Category: spirituality

  • Easter, the Spring Equinox and Rebirth

    Just as the Christian holiday of Christmas shares its timing with the ancient celebration marking the (re)birth of the sun (Son), so Easter coincides with the re-arrival of Spring and new beginnings.

    The four seasons represent distinct phases in the cycle of human activity with the solar year falling into two halves of light and darkness. (more…)

  • Don’t Say You Don’t Have Time

    A great paradox of the technological era is that despite each wondrous new invention the demands on our time become ever greater and the promise of a leisure society seems further away than ever.

    Take for instance the ubiquitous cell phone; before these little marvels appeared, being out of the office meant being off duty, nowadays we are on call 24/7. Or the Internet, the truly fantastic global computer network that places a world of knowledge at our fingertips; the trouble is we’re now so overloaded with information we often can’t begin to sift the (little) meaningful content from the (mass of) dross. (more…)

  • Religion, Politics & Spirituality

    Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury and leader of the Anglican church, recently accused government of treating religious faith as an “eccentricity” practiced by “oddities”. But should religion and Spirituality have a role to play in the way human society is governed? (more…)

  • Embrace Change

    Sometimes in life we actively seek change. We are dissatisfied with our present conditions, or we are satisfied but believe we could be even more satisfied if some things were different. This is healthy, though the latter state more so, because it gives us purpose, reason for being. And he stronger our purpose the greater the energy we are able to find to pursue life to its full potential. (more…)

  • How Spiritual Should I Be?

    People engage with the concept of Spirituality in many different ways and degrees of intensity.

    Perhaps they are inspired by organized religion, or an unrelated Web search leads them that way by chance, a particular title catches their eye at the bookstore, they visit a psychic (from need, curiosity or both), they attend a Spiritualist meeting…

    It’s not a question of whether we should be Spiritual, or how Spiritual we should be. We are Spiritual and can’t be anything else. (more…)

  • Seek Understanding, Not Perfection

    Are you a perfectionist? Do you demand perfection from yourself, from the rest of the world, or both?

    Perfectionism is good. It drives you to give your best, to constantly aim bigger, better, higher… But the perfectionist is inevitably destined for frustration. (more…)

  • The Mind: Interface to Eternity

    The mind is an invaluable tool, our roadmap and compass through life and a window to our true being and the reality to which it belongs. Understanding the nature of mind is the first step to exploiting its full potential.

    Modern science makes no distinction between body and mind and makes no allowance whatsoever for the soul. (more…)

  • Is the Universe Indifferent?

    Some scientists, such as the atheist biologist Richard Dawkins, say we live in an indifferent universe. The universe, and all that it contains, exists purely by chance. There is no meaning, no significance, everything simply just is.

    But surely our personal experience tells a different story. The universe must care, because we care. The very fact you’re reading these words shows you care enough to want to know more. But more than this, people care about each other. Society is so filled with selflessness, within your intimate circle you undoubtedly know someone who helps others with no thought of personal reward. (more…)

  • Dogs, Destiny and Free Choice

    Ever wondered what you have in common with a pet dog being taken for a walk on an extendable leash? The dog has a limited freedom, sometimes greater than others, but the overall pathway is always determined by his master.

    One of life’s most perplexing questions is whether we really have free choice. Experience tells us that we make numerous choices every day – what to wear, what to eat, what tasks to prioritize… (more…)

  • Can dreams predict the future?

    Dreams can give us a glimpse of the future, according to the Daily Mail article Yes, we do have a sixth sense: The in-depth study of our intriguing dreams that convinced one doctor.

    Referring to The Power of Premonitions: How Knowing the Future Can Shape Our Lives by Larry Dossey MD, Sarah Chalmers describes how major disasters such as the 1966 Aberfan coal slip and 9/11 were foretold in dreams. (more…)