My Grandmother had a much-repeated saying: “The golden egg drops only once.”
She meant that life’s golden opportunities were few and far between and it was the responsibility of the lucky recipient to both recognize and grab then when they arose.
Of course, life is an amazing opportunity within itself, but for most of us its path is mainly linear. We drift along doing what we do to the best of our ability, hopefully making the most of each moment. But, looking back we recognize those relatively few moments when our linear journey reached a crossroads. These are the occasions we’re presented with genuinely life-changing choices. And it’s up to us to choose the right way.
We can’t predict in advance when golden eggs will drop, though we can invite them in. Though some opportunities may seek us out, it’s usually up to us to attract them. Eg if you’re looking for a better job you might need to improve your qualifications, make the right acquaintances, and actively search for openings.
Sometimes when the golden egg drops we’re so surprised it simply slips through our fingers. Avoid this by knowing who you are and what you want in life. That way you can weigh chances against your personal dreams, thus being ready to grasp whatever brings them closer.
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