The Easter Story – a Spiritual Interpretation

The real theme of Easter is timeless, that of re-birth and renewal.

Nature re-awakens after winter’s withdrawal; refreshed, energized and ready for the opportunities of the new season. And we, full of plans dreamed up on long dark winter’s nights begin to bring them to realization. Realtors know that Spring sees many new homes being placed on the market as people pursue new beginnings.

But as Easter itself is a Christian celebration, and Christianity is the world’s largest faith, let’s focus on that great Soul, the Lord Jesus.

Jesus and his disciples had entered Jerusalem for the celebration of Passover and had been welcomed by numerous supporters seeking release from the Roman occupation and the rigidity of the Jewish hierarchy.

Jesus was no subservient shrinking violet. He was a true rebel, actively challenging what he saw to be wrong with man-made society, and prophesizing that better days were to come. Unsurprisingly, just as He would surely be today, he was judged as a threat by the prevailing authorities. Condemned by his own people’s elders, and put cruelly to death by a weak Roman official, Jesus fulfilled His destiny and ensured that His message would continue across the centuries to be heard in every corner of the earth.

What was that message, and what has been its effect?

Essentially Jesus told us to love God, the unseen creator of all that is. Look around at the wonder of this world and its endless variety of life. Look at the stars at the universe in which it sits. Read a science book, and grasp how truly amazing is the reality we inhabit. How can we not love the creator of this marvel, the beauty that spans the cosmos down to the tiniest microbe, and everything in-between – including our very selves!

He taught us to love others as we love ourselves. We love ourselves unconditionally. Whatever we do. And that is what we must strive to find in our hearts for others. Whatever they do. It’s far from easy, for our natural reaction is to judge one another – “it’s your fault, he did it, she’s to blame…” But who are we to judge our fellow beings, we each stand on a level with one another, none is above, and none below.

And He showed the Spiritual path to be the way of progress, and the material way the route to stagnation.

2,000 years on the good news is that Jesus’ message is alive and well and said to be followed by between 1/4 and 1/3 of the world’s entire population. Unfortunately many that claim to follow His teachings have failed to adopt them. The ongoing tragedy in the Middle East is perpetuated by religious differences, with supposed followers of Jesus playing a significant role in the mayhem.

Why did Jesus have to die?

  • Without producing the ultimate miracle His beautiful and powerful teachings may have been lost in the mists of time as mere utterings of yet another traveling mystic/healer/magickian.
  • Jesus’ resurrection demonstrated beyond doubt that the death of the physical body is not the end of the road. By proving this physically He showed we shall all do it Spiritually.
  • Some say His sacrifice was meant on behalf of all of us to make amends for our sins past, present and future.

The journey of man is not an easy one. We have left the comfort of the Spiritual realm, evolved through the cruel but efficient animal realms, to humankind. Though the most advanced life-form on the planet we exhibit depravity far beyond that found among animals by inflicting suffering not merely for survival, but to gratify our pleasure. Wars continue to be waged with ever-greater intensity, some absurdly as we’ve said, in Jesus’ name.

Though Jesus was a rebel, it’s surprising how many world leaders actually proclaim themselves Christians. For those that wage war it is a truly hollow badge. Likewise, in daily life many of those who call themselves Christians fail to follow the Master’s basic teachings in their daily lives. He said it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven. And yet these “lip service” Christians continue to pursue personal wealth while claiming to be Church of whatever…

But there is hope. That Jesus’ message has not only lasted but continued to grow over 2,000 years is fantastic. Even those that currently pay only lip service are absorbing the philosophy.

You don’t have to be a Christian to accept Jesus and his teachings. The growing New Age movement seeks to recognize the underlying truth in all religions, and to bring it into the hearts and minds of followers. Oh so gradually these teachings are being adopted by a growing number of individuals, who are adopting them in their daily lives.

Peace be with you.


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