Category: spirituality

  • The Lightworkers’ Oracle

    The Lightworkers’ Oracle is a channelled message provided by Wendy Stokes, author of ‘The Lightworkers’ Circle Guide – A Workbook for Spiritual Groups’ published by O Books. Visit

    “Let me tell you my story. Our small farm was situated on the perimeter of Bethlehem, an ancient town of great renown. A shepherd boy, on the very hills where my sheep roamed, became the greatest King our country had ever known. Many people from all over the country came at that time to pay their taxes to the occupying Romans who had taken over our country. That particular night – I remember it as though it was yesterday – I had built a small shelter, as I did each evening. (more…)

  • The Irresistible Life Force and the Indifference of Nature

    There is a conflict between the irrepressible urge of living things to survive and thrive and the tendency of the material universe to revert progress back to the nothingness from which it emerged.

    Seen through human eyes the universe appears not only indifferent, but positively cruel. Though nature undoubtedly has great healing powers, evident to anyone able to immerse themselves in its majestic beauty, it is also capable of horrors beyond the excesses of the most brutal movies.

    As kids we’re told stories in which everyone lives happily ever after. Sadly life isn’t like that. Nature is red in tooth and claw. Species’ routinely slaughter their neighbors without regard for the suffering inflicted. (more…)

  • The Problem of Sin

    The concept of sin is fundamental to human society, and especially within the field of religion that has accompanied human development and continues to be practiced or believed in by the majority of the world’s population. There does not appear to be any equivalent to sin among the other species we share the planet with.

    But what is sin? Is it demarcated by some rigid boundary? Or is it relative to each nation, culture, individual, era… thus rendering the definition somewhat meaningless. (more…)

  • Learning Spirituality

    by Riannon

    Learning spirituality is an exciting, enlightening and rewarding process, but how do you get started? With all the information in the world at your fingertips, it can be hard decision where to target first, and with contradictory beliefs, in can be hard to establish your own. This article rewinds the process and brings the focus to the very beginning of a spiritual journey, making you ready for lifelong development. (more…)

  • Dealing with anxiety through spiritual practice

    by Ryan Rivera

    What is spirituality, if not the process of learning how to see life in perspective? What is a spiritual seeker, if not a person who aims for detachment from his lower self? Most people don’t realize this, but following a consistent spiritual practice can be a highly effective way to deal with anxiousness; in the same way, certain methods of anxiety management can be described as being almost spiritual in nature. (more…)

  • Pope’s Visit Polarizes Britain

    The planned visit by Pope Benedict XVI has polarized opinion in Britain with much criticism of the use of taxpayer’s money to fund the Holy Father’s state visit and today’s publication of a letter by more than 50 public figures criticizing the status of the visit.

    Although critics have the right to their opinion the level of concern underlines the increasingly secular nature of society characterized by obsession with minor “celebrities”, short-lived hedonism often fuelled by alcohol or drugs, and an unquenchable materialistic greed. Such pleasures may bring temporary satisfaction but the duration of that satisfaction grows ever shorter and the resulting emptiness leaves us ever-more unfulfilled and in need of ever-greater highs to fill the inner void. (more…)

  • “Hey Waiter…There’s God in My Soup!”

    Learning Kabbalah Through Humor Creation

    by Simcha Krause

    Harry:   What’s green, hangs on the wall, and whistles?
    Stanley:  I don’t know.  What’s green, hangs on the wall, and whistles?

    Harry:  A herring.
    Stanley:  But … a herring Isn’t green!
    Harry:  Nu, so you could paint it green
    :  But a herring doesn’t hang on the wall!
    Harry:  Nu, so you could hang it on the wall.
    Stanley:  But a herring doesn’t whistle!

    Harry:  Ok, so it doesn’t whistle. (more…)

  • Spirit of Service

    By Lt Col RK Langar

    Service to mankind means expressing concern for others, caring for others and providing help to the needy. Service or Seva is one of the ideals of Indian culture and heritage. Showing concern for others is essential for human development as it expands our vision which promotes social health. As per Indian thoughts to serve society is a means to reach God. Spirit of service refines our inner energies which can be directed towards a noble cause. Service attitude moves us away from selfishness and at the same time we acquire virtues like purity of mind, love and sincerity. That is why it is said that when you get an opportunity to serve others it should be regarded as Divine grace.  It is  our humble duty  to make a difference to some once life through our service. When we serve others without any personal motive we demolish our personal ego leading to peacefulness of mind and a sense of togetherness. (more…)

  • The Maat Online Retreat Process

    Anu Sophia embarks on 40 days and 40 nights of truth with the Maat online retreat process, taken from the newly released “Nine Eyes of Light, Ascension Keys from Egypt“…

    In the ancient Egyptian texts, after the body has died, the soul enters into the underworld and the Hall of Two Truths, meeting the shadowy jackal deity Anubis, guide of the underworld and the radiant Ma’at, the Goddess of truth and justice. As you approach them, looking for a way through the underworld into the eternal peace that we all yearn for, Anubis steps forward to you, smiling. (more…)

  • Silence is essential for self perfection

    By Lt Col RK Langar

    In Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna states “Of all the secrets I am silence”. In Upanishad silence has been described as a means to know God. Upanishad says “Silence is Brahman, Ultimate Reality is Brahman, Atma is pure silence, Ultimate Reality being beyond speech, silence is the only way of expressing it”. It is well known that silence plays a vital role in one’s spiritual growth. (more…)