Do Animals Know More Than People?

In the wake of China’s tragic earthquake, today’s U.K. Daily Mail carried a story suggesting warnings of the impending disaster may have been given by the animal kingdom. It reports that 3 days before the giant quake thousands of toads appeared on the streets of badly hit Mianzhu city. And also that just hours before the tragedy zoo animals in Wuhan began acting bizarrely. Scientists are currently unable to predict when or where earthquakes will occur.

It’s said that being born into the physical world is a journey away from our Spiritual origins. Our Spiritual knowledge is largely forgotten, or deeply buried, as we focus our attention on achieving our life purpose. Society also conditions this Spiritual awareness out of us as something weird or abnormal. But might it be that animals, while less conscious, are closer to the realm from where they emanate, ie Spirit?

Given the scale of devastation in China this is an area that must warrant further research, and as a side effect of this might we gain yet further insight into the wider reality that extends beyond the material plane.


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