In physics an event horizon is the boundary around a black hole, beyond which events cannot affect an outside observer. In human terms it’s the whole range of things past and future that affect us in any way in the moment of now.
It’s no coincidence that the same word – present – is synonymous with both ‘now’ and ‘gift’. The moment of now is truly a gift not only to be cherished but also utilized to its full potential. Eckhart Tolle’s Spiritual bestseller The Power of Now describes the benefits of limiting one’s attention to the present.
Stress is a big problem. In Feb 2008 the International Stress Management Association UK reported “Stress is now the single biggest cause of sickness absence in the UK, accounting for 14 million lost working days and costing industry in excess of £3.7 billion each year.” reports “over two-thirds of office visits to physicians are for stress related illness.” Taking tighter control over our event horizon borders could alleviate much of this stress.
The past is gone, done, finished. However much you want, you cannot change the past, or your actions in it, one iota. So you must live with it. That’s not being harsh, it’s they way things are.
The past has but two roles in the present. The first is as teacher, as we learn from our experiences both positive and negative. Both feed our Spiritual growth, the very reason for our being. The second is as comforter. Life has many ups and downs. Reminiscing past highs can ease the way through the lows.
Regret is pointless. In the light of hindsight we can all wish we’d done some things differently, after every lottery draw I wish I’d chosen different numbers. But we can’t change what’s gone so there’s no point bashing yourself over the head about it; all you’ll get is a headache.
However dark the past, the fact that you’re still here means you’re still meant to be here and still have a purpose to fulfill.
If you feel bad about some negative action, maybe there’s some way to make amends. If so, do it, but if not all you can do is resolve, in the light of experience to do better next time.
What you need is a metaphoric vault where you can lock all the done stuff tightly away. Allow into your event horizon only what you can learn from the past.
The future is also a major cause of present suffering as we fear what might happen and worry about infinite possibilities, usually all bad. But the future – like the bogeyman – doesn’t exist. The future is created, largely by our own thoughts and actions, in the present.
The best way to make the future favorable is by doing what’s right in the here and now. In a simplistic example a student may worry about failing their exams, but the best way to avoid the scenario is by studying hard – now! This maximizes their chances of passing, and if they still don’t pass, then it wasn’t meant to be. The point is that all the worry won’t change a thing, only doing our best in the present.
That’s not to say have no thought for the future. As on any journey you need some idea of where you want to get. But tomorrow’s ideas should be painted in broad strokes, and then put away in that vault only to be brought out for occasional review. All that should enter your event horizon is the list of things you need to do right now to move toward the future you’d like.
Keep your event horizon as narrow as possible. The more you let in the more it interferes with what you can control, ie what you’re doing in the here and now.
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