Category: spirituality

  • What Does Rich Mean?

    Sufficiency means having food, shelter and clothing. Being rich can be defined as having considerably more than enough, both now and indefinitely into the future, without dependency on work or chance.

    But humans generally need more than the material basics of food in their belly, a roof overhead, and a shirt on their back. They need to give and receive love, companionship, and a degree of fulfillment/purpose. Being rich is all these things. But can we all be rich? (more…)

  • The Conflict Within

    The term schizophrenic is often (wrongly) used to describe people exhibiting multiple personalities. In fact the human psyche is complex and we all house numerous, and often conflicting, traits under the umbrella of a single individual.

    The psychologist C G Jung used the term “shadow” to represent our repressed characteristics. He describes it thus: “Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” (more…)

  • Burning Man – the Way to Go?

    Burning Man is an eight-day annual event that takes place in Black Rock City, a temporary city on the playa of the Black Rock Desert in the U.S. state of Nevada, 90 miles (150 km) north-northeast of Reno, ending on the American Labor Day holiday in September.

    The event began in 1986 with the burning of an effigy on Baker Beach San Francisco watched by about 20 people. 2007 Burning Man attracted over 47,000 participants. The event is described by organizers as an experiment in community, radical self-expression, and radical self-reliance and takes its name from the ritual burning of a large wooden effigy on Saturday evening. (more…)

  • Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal

    Just when you thought reality TV couldn’t sink any lower, so comes along a truly excellent series. Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal features psychic medium Chip Coffey and Columbia University clinical psychologist Associate Professor Lisa Miller.

    The series features young people with psychic powers who are struggling to come to terms with their “gift”. In many cases these youngsters are unsure of the reality of their experiences, or feel threatened by the Spirits that draw close. Their confusion and fears are worsened by their reluctance to share their experiences with their peers for fear of ridicule. In some cases, their “abilities” even cause tension with their parents. (more…)

  • Coping with Uncertainty

    Most times life seems pretty predictable. We wake each morning knowing largely what the day will hold. We make an action (cause) and the expected result (effect) usually follows.

    Modern science has quite a different view. The universe consists of zillions of unpredictable events at the sub-atomic level. The order we observe is just the result of these numerous random micro-events combining to give a neat, seemingly predictable, macro-reality. (more…)

  • Welcome to the hang out

    the hang out is a new online bulletin board dedicated to Spirituality and personal growth.

    the hang out allows you to make friends with kindred souls; share your knowledge, wisdom and experience; post free ads and more.

    Visit the hang out now…

  • What would you do if…

    Read this slowly, taking your time to think about the following scenarios.

    What would you do if…

    • you won $20,000,000 on the lottery?
    • you were walking along the street and someone pointed a gun at you?
    • you were driving home and a UFO landed in front of your car?
    • you were promoted to company president?
    • you discovered your son had committed a serious crime (and only you knew)?
    • you were down on your luck and you found a wallet containing $10,000? (more…)
  • Do Animals Know More Than People?

    In the wake of China’s tragic earthquake, today’s U.K. Daily Mail carried a story suggesting warnings of the impending disaster may have been given by the animal kingdom. It reports that 3 days before the giant quake thousands of toads appeared on the streets of badly hit Mianzhu city. And also that just hours before the tragedy zoo animals in Wuhan began acting bizarrely. Scientists are currently unable to predict when or where earthquakes will occur. (more…)

  • Is Success Financial?

    People look at high-flying bankers, doctors, lawyers etc and say: “isn’t s/he successful”. These guys have reached the pinnacle of their chosen careers and no-doubt enjoy the trappings of fine homes, fast cars and extravagant lifestyles.

    Again people look at the homeless, the poor and the otherwise suffering. Perhaps they evoke our sympathy, or we may look down on or even despise them. Whatever, they seem to occupy a position diametrically opposite to “success”.

    But do they? What is the REAL reason for our earthly existence? Is it material wealth, or something much deeper? (more…)

  • The Golden Egg

    My Grandmother had a much-repeated saying: “The golden egg drops only once.”

    She meant that life’s golden opportunities were few and far between and it was the responsibility of the lucky recipient to both recognize and grab then when they arose.

    Of course, life is an amazing opportunity within itself, but for most of us its path is mainly linear. We drift along doing what we do to the best of our ability, hopefully making the most of each moment. But, looking back we recognize those relatively few moments when our linear journey reached a crossroads. These are the occasions we’re presented with genuinely life-changing choices. And it’s up to us to choose the right way. (more…)