Author: abracad

  • Four Powerful Tricks for Successful Lucid Dreaming

    Author: Evelyn Grazini

    Lucid Dreaming is a very interesting subject, and is definitely worth taking a look at. As we continue to grow in our knowledge of what happens while we are sleeping, and how we can use our brains to help us achieve success, it is also becoming apparent that we can find pleasure and entertainment in our sleep, and can become a part of it all. Lucid is described as “conscious awareness” during sleep. What this means is, we know we are dreaming, and we want to get inside the dream and have some fun. After all, while in the dream state, all things are possible! We can fly, swim underwater for a long time, see all things, and now, with practice, we can participate in these dreams. (more…)

  • Helpful Techniques for Inducing Lucid Dreams

    Author: Universal Church of Metaphysics

    Most lucid dreams occur between 5AM and 8 AM, times that are most likely to be longer REM periods. LaBerge’s work at Stanford confirmed this occurrence. The first step is to develop good dream recall. If one cannot remember dreams at all or has difficulty remembering dreams, then lucid dreaming is nearly impossible. Awareness must be developed in the area of dreaming. First of all plenty of sleep is necessary, and the longer one sleeps, the more dreams are possible. As the night progresses, dream periods get longer and closer together until near wake up time, the dreams are forty-five to sixty minutes long and only a half hour apart. The first dream of the night is the shortest, perhaps only five to ten minutes in length. (more…)

  • Perchance to Dream: Your Magical World of Dreams

    Author: Diane Brandon

    Dreams – they intrigue us. They mystify us. They enchant us. Sometimes they scare us. What do we do with this whole other dimension of our lives? Do we just ignore our dreaming life – or can we use dreams in some way in our lives? (more…)

  • Dreamwork: Tips to Help You Recall and Interpret Your Dreams

    Author: Sharif Khan

    “I’ve dreamt in my life dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas; they’ve gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the color of my mind.” – Emily Bronte, English novelist and poet

    Dreams have the tremendous power to transform our lives in so many ways. Taking the time to explore and understand our dreams can help us improve relationships, solve difficult problems, diagnose illnesses, inspire creativity, fresh ideas and new inventions, and teach leadership and right conduct. Sometimes, even a single dream can help shape our life purpose. (more…)

  • The Chakra Centers and the Capacity of Activating Them – part 2

    Author: Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya

    Everyone knows about the 6 Chakras. In reality they are 7 in number. The seventh Chakra is Sahasrar and is generally not counted because it is the leader of all subordinate Chakras. Thus the 7 energy Chakras (plexuses) are symbols of 7 Lokas (worlds), 7 Rishis, 7 seers and 7 continents.

    A description of energies and forms associated with each Chakra can be found in many scriptures pertaining to spiritual practices. No doubt some differences are there yet briefly following is the information commonly given by all. (more…)

  • The Chakra Centers and the Capacity of Activating Them – part 1

    Author: Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya

    In ancient times researchers of Soul Sciences very intricately discovered conscious principles of the subtle world. In this very human body (microcosm) they found the mirror-image of the material world (macrocosm). Whatever one perceives in the gross world is present in the human body in a subtle form. Hence instead of carrying out research studies pertaining to the external world with the help of very expensive scientific technical apparatus, the ancient seers/sages looked upon the human body as a reflection of the gigantic cosmos and hence conducted research studies by diving deep into their souls within the body. (more…)

  • What is Mysticism?

    an academic essay by Malgorzata Duszak

    To collect several different definitions of “mysticism” and find one that reflects its nature the most does not strike the unprepared student as too complex of a task. Barely anyone involved in the study of religions does not have at least a glimpse of an idea of what “mysticism” definition should include. Phrases such as transcendent, captivating, extraordinary, or blissful all come to mind when trying to capture the essence of the mystical experience. (more…)

  • Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

    by Malgorzata Duszak

    Upon the plunge into the vast realm of prophets, seers and visionaries one cannot help but wonder about the nature, validity and significance of the revelatory experiences of Madame Blavatsky, a, or should we say “the”, nineteenth century greatest occultist. Her eccentric persona and extraordinary phenomena that accompanied her beg for the closer analysis by anyone seriously fascinated with the communication from the beyond. Not easily perhaps defined by everyone as a prophetess, M. Blavatsky certainly belongs to the last century’s most phenomenal seers. Or does she? Beside the incredible number of followers she gathered, she also attracted a quite considerable amount of critics labeling her as nothing but scheme and fraud. Not being in any way able to solve the ongoing debate concerning the validity of her claims, the essay will focus primarily on presenting the nature, the expression and the role of M. Blavatsky’s experiences as the visionary messages for the human kind. It will do so from the vintage point of admiration and reverence for the insight, hope, and light that this, it must be admitted, controversial figure brought into the world. (more…)

  • Channeling : Connecting With your Unseen Helplers!

    Copyright (c) 2008: Patsy Gagnon

    We all possess many keys that unlock the Door to our unconsciousness and our soul.

    There comes a point in everyone’s life when we ask our selves the daunting questions of Who Am I? Why am I here? Where do I go when I die? The most important one is there really a God Source? We may find ourselves asking these questions early in life, after a very traumatic experience or on our death bed. I do believe we ask these questions sometime in our lives. (more…)

  • Channeling Spirit

    Author: Lisa Moore

    Everyone can and has Channeled, at some time in their lives. If you have ever found yourself explaining something in detail but the words you are using do not fit with in with your own vocabulary. Writers and Artists often speak of not knowing where their inspiration comes from. If you have a problem and do not know which way to turn then all of a sudden you get a ‘brainwave’ and the answer to your problem is suddenly very clear. These are all examples of Channeling. (more…)