Category: spirituality

  • Spirit Dialectic

    by Donald MacPhie

    Something amazing happened to me – the experience of a remarkable phenomenon and possibility of human consciousness. It took place over a considerable time, approaching two decades. Its structural aspects are intriguing, and integrally linked to the substance, which is existentially inclusive. (more…)

  • A Call to Hearts

    by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    When are we going to stop thinking in terms of religion, country, tribe, town, neighborhood, planet, business and I. When will we begin to think in terms of humanity and helping all people reach higher? Yes. It is natural to think about self, but when are we going to start thinking about and helping others? Feeding the hungry; giving care to the sick and dying; helping the young child to fight hopelessness; learning to use their abilities to help self and others. (more…)

  • Invitation: The Golden Path, The Superhighway to God

    by Dr Stewart Bitkoff

    The following piece is taken from Servant of God (Golden Path Press); which is a first hand account of a meeting with a modern Sufi Saint (Sam). Later, material in this book was used to help write Sufism for Western Seekers and The Ferryman’s Dream.  If you are searching for a Path, as God Wills, this may be the Path for you. (more…)

  • Heaven & Hell

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    The easiest way to manipulate and control
    Is to activate our fear and reward mechanism.
    This built in protection
    Uses our main emotions: Love & Fear.

    O spiritual traveler, gaze about;
    See this manipulation in your everyday life.
    Identify its use
    So you might break free
    And rise higher than the angels.
    -SB (more…)

  • The Seven Principles of Spiritualism

    A Personal Interpretation

    The seven principles described here were given in the 19th century through the mediumship of Emma Hardinge Britten. They are widely accepted by Spiritualists and Spiritualist organizations around the world as the cornerstone of their philosophy. However, these principles are worthy of reflection by all faiths as well as those of none.

    1 The Fatherhood of God

    This principle is the recognition that everything that exists – you, me, all humanity, the entire physical universe – emanates from a single, purposeful “source” commonly referred to as God, Spirit etc. (more…)

  • The Role of Mediums and Psychics

    Why People Consult Mediums and Psychics

    It seems these days more and more people are consulting mediums and psychics with numerous Websites, telephone services and even entire TV channels dedicated to offering 24/7 readings. But why do people seek the services of these individuals, and what can we expect from them?

    At least part of the reason for the growth in demand for medium and psychic services is the ever-growing complexity of modern life leaves many feeling unable to cope independently and thus feeling the need for some external advice. If that advice can come from an other-wordly source then so much better than from a counselor or therapist, who is ultimately just another human being like themselves.

    I’d like to think a secondary reason may be that humanity is approaching a point where acceptance of a greater, infinite, Spiritual reality becomes the norm rather than something that seems freaky. (more…)

  • Harmony

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Turtle was sitting by the Pond and watching the movement of the water against the breeze.

    “Yes, the Pond is a beautiful place and in harmony. We are the ones who refuse and fail to see this unity. When a dragonfly is consumed by the perch; other dragonflies see this event as horrible and unnatural. His relatives say, ‘this fly had so much to live for and he was just beginning to make real strides in the world of flies. Wasn’t it horrible how he died?’

    Aah, the correct attitude for the other flies would be one of acceptance, tempered by the desire not to be consumed the perch. Of course, the fly’s relatives must grieve, yet, grief and anger must eventually give way to acceptance. Over time, acceptance must be replaced by love. For love, slowly, leads to unity. And the Pond is always in harmony. We are the ones who break the chain by our actions and not realizing it.” (more…)

  • Peace and love cannot be defined

    By Lt Col R K Langar

    Both peace and love cannot be defined. Both peace and love have to be experienced from inside. Man is essentially Atma or soul and not the body even though body is so important for our self evolution and should be looked after and not neglected. The Atma inside has inherent qualities of peace and love as Atma is Sat, Chit, Ananda or truth, knowledge and Bliss. Peace and Love are man’s own creations and we donot have to look for them in the outside world. We shall study peace and love in subsequent paragraphs. (more…)

  • Quiet Part of Your Soul

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Both morning and evening, seek the quiet part of your soul. It is an island where you can rest, refresh your self and become aware of what you need to know. (more…)

  • On Free Will

    A compilation

    A selection of quotations on the theme of ‘Free Will’ from Maitreya (Messages from Maitreya the Christ), Benjamin Creme’s Master (A Master Speaks), and Benjamin Creme’s writings. June 2012  (re-published courtesy Share International magazine) (more…)