The planned visit by Pope Benedict XVI has polarized opinion in Britain with much criticism of the use of taxpayer’s money to fund the Holy Father’s state visit and today’s publication of a letter by more than 50 public figures criticizing the status of the visit.
Although critics have the right to their opinion the level of concern underlines the increasingly secular nature of society characterized by obsession with minor “celebrities”, short-lived hedonism often fuelled by alcohol or drugs, and an unquenchable materialistic greed. Such pleasures may bring temporary satisfaction but the duration of that satisfaction grows ever shorter and the resulting emptiness leaves us ever-more unfulfilled and in need of ever-greater highs to fill the inner void.
Despite supposedly ever-improving “standards of living” within our atheistic society crime, anti-social behavior, poverty, inequality and fear all rife. Collectively we engage in senseless wars and the destruction of our planet. So much for secularism.
There are those, including the author, who disagree with the Pope’s moral stance on certain issues. But as leader of the largest branch of Christianity and a man who has spent a long lifetime contemplating the teachings of that great Spiritual master Jesus the Christ we must respect Pope Benedict’s right to uphold the teachings of the Bible and to express those views.
Morality is something that shifts across time and between cultures. Who can stand outside the Church and the secularists to pronounce absolute judgment on which is right or wrong? Indeed who can say how morality will shift in the (hopefully) coming eons of human existence?
May the Pope enjoy a successful visit to Britain, and may just a few be inspired to explore whether there may be some greater Spiritual reality beyond the ultimately unfulfilling material realm.
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