Is Success Financial?

People look at high-flying bankers, doctors, lawyers etc and say: “isn’t s/he successful”. These guys have reached the pinnacle of their chosen careers and no-doubt enjoy the trappings of fine homes, fast cars and extravagant lifestyles.

Again people look at the homeless, the poor and the otherwise suffering. Perhaps they evoke our sympathy, or we may look down on or even despise them. Whatever, they seem to occupy a position diametrically opposite to “success”.

But do they? What is the REAL reason for our earthly existence? Is it material wealth, or something much deeper?

Where will the banker and the vagabond be in 100 years time (a minuscule period in the lifespan of the universe)? They’ll both be in the same place. Their physical bodies will be under a pile of earth, and more importantly their true, Spiritual, selves will be back home. And they’ll carry with them not their material acquisitions, but their experiences and the knowledge gained from these.

Money is not the reason for our existence. Money is very important, but only until we have a roof over our head and enough to cover our basic living costs. Beyond this it’s irrelevant, at best a distraction and at worst detrimental.

In this light can we really say that the doctor or lawyer are more successful than the pauper or the retard? Or even vice versa? I think not, for each travels his destined path with his success or otherwise being determined not by the size of his bank account but by the growth of his soul.


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