
  • What is Theosophy?

    The New Age movement’s desire to attain meaning through the rediscovery of our Spiritual essence is often thought to have arisen from 1960’s hippy culture. However, many New Age principles were already established by the 19th century doctrine of Theosophy, a system of religious philosophy and metaphysics founded by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Essentially, Theosophy holds that all religions are attempts by the “Spiritual Hierarchy” to help humanity in evolving to greater perfection, and that each religion therefore has a portion of the truth. Together with Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge, and others, Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society in 1875.

    C W Leadbeater’s 1912 classic A Textbook of Theosophy is now available to read as a free online ebook. Leadbeater, a prominent member of the Theosophical Society in its early days and a student of Blavatsky discusses issues including what Theosophy is, the evolution of life, what happens after physical death, reincarnation, and the purpose of life. (more…)

  • Truly Shocking Photo

    By Donald Ryles PhD, CH

    I have recently been working toward my certification as a Paranormal Investigator and have been studying how to analyze suspected paranormal photographs. The study got me to remembering and thinking about probably the most incredible paranormal photo I have ever seen.

    When I was around the age of 12-13…some 30 odd years ago…my interest in the paranormal was just beginning in earnest. Anything that was unusual began to interest and even fascinate me. The Bermuda Triangle, UFO’s, hauntings, anything along that line. My father had told me many “Ghost Stories” that had been passed down in his family and held as absolute fact, but he himself was somewhat of a skeptic of such things. Since I had developed such as strong interest in the subjects he tried to help me in my pursuit though. (more…)

  • Do Animals Know More Than People?

    In the wake of China’s tragic earthquake, today’s U.K. Daily Mail carried a story suggesting warnings of the impending disaster may have been given by the animal kingdom. It reports that 3 days before the giant quake thousands of toads appeared on the streets of badly hit Mianzhu city. And also that just hours before the tragedy zoo animals in Wuhan began acting bizarrely. Scientists are currently unable to predict when or where earthquakes will occur. (more…)

  • Is Success Financial?

    People look at high-flying bankers, doctors, lawyers etc and say: “isn’t s/he successful”. These guys have reached the pinnacle of their chosen careers and no-doubt enjoy the trappings of fine homes, fast cars and extravagant lifestyles.

    Again people look at the homeless, the poor and the otherwise suffering. Perhaps they evoke our sympathy, or we may look down on or even despise them. Whatever, they seem to occupy a position diametrically opposite to “success”.

    But do they? What is the REAL reason for our earthly existence? Is it material wealth, or something much deeper? (more…)

  • The Golden Egg

    My Grandmother had a much-repeated saying: “The golden egg drops only once.”

    She meant that life’s golden opportunities were few and far between and it was the responsibility of the lucky recipient to both recognize and grab then when they arose.

    Of course, life is an amazing opportunity within itself, but for most of us its path is mainly linear. We drift along doing what we do to the best of our ability, hopefully making the most of each moment. But, looking back we recognize those relatively few moments when our linear journey reached a crossroads. These are the occasions we’re presented with genuinely life-changing choices. And it’s up to us to choose the right way. (more…)

  • Self-Hypnosis for Psychic Development

    This hypnosis begins with the assumption we all, as Spiritual beings temporarily clothed in human flesh, start out as psychic, in varying degrees. Over time this ability diminishes, or rather is conditioned out of us by the pressures of materialistic society.

    The aim of the following is to use self-hypnosis to re-awaken our innate psychism by re-programming the subconscious. For a consistent and lasting effect the procedure will need repeating a number of times. (more…)

  • Reincarnation, Regression and Science

    Is science starting to take the concept of reincarnation seriously? Today’s Daily Mail ran a story The Last Time I Died was in Jerusalem in 1276 by Danny Penman which suggests this may be the case. The article describes how Penman underwent hypnotic regression and found himself transported back to a previous Christian Crusade against Islam. Besieged within a church he “experienced” being burned alive as the church was set on fire.

    Whist under hypnosis he says he felt “aware of my current life but the world of Jerusalem in 1276 was equally real. Initially skeptical, Penman said “it sounded utterly preposterous”, but he was left with unable to believe the ‘memories’ described were pure fabrication. (more…)

  • Spiritualism and Evidence of Survival

    Two fundamental principles lie at the heart of the Spiritualist movement:

    1. The human soul and consciousness survives physical death, and
    2. Communication between those who have passed and those on earth is possible.

    People often enter the world of Spiritualism following bereavement. Feeling lost, alone, confused… Questioning the very meaning of their own existence. What’s the point of doing all we do, going through all we must, if it’s all to end with the death of the physical body? (more…)

  • Embryos, Religon, Science – and government

    Recent days have seen intense debate in the UK concerning the proposed Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill. Among other things, the Bill will allow the creation of human-animal hybrid embryos for purpose of scientific research, and also sanction the artificial creation of babies without need for a named father. I believe it also provides for the creation of babies to act as donors for sick siblings.

    It does however offer a glimmer of hope that the abortion time limit will be reduced, though it stops short of criminalizing the slaughter of unborn children on anything but the strongest justification. (more…)

  • Alternative Therapies

    The BBC in collaboration with the Open University is currently airing a mini documentary series on Alternative Therapies. Kathy Sykes, professor of Public Engagement in Science and Engineering investigates the evidence for and against various established alternative therapies. In the programs screened so far Sykes has covered hypnotherapy and reflexology. In that remaining she will look at meditation.

    As a scientist Sykes, unsurprisingly, begins from a skeptical point of view. But on both topics both covered she has concluded with the admission that there may be something in it after all. (more…)