Spirit of Service

By Lt Col RK Langar

Service to mankind means expressing concern for others, caring for others and providing help to the needy. Service or Seva is one of the ideals of Indian culture and heritage. Showing concern for others is essential for human development as it expands our vision which promotes social health. As per Indian thoughts to serve society is a means to reach God. Spirit of service refines our inner energies which can be directed towards a noble cause. Service attitude moves us away from selfishness and at the same time we acquire virtues like purity of mind, love and sincerity. That is why it is said that when you get an opportunity to serve others it should be regarded as Divine grace.  It is  our humble duty  to make a difference to some once life through our service. When we serve others without any personal motive we demolish our personal ego leading to peacefulness of mind and a sense of togetherness.

Service to humanity is given a very high priority in all religion of the world. Religions of the world teach us to serve others without any personal motive. Hinduism is founded on humanism which is extending benevolence towards human kind. Service and love is the central theme of Christianity. Islam says that to believe in God is to serve His creation. Buddhism asks us to do good to others. Jainism highlights that sufferings of others should be removed through rightful means. Sikhism calls for service to humanity by sharing our earnings with the needy and down trodden. All religions of the world convey that mutuality and interdependence are means of progress of the society since man is not an island and is inter connected with others.

Serving others has many levels depending upon the capability of the server. At the physical level we can provide help like giving food and money to the needy, visiting sick in hospitals and meeting their requirements. At the mental level we can serve others through our useful writings and books which can influence many with whom we have no physical contact. We can comfort others by our words and talks which is verbal service. Listening to the problems of others is also a service because who talks in distress is comforted by a patient hearing. We can serve others even by praying for the well being of those who are afflicted. To teach healthy ideas to others is also a service which can be given to any one at any time. All forms of service are good and should be undertaken as per the ability and inclination of the server. Swami Vivekananda had said that the best service is that when the server raises the level of mind set of the receiver. He says that if you give good to someone he would again feel hungry after sometime. Again if you give clothes they will wear out with the passage of time and shall require fresh replacement. But if you can remove ignorance of the receiver by giving him knowledge it would remain be his life time companion. Swami Vivekananda emphasizes that knowledge empowers man to conduct himself successfully in difficult and different conditions.

Mother Teresa says that there cannot be any true service without love nor there can be real love without service.  She further says that hands that serve are holier then the lips that pray. I would further add to it to say that if you donot get a chance to serve with your hands praying from the lips should not stop. In fact praying from lips should be done even when we can serve with hand’s. Whether you serve with hands or pray from lips it is necessary that we serve others with a feeling of love and equality and with the feeling that being you are serving is none other than you. Love in service will only develop when we acquire a feeling of oneness with others. One should never serve with a sense of pity for those who are suffering Bhagavad Gita says that to give is man’s duty and while you perform your duty there can never arise a sense of pity for others. Ramakrishna Paramahansa expressed similar views on serving others when he said that it is one’s duty to serve. He said that one should not serve even with a feeling of compassion because that could bring in a sense of superiority in the server which would defy the basic concept of service based on equality. He called working for others as the best work which one can do for oneself. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has similar views when he asks mankind to engage themselves in community service to what an extent one can.

Health of a nation depends upon the quality of performance of the individuals who can contribute towards the well being of the society. India as a developing nation need people who can render dedicated service to remove the ills of the society. We need men and women who can serve others for the sake of service and not for any personal gains. We all the capable to serve others whatever may be our station and stage in life. It is an incorrect belief that only influential and rich people with resources can give something to the society. Every individual has some plus point in him which can be enlarged for the benefit of others. One thing we need to remember is that our service should not be confined to the members of our own community or for our near and dear ones. No distinction of people, caste or creed should be made when we serve. When we serve only those who are close to us, it does not contribute towards our own upliftment, only selfless service purifies. It is said that visiting holy places or image worship does not purify a man as much as selfless service of fellow creatures does. Services offered to fellow beings is equivalent to worship of God in man. Serving others is akin to meditation since you utilize your power of concentration of remove the sufferings of humanity. There are three different attitudes of mind while we render service to others. In the first cause we serve others considering it as our duty. In the next stage we are devoted to the welfare of others but serving them. And in the final stage we rejoice welfare of others which accrues out of our service. The Gita wants us to rejoice in welfare of all.

Aim of human life is two fold, which are one’s own self-upliftment and one’s contribution towards social efficiency. When we server others we move on the path of self-evolution and at the same time the efficiency of the society is improved by our dedicated and sincere service. When one serves selflessly one understands the true meaning of the duty concept which is primarily to give and not take. By serving others bonds of friendship between the server and the society are strengthened. The server develops a loving relationship with all members of the society. So one should be ever ready to give cheerfully. Great men become great not because the place is given to them but the place belonged to them as of right which they have acquired through sincere, dedicated and selfless service rendered by them in a spirit of humbleness for the betterment of the human kind. While serving selflessly one automatically acquires generosity and good will towards others and at the same time one shed out own weaker inclinations. These attributes contribute towards one’s character building. Universal outlook accrued as a result of service rendered on the basis of equality brings the distant near and makes friends out of strangers. Highest service  of mankind is not to do evil to any one, think evil of anyone and speak evil of any one. While rendering service to others we may have to sacrifice our self interest. But this is perfectly in order. Vedanta says that for the sake of family sacrifice self interest, for the sake of country sacrifice family interest. For the sake of world sacrifice country’s interest and for the Sake of God sacrifice everything. Serving others can be equated within act of sacrifice. Spirit of service is a spirit of sacrifice (Yajna) which is a divine attribute. Sacrifice can also be interpreted as means of self control and discipline. Every form of self control where we surrender our ego and where we transcend our lower impulses is also a sacrifice.

Our scriptures inform, us that we should possess a detached view in life. It is a very common trait of human natures that when we like a person, we like to see on him again and again. This is attachment. On the other hand detachment is freedom form attachment. If we are not detached we do not grow inwardly because attachment to some one limits our vision and thinking. One way out of attachment which is by remaining attached to all which conveys the some sense as being detachment to all.


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