Author: abracad

  • Resiliency Lessons From The Chilean Mine Triumph

    by Eileen McDargh

    A worldwide web of viewers watched 33 miners being pulled to the surface following a 600,000 ton cave-in that happened nearly one-half mile below the ground on a barren plain in southern Chile. Besides showcasing the tenacity of rescuers and the miracle of technology, the miners themselves offer dramatic lessons in resiliency that anyone can learn. (more…)

  • Poker Tournaments and Purpose

    Poker, like life, is a game of both skill and luck. If you enter a tournament many things are beyond your control: the opponents you’ll be grouped with, the hands you’ll be dealt, and the tactics you’ll face.

    In life, many things are beyond your control: the circumstances into which you are born, your own unique characteristics, and the various circumstances you’ll face throughout the journey. (more…)

  • A Simple Strategy for Dealing with Problems

    However much you may try to avoid them, problems are a part of life, so here’s a simple strategy for dealing with them.

    When faced with a problem, ask yourself: “Is there anything I can do about this?” (more…)

  • Entoptic phenomena as universal trance phenomena

    by Floco Tausin

    In the mid-1990s I met a man named Nestor living in the solitude of the hilly Emmental region of Switzerland. Nestor has a unique and provocative claim: that he focuses for years on a constellation of huge shining spheres and strings which have been formed in his field of vision. He interprets this phenomenon as a subtle structure formed by our consciousness which in turn creates our material world. Nestor, who calls himself a seer, ascribes this subjective visual perception to his long lasting efforts to develop his consciousness. He explains his vision as an extended perception of a phenomenon for which, in ophthalmology, the collective term “floaters” is applied. (more…)

  • Dealing with anxiety through spiritual practice

    by Ryan Rivera

    What is spirituality, if not the process of learning how to see life in perspective? What is a spiritual seeker, if not a person who aims for detachment from his lower self? Most people don’t realize this, but following a consistent spiritual practice can be a highly effective way to deal with anxiousness; in the same way, certain methods of anxiety management can be described as being almost spiritual in nature. (more…)

  • Chile Mine Rescue – an Inspiration to All

    In complete contrast to the usual doom and gloom pumped out by the news channels the world has today stood captivated by the incredible unfolding story of the rescue of 33 miners trapped deep underground in Chile. This rescue is truly a miracle, perhaps inspired by God, but certainly executed by the Spirit, Will and sheer ingenuity of man.

    Bombarded by accounts of war, natural disaster and all manner of other forms of suffering it is a welcome reminder to see just what the human race is capable of when it chooses to focus and apply itself for good. For today the whole world stands united in its desire to see these men brought safely back to freedom.

    As we continue to hope and pray the rescue will be successfully completed, the event holds inspiration for us all, the inspiration that there is no limit to what we may achieve, and that any limitations we perceive are self-imposed. Let us draw strength from the miners, who although trapped deep within the bowels of the earth, never gave up hope of a brighter tomorrow. And let us draw inspiration from the efforts of every single contributor to the rescue mission, whose vision, belief, and hard work made this miracle possible.

  • Empowerment through Surrender, Awakening and Divine Love

    by Dawn MacIntyre

    Making most of our time here on earth is not difficult but does require us to develop certain states of mind as well as the higher qualities of our soul.  This includes empowering ourselves to succeed and enjoy life, learning to trust and surrender to a higher power, our Divine Selves, and stop trying to do everything by ourself from the place of our personality and finally, becoming fully awakened by developing higher states of being.

    How can I transform my victim mentality to one of authentic empowerment and truly succeed in all areas of my life? (more…)

  • Pope’s Visit Polarizes Britain

    The planned visit by Pope Benedict XVI has polarized opinion in Britain with much criticism of the use of taxpayer’s money to fund the Holy Father’s state visit and today’s publication of a letter by more than 50 public figures criticizing the status of the visit.

    Although critics have the right to their opinion the level of concern underlines the increasingly secular nature of society characterized by obsession with minor “celebrities”, short-lived hedonism often fuelled by alcohol or drugs, and an unquenchable materialistic greed. Such pleasures may bring temporary satisfaction but the duration of that satisfaction grows ever shorter and the resulting emptiness leaves us ever-more unfulfilled and in need of ever-greater highs to fill the inner void. (more…)

  • Deepak Chopra’s controversial new novel

    Discover the truth beyond the stereotype

    Deepak Chopra, MuhammadFollowing the incredible International success of “Jesus” and “Buddha” Deepak Chopra now goes boldly beyond the headlines, the controversy, the fears and confusion, to bring us the third in his series of “teaching novels” about the world’s greatest spiritual leaders.

    Never has there been a better time to shed light on the world’s second-largest, yet most misunderstood religion – a faith rooted in peace, yet so commonly associated with terrorism in the western world…

    Never has there been a more suitable story teller than Deepak Chopra, with his Eastern background and spiritual wisdom combined with his experience of life and learning in the Western world, to tackle such a hot-button topic…

    …and provide the perfect antidote to this widespread and disillusioned prejudice. (more…)

  • Gog and Magog 2012?

    by Alan Navarre

    David Wilcox’s documentary video The 2012 Enigma summarizes the “2012 movement” comprehensively. Wilcox demonstrates how several diverse sources predict that life on Earth will undergo a cataclysmic change of unprecedented magnitude at the winter solstice of the year 2012 (on 21 December). In The 2012 Enigma, Wilcox’s survey encompasses the Mayan calendar, Montauk Project and Project Looking Glass experimental subjects, crop circles, and more. What Wilcox does not include is the culminating fulfillment of the Gog and Magog prophecy of Revelation 20 and Ezekiel 38-39. It is hoped that this chapter’s exploration of Gog and Magog will supplement Wilcox’s excellent achievement. (more…)