood. (more…)
by Gabriel of Urantia
Excerpted from the book Teachings on Healing From a Spiritual Perspective co-authored by Gabriel of Urantia available at
Those of us who study the fact that human beings have various bodies all functioning with the physical body should know that any one of those bodies may need healing before the physical body can be healed. Often, band-aids are put on the disease where deep soul surgery or emotional surgery needs attention. The physical body or cellular body has to deal with impure air, impure water, impure food, and bacteria and viruses. All that breaks down the immune system. But very few individuals realize that many diseases of the body are actually caused by impure thinking, in both emotional (etheric) and astral (soul) bodies. A series of negative thought patterns is called dio thade thought. This dio thade thought can disrupt any of the body’s systems over a period of time and cause any of a number of diseases.
One thing that distinguishes human beings from animals is that we have emotions. These emotions, when handled properly and in balance, can bring forth beautiful music and art and wonderful novels. But when emotions are imbalanced, they can disrupt relationships and cause actual physical pain to the cellular body. Many people fail in all endeavors of life because they have not learned to control their emotions. (more…)
By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
Q: How is it possible for each of the great faiths to work? I am still having trouble with this.
A: It is a matter of belief; if you take as true or work for something hard enough and the energy is aligned with universal potential- it happens. By making the statement, the great faiths work, we mean, prayers are granted and these faiths help people draw closer to the Absolute.
Researchers have begun to examine the relationship between prayer, belief and spontaneous healing. They are questioning people who have been ‘miraculously’ healed after going to a holy man/woman or famous shrine; the researchers are trying to identify the factors that are operating. Their hypothesis is focused on belief and what happens, phenomenally, when we strongly believe something; testing energy patterns, brain waves and questioning eyewitnesses. (more…)
by Manmohan Singh
Summary: A healthy body and mind are the prerequisites for living a fulfilling life. Learn the five best yoga poses for overall health through this blog.
“Health is Wholenessâ€
The traditional texts claim that when a person feels complete in their body, mind, and spirit, that is when an individual is voraciously healthy. The experience of wholeness is possible only when one’s body, mind, and energy function at a certain level of intensity within oneself.
The proper cultivation of energies within the system is important for keeping the physical and psychical body in perfect health. And, the science of union– Yoga is an ideal step towards balancing the energies of the body for the manifestation of a miracle, a body-mind capable of much more than just health.
The classical technique of yoga starts with the body, then breath, and finally the mind. The body has its own attitude and ego. Yoga shows the practitioners the way to discipline, purify, and to prepare the body for higher energies. (more…)
By Douglas E Busby
Five years ago I asked the renowned Brazilian Spiritist trance healer, Medium João (John of God), how my healing ministry back in the United States might identify with his healing ministry. He simply replied in Portuguese, “Tell the story,†which a translator at his side interpreted as meaning that I should promote a wider awareness of the spirit world being willing and able to help in healing.
As a theologian, I decided that people who hear this story should be acquainted with the issue of physicalism, the belief that we are purely physical beings, versus dualism, the belief that we are physical beings who have an immortal soul, or incarnated spirit. (more…)
By Explosion LuckÂ
Feng Shui paintings and Tibetan thangkas are know to bring good luck to those who use them in their homes and offices, while Feng Shui jewelry is known for bringing good luck to those who wear Feng Shui necklaces and pendants.Â
But did you know that Feng Shui paintings, Tibetan thangkas and Feng Shui jewelry can also heal you?
In this contemporary world, stresses assail us from all directions. Our jobs demand we be ever more available, ever more capable to handle any problem thrown at us, ever more dedicated to spending our every waking moment thinking about work. Family life is incredibly rewarding, but it can also sap our energies not only through physical tasks, but through emotional labor. The fast-paced nature of everyday life asks us to be plugged in to technology 24/7, to push through exhaustion and to neglect our bodies and minds. For people seeking to make a major change in their lives, from changing careers to moving cities to starting a family, the pressure to succeed and the fear of change can weigh upon our spirits. (more…)
by Jennifer Underwood
I have been working with Angels for months now. I first learned about it in 2007 from a woman that claimed she was an Earth Angel. I found it weird at the time, but did not question it. She slipped out of my life, and years later, because of her, I started to talk to Angels. Problem was, I did not beckon them correctly, and ended up with bad, evil, fake entities that pretend to be Angels. So truly for years, I suffered thinking the Angels did not want to help me. Recently, I read that Archangel Raphael can help you with your health if you call him and imagine he is standing over your head with his amazing green light healing you from top to bottom. (more…)
by Doug Simpson
When we read the accounts in the Gospels of the trial of Jesus and His sentencing by Pilate to death on the cross, it becomes rather obvious that Pilate tried his best to rescue Jesus from His destined fate, and that it was ultimately the Jewish Sanhedrin and their vociferous group of supporters that were the primary cause of the crucifixion of Jesus. Pilate had a personal reason to protect Jesus – not too long before that fateful day, Jesus had healed Pilate’s son who was afflicted with epilepsy. Here is that story as recorded in the readings of the legendary American mystic, Edgar Cayce. (more…)
By: Lt Col R K Langar
Health is the greatest gain said Buddha more than 2500 years ago. What a beautiful statement he made which is more than valid in the present time. Health is a state of well living in all dimensions of our personality and not merely absence of disease or infirmity. The dimensions of our personality are body, mind, intellect and spiritual. To this we can also add emotional and social health. Health is a dynamic expression of life. Health is love, joy, enthusiasm and maturity. A person who looks after all the above dimensions of the personality and keeps them in a good order is an asset to the society, besides bringing happiness to him own self. It is a state when the body, mind, intellect and soul or Atma are in harmony with each other with and with the world outside. It is a state when our capacity to deal with the situations we face in life is largely enhanced. (more…)
By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
With all the miraculous advances in modern medicine, much of the time doctors only guess at the cause, falling far short of a remedy or cure.
In some ways, we have made doctors into more than they are. All in the hope and basic need for rising beyond pain, illness and death.
This tendency toward comfort is bound to our hard wiring for eliminating fear and pain, controlling change, and continual life.
Our body and worldly consciousness is tied to the here and now: wishing to go on for ever.
Yet, the soul is of a different fabric, a celestial rider taking us higher and higher; nightly flying us home- far beyond the stars and up into the Healing Light.
O Child of Light, awaken each morning, with this primal knowing in your consciousness and you will be a spiritual traveler, living forever.
Register for my upcoming retreat weekend atop Bangor Mountain, in the beautiful Pocono Mountains, Kirkridge Retreat Center on Sufism & Enlightenment, May 30- June I, 2014. For information scroll down to program listing: Then click on Detailed Information for full program highlights.
Read my 2 books: Sufism for Western Seekers: Path of the Spiritual Traveler in Everyday Life and The Ferryman’s Dream. Both books are also in Kindle format and available on or local bookstore.
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