Category: survival

  • What is Mediumship?

    In these uncertain times folk often seek guidance from mediums, psychics, and clairvoyants; but what exactly is the difference, what can one expect from a medium, and is mediumship a talent that can be developed for ourselves?

    Stated simply a psychic is a person who is able to raise his/her intuitive energy (“vibrations”) sufficiently to draw closer to the Spiritual reality of which we are all a part. More specifically, a medium is a psychic with the particular ability to communicate with the conscious energy of those entities who once lived on earth but whose mortal bodies have now died. (more…)

  • Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Soul of John The Baptist

    The soul of John the Baptist was apparently not reincarnated at the time of the readings of the legendary American mystic, Edgar Cayce. I will explain the ‘apparently’ reference as we proceed with our story, but first we shall look at the information in the Scriptures and the Edgar Cayce readings linking the soul of John the Baptist to the renowned prophet Elijah/Elias. Elijah’s story is recounted in I Kings, Chapters 17 to 21, and II Kings, Chapters 1 and 2. I am not going to retell his story here, except for his demise. Somewhat similar to Enoch in Genesis 5:24, and Jesus the Christ at the Ascension after the Resurrection, in Mark 16:19, Luke 24:50-51, and Acts 1:9-11, Elijah did not die but was taken up in a whirlwind into Heaven, as revealed in II Kings 2:1-11. (more…)

  • The Reincarnation of Elizabeth, the Mother of John The Baptist

    by Doug Simpson

    The life readings of the legendary American mystic, Edgar Cayce, present details about John the Baptist and his family not found in any discovered ancient documents. The soul of Miss 2156, the reincarnation of Elizabeth, was definitely one of those highly developed souls that I have now mentioned a number of times in other articles, so the story of Elizabeth contains a story within a story. This story-within-a-story begins with letters, carefully preserved in the archives of Edgar Cayce’s Association For Research And Enlightenment, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. (more…)

  • Is Heaven a Fairy Story?

    In an interview with the Guardian eminent physicist Professor Stephen Hawking, author of The Grand Design and the classic A Brief History of Time provocatively dismissed the possibility of an afterlife as a “fairy story” for people afraid of death. Although brilliant in his field, Hawking is reaching beyond the remit of his expertise with this remark.

    In considering an afterlife, we must consider consciousness (for presumably it is that which survives physical death), and that is an area science knows precious little about. The idealized concepts  of heaven and hell are man-made constructs for man-made ends, but the possibility of an enduring consciousness is highly realistic. Although modern physics does place such importance upon the role (consciousness) of the observer that it is deemed impossible to make an observation without influencing that which is being observed. Thus even physics says consciousness matters. (more…)

  • Is Mediumship Dead?

    by Blake Bentley

    Just the word medium conjures up images of darkened séance rooms, discarnate voices, and materialized entities. While these are valid forms of mediumship, Hollywood has done nothing to help mediumship palatable for the masses.

    Spiritualism got its official start in 1848, although mediumship itself has always existed. It spread all across the United States and at one time had a very large following. It was a fad. Home séances were being held as often as dinner parties today. The movement even worked its way into the White House at one point, in which a teenage medium, named Nettie Maynard, gave Lincoln a message about abolishing slavery. She told him, “Sir, you have been called to the position that you now occupy for a very great purpose. The world is in universal bondage; it must be physically set free, that it may mentally rise to its affairs of this nation as well as a Congress at Washington. This Republic is leading the van of Republics throughout the world.”  Had it not been for this very message, Lincoln may not have been moved to abolish slavery. (more…)

  • The Reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson

    by Doug Simpson

    The birth of a first child is always a monumental occasion for every family. Mr. 391 and Mrs. 934 of Virginia Beach, Virginia, were no exception. They named their newborn son Thomas Jefferson …. , after Mr.391’s late father, Thomas Jefferson …. . Mr.391 was a relative of Gladys Davis, the long-time secretary and stenographer for Virginia Beach’s renowned mystic, Edgar Cayce, and it should come as no great surprise that the new parents requested a reincarnation or past-life reading for their two-day-old pride-and-joy, who would soon become affectionately known as T.J.  Here are the surprise revelations from that day’s reading. (more…)

  • The Reincarnation of Martha Washington

    by Doug Simpson

    When Edgar Cayce, the legendary American mystic, prepared to enter his self-induced trance state for a reading, those present were usually aware of some of the questions or instructions which would be asked or given, but normally an excited anticipation enveloped the room as no one could predict what new revelations might be uncovered over the next hour or so.  On March 7, 1941, as the afternoon life reading commenced for a three, almost four year old, young miss who was present but much too young to comprehend the process unfolding before her eyes, many a jaw suddenly dropped in unison as Edgar Cayce identified this innocent youngster as the reincarnation of Martha Washington. Here are some excerpts from that afternoon’s reading, 2459-1. (more…)

  • Regarding Death

    by Lynne Brassington

    More To Me

    You know how sometimes, a random past moment glides in?  In the midst of cleaning out my wardrobe, memory of my mother’s eyes crinkled with laughter suddenly came into focus.  She had been telling me a story.  Long ago as a kid, she’d been out walking.  Ahead of her, cool and fuzzy blue-grey shifted into brilliant and sharp white.  Made her blink.  Tracing the dazzle to its source – a rooftop – she was convinced it had to be made of gold.  Short-socked feet running, she got close and stared.  Then frowned.  The amazing glow was no longer there.  And immediately she realised and felt sheepish.  There’d been no gold; it was just tin flirting in the sun!  Naive maybe, but she was only very young when this happened.  As I remember our sitting together that time, deepest human sorrow tries to invade again, because my mother died not so long ago.  But then her girlhood meeting with illusion helps return a quiet smile.  For it also reminds me that ‘looking again’ may go on to reveal the greatest illusion of all – within death itself. (more…)

  • Who Were You In Your Past Lifetimes?

    By Doug Simpson

    The legendary American mystic from Virginia Beach, Virginia, Edgar Cayce, gave approximately 2500 life or reincarnation readings for some 2000 different individuals. Needless to say, most of them were delighted to receive information on their previous incarnations, and a few were startled to discover their past connections to historical individuals and events.

    Mrs. 5373 was one of the last people to be granted a life reading from the very-ill Edgar Cayce, who would shortly after suffer a stroke which would ultimately result in his death six months later. Her friend, Mrs. 808, had received twenty medical and past-life readings from Edgar, so Mrs. 5373 had some idea of what she might discover from her past, but the results certainly propelled her into the startled minority. Mrs. 5373 was not present in Virginia Beach when her reading took place; she was at her home in Washington, D.C., and therefore we can only imagine her reactions when she opened the envelope and commenced to read its contents. As an experiment, pretend that you are Mrs. 5373 and you just received your first, and only from Edgar Cayce, reincarnation reading. Imagine how you would have reacted to the excerpts from the reading below. I am reproducing only the highlights, not the entire, rather long reading. (more…)

  • Mother’s Day Message from the Least Expected!

    Forever Family Foundation Releases Special Recordings


    Oceanside, NY, May 1, 2010 – Forever Family Foundation has created the attached Public Service Announcement to offer support and hope to bereaved families who suffer during holiday time. (more…)