Helen Duncan Pardon Long Overdue

Last Saturday’s UK Daily Mail carried a story on celebrated Scottish medium Helen Duncan, Campaigners bid to clear the ‘witch’ who leaked WWII secrets about sinking battleship.

Mrs Duncan was a physical medium who could produce ectoplasm in seances, but she is best known for providing some of the strongest documented evidence for Spirit communication.

During World War II Royal Navy battleship Barham was sunk by the Germans at the cost of over 800 lives. In keeping with the old adage of truth being the first casualty of war, the GB government decided to suppres the news of the loss. However, Helen Duncan received a message from one of the ship’s sailors relaying the sinking. She was subsequently tried and convicted for “Witchcraft” and jailed for 9 months.

There was and is absolutely no evidence that Mrs Duncan was a spy, so how – other thann by genuine communication – could she have obtained such information?

The Daily Mail reports that Mrs Duncan had uk Prime Minister Winston Churchill and King George VI among her clients. After the trial Churchill described the charges as “obsolete tomfoolery” and is said to have visited her in jail.

The minority of enlightened folk who have consulted a genuine Spiritualist medium, or attended demonstrations of clairvoyance will be in no doubt of the reality of the possibility of communications between us and the Spirit world. Helen Duncan, inadvertently aided by the machinery of state, brought that truth to the masses. Let’s hope that that same state may now see the light and, if not legitimize mediumship, at the very least lift the blight from Mrs Duncan’s descendants by issuing a pardon for what essentially amounts to speaking the truth.


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