Author: abracad

  • What is Luck and its Significance in Our Life?

    Author: AstroSagar

    Synonyms of luck are advantage, blessing, fluke, fortunateness, godsend, good luck, kismet, windfall etc. It is believed that luck is a derivation of the Sanskrit word “Lakshmi”. She is the original “Lady Luck” – a Hindu Devi of Money & Fortune.

    In a natal horoscope the 9th house is relevant for fortune or luck. It is believed that propitiation of the deity represented by 9th lord helps in the enhancement of fortune. Luck denotes anything that one gets by “chance”. We always talk of “good luck” or “bad luck”. In Hindi, the equivalent word for Luck is “Bhagya”. The other equivalents of “Bhagya” may be fate and destiny. But, we never say good fate or bad fate. Destiny is also not used in that way. Therefore, a feeling of fluke or fortunateness is always associated with luck. (more…)

  • The Way of Peace

    The Way of Peace

    In The Way of Peace James Allen expounds his New Thought Movement affiliations, referencing Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism. The book is essentially a treatise on the importance of meditation as a ‘pathway to divinity’. Whatever we meditate upon, Allen explains, we become. If you meditate upon ‘ that which is selfish and debasing, you will ultimately become selfish and debased’. Whereas if you meditate upon ‘ that which is pure and unselfish you will surely become pure and unselfish’.

    Now copyright expired and in the public domain, new age spirituality is delighted to offer The Way of Peace as a free online ebook.

    Alternatively, you may purchase your own copy from Amazon

  • The Irresistible Life Force and the Indifference of Nature

    There is a conflict between the irrepressible urge of living things to survive and thrive and the tendency of the material universe to revert progress back to the nothingness from which it emerged.

    Seen through human eyes the universe appears not only indifferent, but positively cruel. Though nature undoubtedly has great healing powers, evident to anyone able to immerse themselves in its majestic beauty, it is also capable of horrors beyond the excesses of the most brutal movies.

    As kids we’re told stories in which everyone lives happily ever after. Sadly life isn’t like that. Nature is red in tooth and claw. Species’ routinely slaughter their neighbors without regard for the suffering inflicted. (more…)

  • Thoughts on Infinity

    The concept of infinity is simultaneously both simple and mind-boggling.

    Infinity is the name given to an unquantifiably large value, ie a value without bounds.

    What of the physical universe we inhabit; it’s humongous for sure, but is it infinite? And is it the only universe – now? or ever? or one of many (ie a multiverse) or even an infinite number? (more…)

  • The Problem of Sin

    The concept of sin is fundamental to human society, and especially within the field of religion that has accompanied human development and continues to be practiced or believed in by the majority of the world’s population. There does not appear to be any equivalent to sin among the other species we share the planet with.

    But what is sin? Is it demarcated by some rigid boundary? Or is it relative to each nation, culture, individual, era… thus rendering the definition somewhat meaningless. (more…)

  • The New Children

    by Cinnamon Crow Dixon

    With the arrival of the Indigo children in the 1970’s, the Crystal kids in the late 1990’s and now the newly arriving Rainbow kids, (and variations such as Indigo-Crystal and Crystal-Rainbow) adolescences as most remember it is a thing of the past.  Being an Indigo Child myself, I feel it is my responsibility to help these new children remember and continue their life purpose by reminding and encouraging their psychic gifts and knowledge of the Higher Self.  I am the mother and step-mother to several Indigo-Crystal and Crystal kids.  We also have a new addition of a 20 month old Rainbow Kid.  There is never a dull moment in my house! (more…)

  • The Evolution of Mind (G.O.D.)

    by Craig Walter

    The science of physics took some two hundred years before it became largely accepted into popular human culture. Slow acceptance was partly due to the predominant stance of religious authority that clung to flat Earth ideals and creationist only worldview. Outspoken people paid a personal price for challenging the status quo with new thinking.

    Perceptions changed when scientific discovery and laws of physics were better understood. This meant that dominant cultural values were shifting ground. A collision course was bound in the literal interpretations of fundamentalist religious doctrine and emerging scientific culture. Even though the Bible never denied evolution there has been persistent renounciation of evolution by influential religions. The twists of logic have been remarkable in the defense of one-sided Creationism. (more…)

  • Emotional Depression: Building on Broken

    by Diana DeMar

    Emotional depression can be a debilitating and soul-crushing illness. For those of you who have suffered with it, you know that it can not only affect you emotionally, but also physically, leaving you feeling drained of energy, anxious, and plagued with chronic headaches. Some people might find themselves never wanting to leave the house; you might lose interest in the things you once enjoyed so much and find that you push away even your most beloved friends. (more…)

  • Learning Spirituality

    by Riannon

    Learning spirituality is an exciting, enlightening and rewarding process, but how do you get started? With all the information in the world at your fingertips, it can be hard decision where to target first, and with contradictory beliefs, in can be hard to establish your own. This article rewinds the process and brings the focus to the very beginning of a spiritual journey, making you ready for lifelong development. (more…)

  • The Reincarnation of Martha Washington

    by Doug Simpson

    When Edgar Cayce, the legendary American mystic, prepared to enter his self-induced trance state for a reading, those present were usually aware of some of the questions or instructions which would be asked or given, but normally an excited anticipation enveloped the room as no one could predict what new revelations might be uncovered over the next hour or so.  On March 7, 1941, as the afternoon life reading commenced for a three, almost four year old, young miss who was present but much too young to comprehend the process unfolding before her eyes, many a jaw suddenly dropped in unison as Edgar Cayce identified this innocent youngster as the reincarnation of Martha Washington. Here are some excerpts from that afternoon’s reading, 2459-1. (more…)