The English newspaper The Daily Mail today carried the story “So are some people really born evil?” inspired by Norman Mailer’s novel The Castle in The Forest which tells the story of Hitler’s childhood.
To answer the question we must first understand what evil really is, and if it exists at all.
The obvious response is that evil is something very, inexcusably, bad, from which there may be no redemption. But good and bad aren’t easy to define. As just one example the Bible’s commandments teach us not to kill, but as societies we regularly kill those who do not conform to our laws (we call it execution). In war we give medals to soldiers who kill “the enemy”. Doctors hasten the passing of suffering patients in the name of “humanity”. They also dispose of unwanted babies in the surgical procedure politely described as “abortion”. So even something as momentous as the sanctity of life is subject to human interpretation.
Perhaps it all comes down to why we exist. In Spiritual terms we each exist in this plane to learn and grow. Perhaps perversely the times when we learn and grow the most are those in which we face difficulty. Now we may curse those that cause us difficulty as bad or evil. But in doing so they give us opportunity to evolve, so maybe we should thank them?
Pursuing this line of thought that which is bad is that which inhibits or retards the growth of Spirit, either of others or of one’s own. Though even this “evil” is not irredeemable as we have eternity to get it right.
Are we the product of genetics, upbringing, or both? Of course the slightest introspection tells us it is both. Of course we are influenced by our early environment, as we continue to be influenced throughout our lives. But equally there is an essence within us that remains unchanged regardless of the experiences we are subject to. And neither of these factors are responsible for “evil”.
We are all parts of Spirit (or God) made flesh to expand the one true reality. Each is born with a specific purpose, and with free will. Once incarnate we are prompted, but not forced, to pursue our predetermined purpose. The purpose of some is that of “agent provocateur”, to actually create difficulties for others. These are not evil per se, but merely acting a part for others to react to.
We are all born imperfect (otherwise no need to incarnate) and immature to varying degrees. It is the most immature that comprise the Spiritual definition of evil, ie that inhibit or retard the Spiritual growth of themselves and others. But even they serve purpose by challenging others to deal with their immaturity either by protecting society from it, or by providing opportunities from which even they may progress.