or Why do Seagulls Exist?
The BBC reports English physicist Professor Stephen Hawking’s latest book The Grand Design concluding there is no place for God in theories on the creation of the Universe, with Big Bang merely an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics. Hawking says there is no need to invoke God to set the Universe going, “Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something.”
I have enormous respect for Prof. Hawking who, despite suffering Motor neurone (Lou Gehrig’s) disease, has become a leading cosmologist and made theoretical physics accessible to the masses through classic bestsellers such as a Brief History of Time. However, I am inclined to suggest that the existence or otherwise of God is a matter that science is ill-equipped to answer. There is a limit or hidden layer beyond which the tools of science cannot penetrate; eg even if existence is an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics one might ask how those laws came about in the first place? (more…)