Author: abracad

  • Religion and Spirituality by Lt Col RK Langar

    Spirituality is the backbone of Indian philosophy. Indian philosophy is eclipsed by Indian spirituality. It aims at living the life in highest consciousness involving maximum awareness. Spirituality aims at recognizing the Divine principle in a man and growing with that principle to bring about harmony and freedom in man’s inner and outer life. When we grow spiritually we also maintain healthy relationship with others. (more…)

  • Truth Contest

    Students Form Non-Profit Organization Dedicated to Seeking World-Unifying Universal Truth

    Chapel Hill, North Carolina (August 3, 2010) – Many people are working to stop poverty, pollution, over-population, racism, crime, war, disease, and the other social ills that plague mankind, but the problems are never ending.  This is because the root cause of the problems, division, is never resolved.  The solution is to unite people with the truth. (more…)

  • Choosing Easy World

    Choosing Easy WorldIf you’ve been longing for a world where your daily needs and desires come to you effortlessly while you do what you enjoy, CHOOSING EASY WORLD, the groundbreaking new book by Julia Rogers Hamrick, is for you!

    CHOOSING EASY WORLD reveals nothing less than the forgotten original reality matrix in which we are designed to thrive with effortless ease and shows you how to access it at will.

    Talk about empowering!

    “CHOOSING EASY WORLD invites us to enter a new paradigm, where suffering and struggle are not possible and joy abounds. If this is the world you long for, this is the guide to get you there. You’ll love it.” –Sonia Choquette, New York Times Best Selling Author of The Answer is Simple…Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit!

    Get your copy TODAY to claim some great bonuses AND be entered into a drawing for cool prizes like a Visa Gift Card for $300 or a Super-Charge Your Dream session with Julia. Visit (more…)

  • SuperCompetent: The Six Keys to Perform at Your Productive Best


    Are You Ready to Skyrocket Your Productivity and Performance?

    What do Wal-Mart, Starbucks, VISA, and Comcast have in common?

    They’ve hired Laura Stack to teach their employees how to improve their personal productivity.

    Her new, extraordinary book will hit bookstores next week on MONDAY, AUGUST 9: SuperCompetent: The Six Keys to Perform at Your Productive Best (John Wiley & Sons). After 18 years studying the art and science of personal productivity, Laura Stack reveals the six behaviors high-achieving professionals demonstrate over their lower-performing peers.

    In this competitive economy, just being able to do your job is no longer enough. Competence is expected; you’ve got to be Super Competent to get an edge.

    Whether you’re an employee, an entrepreneur, a team leader, or all of the above, SuperCompetent will give you proven methods to reach your and your team’s maximum potential and achieve breakthrough results. (more…)

  • 5 Tips for Recognizing your Intuition

    Author: Fia Crandall
    Copyright (c) 2007 Fia Crandall

    Knowing what your intuition is telling you is a valuable tool on the path of spiritual growth. In recognizing and following your intuition, you can be guided from your Spirit, your Higher Self rather than just your mind.

    Your Higher Self sees the big picture of your life and can help you take the shortcuts and choose the best path for you which is a wonderful gift!

    But it does take recognizing your intuition in order to be able to use it! Here are 5 tips on recognizing your intuition: (more…)

  • Harness and Develop Your Intuition

    Author: LifeSource International

    What is Intuition?

    Intuition is a sudden flash, an internal knowing, a glimpse or vision of truth, a sensation that runs through your body telling you that something is or isn’t right even though your rationale may suggest otherwise. It’s your gut instinct or that time you walked into a room and thought ‘you could cut the atmosphere with a knife’ and yet have no factual information to make you think that. When used correctly it is your most accurate inner radar system, continually scanning your inner and outer environments, sending back messages. Your intuition informs you of what is taking place and enables you to instantly make sense of the huge amount of information that continually flows within and around you. (more…)

  • The 7 Steps To Intuition

    By Ab Van Deemter

    Have you ever had this strong feeling that something was going to happen and that very much to your surprise this hunch became reality somewhat later?

    That’s what we call intuition. Intuition is to feel strongly about something, without having the logical explanation for it. It is understanding without any apparent effort and there are three different types of it:

    • clairvoyance
    • sensing clearly
    • feeling through listening (more…)
  • Cracking the DNA Code

    by Jay North

    For over thirty five years Jay has had deep involvement in the healing arts as well as healing Mother Earth, he is committed to helping change vibrations on planet Earth and Beyond

    Ojai, Ca 18/July/2010
    Many philosophers have postulated ideas on longevity and living a long, healthy life for several hundred years of recent history, and to be more exact, in truth, for millions of years, either here on planet Earth or elsewhere. The main question is, “Can we Homo sapiens (human beings) live indefinitely or at least for a very long time?” Can we crack The DNA Code and live forever? Some philosophers and scientists are currently researching to a very deep level to explore and investigate the immortality of men and women, while many spiritualists might agree that we are, after all, immortal beings and we truly never die. (more…)

  • Life is But a Dream – Find Your Dream’s Real Meaning

    Author: Rhyanna Regan

    Our fascination with dreams is as old as human identity. Dreams represent a world existing on another level of consciousness, common to all, yet still completely individual. Dreams reflect one’s most personal thoughts and feelings, often so private, they are hardly known even to the dreamer. (more…)

  • How to Experience a Lucid Dream

    Author: David Slone

    Lucid dreaming means dreaming while you know that you are dreaming. The term was coined by Frederik van Eeden who used the word “lucid” in the sense of mental clarity. With practice nearly anyone can experience lucid dreams. (more…)