Category: spirituality

  • Reincarnation, Regression and Science

    Is science starting to take the concept of reincarnation seriously? Today’s Daily Mail ran a story The Last Time I Died was in Jerusalem in 1276 by Danny Penman which suggests this may be the case. The article describes how Penman underwent hypnotic regression and found himself transported back to a previous Christian Crusade against Islam. Besieged within a church he “experienced” being burned alive as the church was set on fire.

    Whist under hypnosis he says he felt “aware of my current life but the world of Jerusalem in 1276 was equally real. Initially skeptical, Penman said “it sounded utterly preposterous”, but he was left with unable to believe the ‘memories’ described were pure fabrication. (more…)

  • Spiritualism and Evidence of Survival

    Two fundamental principles lie at the heart of the Spiritualist movement:

    1. The human soul and consciousness survives physical death, and
    2. Communication between those who have passed and those on earth is possible.

    People often enter the world of Spiritualism following bereavement. Feeling lost, alone, confused… Questioning the very meaning of their own existence. What’s the point of doing all we do, going through all we must, if it’s all to end with the death of the physical body? (more…)

  • Alternative Therapies

    The BBC in collaboration with the Open University is currently airing a mini documentary series on Alternative Therapies. Kathy Sykes, professor of Public Engagement in Science and Engineering investigates the evidence for and against various established alternative therapies. In the programs screened so far Sykes has covered hypnotherapy and reflexology. In that remaining she will look at meditation.

    As a scientist Sykes, unsurprisingly, begins from a skeptical point of view. But on both topics both covered she has concluded with the admission that there may be something in it after all. (more…)

  • The Easter Story – a Spiritual Interpretation

    The real theme of Easter is timeless, that of re-birth and renewal.

    Nature re-awakens after winter’s withdrawal; refreshed, energized and ready for the opportunities of the new season. And we, full of plans dreamed up on long dark winter’s nights begin to bring them to realization. Realtors know that Spring sees many new homes being placed on the market as people pursue new beginnings.

    But as Easter itself is a Christian celebration, and Christianity is the world’s largest faith, let’s focus on that great Soul, the Lord Jesus. (more…)

  • The Beast in Me

    In the beginning, before the universe came about, there was pure Spirit. Spirit, ever-hungry for experience, began to separate itself into distinct entities which could interact with each other in infinite different ways. The physical universe was formed to provide a theater in which these interactions could take place. The journey from conception (big bang) to the cosmos as we know it has taken billions of earth years, but for Spirit time has no meaning.

    Individuated souls elect to be born into flesh, each agreeing a life path before beginning the adventure of life. But upon incarnation two things happen: (more…)

  • Coping with Bereavement – A Spiritual Approach

    Divorce, redundancy, changing job, moving home etc are usually cited among the major causes of stress, but surely the most stressful thing we experience is bereavement. Our relationships with others are what really define our identity and place in the world, and when we realize that one who’s been close will no longer be around in this lifetime the impact can be devastating. (more…)

  • Helen Duncan Pardon Long Overdue

    Last Saturday’s UK Daily Mail carried a story on celebrated Scottish medium Helen Duncan, Campaigners bid to clear the ‘witch’ who leaked WWII secrets about sinking battleship.

    Mrs Duncan was a physical medium who could produce ectoplasm in seances, but she is best known for providing some of the strongest documented evidence for Spirit communication. (more…)

  • Prayer, Affirmation, Hypnosis and Visualization

    What are prayer, affirmation, visualization and hypnosis? What do they have in common? And most important how can they each help you be the very best you can?

    Prayer is traditionally thought of as kneeling before God, perhaps in a sanctified place of worship, giving praise and thanks to the Great One. More accurately, prayer is any form of communication with a power greater than those found in the physical realm.

    Prayer can happen any time, any place, anywhere; I usually pray walking by the sea near my home. It can take any form the pray-er wishes, including giving thanks and praise, but also asking for help with the world’s troubles, healing where it’s needed and also making requests at a material level. (more…)

  • Can Psychic Abilities be Taught?

    Last week England’s Daily Mail published an article, Learn what the future holds at psychic school … but if you have the gift you’d already know about it by Tanya Gold describing the author’s experiences at a £95 a day psychic school.
    “Psych School” is run by “celebrity” medium and author Mia Dolan, who features in the TV show “Haunted Homes” and gives demonstrations of clairvoyance to packed theaters. On the day described 10 participants were led through a series of exercises such as psychometry, seeing auras and guided meditation intended to lead to “the zone”. Gold is unsurprisingly highly scathing of the “Psych School” experience, and indeed it’s unlikely anyone could develop psychism by
    merely attending a course such as this. But can we really learn to develop telepathy, precognition and the like? (more…)

  • Wisdom of The Serenity Prayer

    In just three lines, Reinhold Niebuhr’s Serenity Prayer (as adopted by Alcoholics Anonymous) encapsulates a profound philosophy of life.

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    courage to change the things I can,
    and the wisdom to know the difference.
