Category: spirituality

  • Are Psychics Real?

    These days more and more people are turning to an ever-increasing range of psychics offering supernatural enlightenment  – in return for a fee. This article describes the purpose of psychics and mediums, considers their authenticity, and gives advice on choosing the right psychic for you.

    What is a Psychic?

    The physical universe we inhabit, vast as it is, is but an infinitesimal part of a greater reality commonly described a God, Source, or Spirit. For the most part of our incarnate life we are unaware of this greater reality as our focus is drawn to earthly matters. However, at essence we are Spirit, and with an appropriate shift of consciousness may become aware of its existence. (more…)

  • Is Mediumship Dead?

    by Blake Bentley

    Just the word medium conjures up images of darkened séance rooms, discarnate voices, and materialized entities. While these are valid forms of mediumship, Hollywood has done nothing to help mediumship palatable for the masses.

    Spiritualism got its official start in 1848, although mediumship itself has always existed. It spread all across the United States and at one time had a very large following. It was a fad. Home séances were being held as often as dinner parties today. The movement even worked its way into the White House at one point, in which a teenage medium, named Nettie Maynard, gave Lincoln a message about abolishing slavery. She told him, “Sir, you have been called to the position that you now occupy for a very great purpose. The world is in universal bondage; it must be physically set free, that it may mentally rise to its affairs of this nation as well as a Congress at Washington. This Republic is leading the van of Republics throughout the world.”  Had it not been for this very message, Lincoln may not have been moved to abolish slavery. (more…)

  • Preposterous Ponderings – Losing Your Mind Over Zen

    By R.J. Vigoda

    If the answers to all the big questions of existence were easy to come by everybody would know them.   There’s good reason why so few hold the most profound secrets of life.  Let’s face it, the path to enlightenment is undeniably a tough and arduous slog.  Those deciding to pursue the weighty issues of our intrinsic Being better strap in for a rocky ride filled with perplexing concepts, torturous reason, an avalanche of bewildering language and endless acres of convoluted conundrums.  Of course, just because the task is formidable doesn’t mean there aren’t many willing to give enlightenment a shot.  For such ambitious souls there’s no end of revered spiritual systems to hitch one’s fate.   While almost all spiritual or wisdom traditions specialize in the esoteric, obscure and impenetrable one in particular raises the levels of confusion, mystification and befuddlement to vertiginous heights.  This asylum of contradiction is the fusion of Taoism and Mahayana Buddhism commonly known as Zen.  Those of saner disposition steeped in logic and reason best turn back now. (more…)

  • Spirit and Tragedy

    The world is witnessing natural disasters at an increasing rate and evermore devastating scale, eg the December 2004 Asian tsunami, China, Haiti, Pakistan, and most recently the shocking earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis in Japan – to name but a few. Meanwhile war and political crises throw many societies into turmoil.

    Please consider donating towards the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami disaster relief efforts

    Phenomena which bring death and destruction on such a massive scale and cause such suffering for so many survivors cause us to question the nature and very existence of God. More locally, the same questions are asked by those whose loved ones suffer or pass through accident or illness. (more…)

  • The Law of Grace – Ask and it shall be given

    Life, lived meaningfully, is a partnership between our unique individuality as expressed through free will, and that all-encompassing oneness (aka God, Spirit or source) of which we are, have always been and will always remain part.

    During our earthly incarnation our awareness of Spirit, and our own innate Spirituality is diminished so that we may focus on maximizing the experience of life, which is its fundamental purpose. But Spiritual knowledge is always present, albeit below the level of normal consciousness. Our Spiritual awareness may be raised through meditation, prayer, or any process that focuses attention inwards while temporarily tuning out physical reality. (more…)

  • Man’s essential Brotherhood

    by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, 17 January 2011

    As the Masters of Wisdom work more openly in the world, and sharing becomes the norm, we will come to understand our essential Oneness: we are truly brothers and sisters of one humanity. January/February 2011

    For untold ages, man has wandered the Earth for sustenance, gain, security and peace. As tribes and even nations, he has criss-crossed the planet over and over again, fighting with, and intermarrying with, a long succession of disparate peoples. The result of this endless wandering is the One humanity today. No matter the differences in colour, religion, tradition and language, all men are descendents of common ancestors and have evolved by the same means to their present state. That this present state undoubtedly favours some groups over others is the result of many historical factors, and not of any innate difference in intelligence or adaptability. Throughout history, groups have risen to prominence for a longer or shorter time, only to sink back into obscurity again, leaving their creativity to remind later generations of their presence. (more…)

  • Simplicity: A compilation – Part 2

    Living simply in cooperation, with basic needs met, humanity will discover new joys of meaning and purpose.

    We present a second selection of quotations on the theme of ‘Simplicity’ from Maitreya (Messages from Maitreya the Christ, and Maitreya’s Teachings – The Laws of Life), Benjamin Creme’s Master (A Master Speaks), and Benjamin Creme’s writings; published here courtesy Share International magazine. Part One appeared in the November issue of Share International and is re-published here.

    Be not afraid for the future of Earth. A new and better husbandry will replace the present ignorance and more stable conditions will prevail. Simpler and truer joys will take hold of men’s hearts and usher out the present unease. Men will come to know themselves as brothers all, and, sharing justly, transform the lives of men. Thus will it be, and thus will men know the secrets of the universe and, reaching upwards to the stars, claim their birthright as Sons of God. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The destined hour’)
    These are the minimum requirements for a stabilized world and will become the main responsibilities of governments everywhere to ensure. Simple as they are, their inauguration will have far-reaching effects, and will usher in a new era for this Earth. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The re-ordering of priorities’) (more…)
  • Simplicity: A compilation – Part 1

    Excerpts from Maitreya’s teachings as well as from Benjamin Creme’s Master and Creme’s writings highlight the importance of simplicity in all aspects of life. Published here courtesy Share International magazine.

    The answers to your problems are simple indeed. Many times have I told you that the will to share must govern your lives. Once again, I repeat: without Sharing and Justice, My brothers and sisters, man will know no peace. Heed, then, My advice. Take, then, the only open course and trust in Sharing to relieve the agony of the world. (Maitreya, from Message No.133) (more…)

  • Spirituality- The need of the hour

    by Shree Prasanna Guruji

    Many individuals who are on the highest altar of the materialistic world term spirituality & the foundation behind it as illogical & the people who are involved in it as ESCAPISTS.

    There might be some truth in it as the people who have not grown to the fullest can never believe the illogical…logically. It needs a great amount of sensitivity to overcome the logical mind which is based on the mundane things which are visible & easy to comprehend. (more…)

  • What Is Spirituality?

    A Definition of Spirituality

    Despite the incredible technological progress of recent years the period has also seen a massive resurgence of interest in what might be termed “Spiritual” matters, ie the desire to seek and understand a deeper reality that lies beyond the superficiality of the material plane. This renewed search for a more profound knowledge goes beyond the solutions offered by conventional religions and has been labeled by some “New Age Spirituality”.

    But what exactly is Spirituality, and what might it have to offer us? (more…)