Category: meditation

  • A Proven Path to Peace

    By William T. Hathaway

    The waves of war are rising again around the fragile ship of our civilization, threatening to sink it to the depths of barbarism and radioactive megadeath. The principle to preventing this is stated in the constitution of UNESCO: “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.” But no practical way is offered to implement this noble principle and create the needed change.

    The ancient Vedic texts of India also state this principle, and they include a practical way to implement it that worked for thousands of years. The Vedic civilization was peaceful. No wars are recorded in its chronicles, and archaeological excavations have found no signs of it. This knowledge of how to implement it, though, was eventually lost, and warfare has become so common that it is now regarded as human nature. (more…)

  • 3 Unique Meditation Practices You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

    dr James

    3 Unique Meditation Practices You've Probably Never Heard Of

    In the vast tapestry of human existence, meditation has been an ancient practice that has stood the test of time and been embraced by countless souls seeking solace and enlightenment. This sacred art of self-discovery has unfurled its gentle tendrils across the globe, transcending boundaries and cultures, nurturing both the psychological and physical well-being of those who embark upon its transformative path. 

    Amidst the variety of meditation techniques, there exist profound treasures awaiting exploration. In this blog post, we’ll explore three unique meditation practices that you can use to go deeper in your self-awareness and reflections.

    May these sacred practices become lighthouses of spiritual awakening, guiding you towards the expansive depths of your truest self. (more…)

  • Patriarchy in India is beginning to crumble

    By William T. Hathaway

    In the Vedic tradition of India the feminine side of creation is given equal importance to the masculine. The Divine Mother, Mahashakti, is revered as the primal creative energy who manifests the deities and the physical universe and then sustains all dynamic activity. When portrayed together, the deity pairs – Brahma and Sarasvati, Vishnu and Lakshmi, Shiva and Parvati – are often androgynous and almost identical to show they are fundamentally beyond gender.

    Unfortunately, centuries of colonial domination have made Indian society as male dominated as the West is. Fortunately, women in India are now developing a strong feminist movement to change this. (more…)

  • The Guru – Live in Your Living Room!

    By William T. Hathaway

    You can learn to meditate from one of the great spiritual teachers of India, then meditate with him live online and ask him questions – all for free. The first step is to learn his easy technique of Vedic meditation, Jangama Dhyana: Then join him Saturdays for a meditation and question-and-answer session: He transmits a powerful force-field that you access by tuning in with devotion to his voice and picture. Connecting to him will supercharge your spiritual growth and improve your daily life. (more…)

  • Meditation: a lifeline to sanity in a world gone crazy

    By William T. Hathaway

    Humanity is in crisis. Our social structures are crumbling. Institutions that had seemed secure are now breaking apart. Politicians are figures of contempt. Once-respected news sources are distrusted. Schools have devolved into internment camps. A dozen war flags rally us into battle. Our punch-drunk planet is staggering on the ropes. People are dropping dead from the virus and from the vaccine that’s supposed to prevent it. Political polarization is destroying friendships. The economy is lurching around, torn by contradictory pressures. Explanations for the chaos abound, but attempts at solutions are stalemated.

    However we react to this crisis – by revolutionary action to overthrow the established order, or by conservative action to defend it, or by a simple desire to survive in peace – to be effective we need to maintain inner calm and stability. Otherwise we’ll be swept up in the chaos and become its victim.

    Transcendental Meditation is a good way to achieve this inner calm and stability. It’s the most scientifically researched method, and millions of people practice it worldwide. It uses a special technique of effortless, non-concentrative thinking that makes it fundamentally different from other forms of meditation. (more…)

  • Escaping the Military: Healing the Virus of Violence

    From the book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War

    By William T. Hathaway

    RADICAL PEACE presents the experiences of war resisters, deserters, and peace activists who are working to change our warrior culture. A young Buddhist novice contributed this account, which we then revised together. To protect the people who have protected him, he prefers to be nameless.

    Back in high school I’d been good at languages but couldn’t afford to go to college, so I joined the navy for the language training. They have a program where if you pass an aptitude test, they’ll send you to the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California, for an intensive course that’s worth almost a year of college credit. Plus they have an active-duty education program that offers college courses. I figured after my discharge I could finish my education on the GI Bill, and with my language skills, I could get a job in international business.

    The other military branches offer programs like this too, but the navy seemed the best way to stay out of the fighting. I was hoping for a major language like Chinese, Russian, or Spanish, but they assigned me to Pashto, which is spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan. After training, I’d be stationed on a ship in the Arabian Sea monitoring phone calls and radio broadcasts, listening for key words that might give a clue about where the Taliban were, so the planes from the aircraft carriers could bomb them. I didn’t think about this last part, though. I was focused on my future. (more…)

  • Time for Re-training: Time for Healing

    by Dr. Scott F. Terry and David Shapiro

    Life in the United States and around the world these days has many stressors: the Coronavirus pandemic, police brutality, the resulting protests, stress of unemployment and the immense financial burdens accompanying limited income, relationship challenges in lock-down, or challenge of lack of relationships, being more on one’s own, with increased risks of mental health collapse and drug abuse that may accompany home confinement.  In the political arena, reflected in the media, a yawning division is seen between parties vying for control of the nation.

    With the horrible death of George Floyd on May 25 from the brutal action by four policemen in Minneapolis, groups have protested across the United States, even while CoVid-19 ravages the land.  We all see the problem, but do we see the solution? (more…)

  • “Consciousness and the Quantum: The Next Paradigm”

    Reviewed by William T. Hathaway

    At last a book that not only makes quantum physics understandable for general readers but shows how it has practical value for us. Author Dr. Robert M. Oates Jr. presents this abstract, theoretical topic in a step-by-step manner that makes it comprehensible. He explains the discoveries that are revolutionizing the way we see the world, and he captures the drama and conflicts involved in overthrowing the old scientific worldview and building the new. In conclusion he presents the benefits this knowledge can have for our individual lives. (more…)

  • Enlivening Your Inner Serpent Power

    By William T. Hathaway

    Slumbering deep within you lies a serpent named Bhujagendra coiled 3 1/2 times around the sacral bone at the base of your spine in Muladhara chakra, your inner powerhouse. Awakening this serpent activates your kundalini, giving you powers of higher consciousness, filling your heart, mind, and body with a divine energy that enhances your thoughts, actions, and relationships. Your kundalini can be awakened through a combination of yoga, chanting, and meditation. (more…)

  • Lost Civilization Re-emerges

    By William T. Hathaway

    In the early 1950s, as the newly developed hydrogen bomb cast its mushroom-shaped shadow of megadeath over the world, an aged Indian monk gave his young assistant a mission: create world peace and enlightenment by restoring the ancient global Vedic civilization. The young man was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and he accepted the responsibility wholeheartedly, fully aware of what an enormous job it was.

    Contemporary civilization is in many ways the opposite of Vedic civilization, filled with multifarious forms of damage and suffering that seem to be avalanching us towards annihilation. Vedic civilization, in contrast, had achieved what seems impossible to us now: collective harmony and individual fulfillment. (more…)