Category: spirituality

  • What is Spiritual Experience?

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    True knowledge comes from the light of certainty, by which God enlightens the heart. Then you will behold the things of the spiritual world, and by the power of that light all the veils between you and that world will be removed. -Al-Antaki

    Q: What is spiritual experience?  Is spiritual experience God?

    Man is a world of many levels.  In this age we are just beginning to experience and explore the complexity of consciousness and spiritual experience.

    What is thought?  What is consciousness?  How is thought and consciousness different, or similar, to spiritual experience?  Is spiritual experience the same as religious experience? (more…)

  • How Many Times?

    I wonder how many times
    I have walked upon this planet.
    Certainly this is not my first trip;
    I am an old time traveler who has returned, building upon past vacations.
    Sometimes, I wonder why I put myself through this journey again and again.
    The flesh decays; sunshine turns to darkness and those you love pass away.
    Why return to this place of sorrow and tragedy?

    Yet, the heart whispers- because without bitterness there can be no sweetness.
    Without loneliness there can be no love.
    Without death there can be no life.
    All to be shared, over and over again;
    all to know the Creator, myself, and others more fully.

    Personally, joining in the action of creation- moment by moment.

    -S. Bitkoff

  • Becoming Our Own Wise One

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    There are as many ways to God as there are created souls. Muhammad

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    In our culture, who assumes the role of holy or wise one?  In more traditional cultures the holy, wise one is a central figure.  Often, they advise the king/queen, sit at the right hand of the chief, understand human behavior and prescribe medicine, help pass along the oral history of the tribe, and have an inner connection with universal wisdom and Truth.  When a difficult societal issue arises, this individual is central in helping decide direction or outcome. Daily, they are consulted on a variety of issues.

    Today, this diverse role and function has been spread across a team of specialists. For guidance, we go to a priest, counselor, doctor, psychologist, historian, politician or lawyer. Because of the complexity of some issues, this specialist may not even live in our own community, and to consult them we make an appointment, months in advance, travel to get the advice/treatment and pay a fee. (more…)

  • Everyday Spirituality: Life as Prayer

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    We are participating in an explosion of new age teaching, interest in eastern religion, and a general curiosity about the usefulness of everyday spiritual practice. When you turn on the television, it seems just about every talk show host is discussing how to maximize human potential and help viewers become a more advanced version of self. (more…)

  • How to be Spiritual Amidst this Chaos?

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Circumstances have overtaken man. His old languages are not sufficient to describe what is happening, and what is about to happen. To think in terms of a millennium or such tame concepts as ‘the eleventh hour’ is ridiculous. Better that he should realize that he is in an era which might be more accurately described as the ‘eighth day of the week.”  Idries Shah (more…)

  • The Riddle: Who We Are?

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    According to tradition, humanity originated ‘far beyond the stars’ and is on a journey back to its Source.  While in the earth phase, there are numerous opportunities to embrace ‘our real’ or ‘lasting nature’ and begin the spiritual journey back home.  In this physical world, because we are in a sense estranged from our real or lasting nature, which is spiritual, there is an unease and inner hunger that pushes us forward to search and make the connection back home. While in this world, many become fooled and try to fill the inner emptiness with all manner of experiences and things; this further compounds the problem of remembering who we are.

    Like ET in the movie, we need to contact home, through our inner spiritual awareness, so the factors might align and we can start the return journey. (more…)

  • Our Divine Birthright and the power of I Am

    by Cinnamon Crow

    When interviewed, I am always asked what I would wish to give as my greatest message to humanity. I always answer the same. You are the Creator made manifest in physical form. You are God and God is You. This is your Divine Birthright! I am constantly amazed at the divide these statements make. Some embrace this Truth fully while others become openly hostile. Let me begin this explanation by revealing the Truth behind the words I Am, the most powerful phrase we have, the power of creation. (more…)

  • Going Beyond I and My

    By Lt Col R K Langar

    What is I and My

    The subject of this write up is in two parts- I and My and Going Beyond. First we shall consider I and My. I mean I am somebody who is different from other people. My conveys a sense of possession. What else is conveyed by I. Repeated use of I in your conversation shows that you consider yourself superior and separate from others. It is your ego, Ahamkar or self pride which makes you think so and which hinders your interconnectedness with others. The other meaning of the word ego is when you consider yourself as body and not the soul or Atma which is the essence of your personality. By considering yourself body and not Atma, you move your self away from the reality of life that your essential component is Atma and not the body. Therefore we have to change our belief about ourselves from body consciousness to soul consciousness. (more…)

  • The Foundation of the Way

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    “You see,” said the blind man, “I seek to draw closer to God through submission.  God has taught that the perfect servant is he/she who submits totally to the Master’s will. Instead of considering how the performance of a task will benefit his personal position, the good servant is concerned only with the Master’s request. 

    The Way to God has always been known; it is the path of surrender and God’s Mercy.  The servant must work and seek but realizes he/she will never attain without God’s Generosity: because ‘love is not earned it is bestowed.’  If the servant is to truly serve, the ego must be still and free of personal desire. Total submission is impossible without God’s Grace and Mercy.” (more…)

  • The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart

    The Call of Sedona

    “Ilchi Lee’s work flows from a deep curiosity and regard for the spiritual dimensions of human experience.”
    – Oscar Arias Sanchez, President of Costa Rica, Nobel Peace Laureate

    One of America’s most renowned spiritual leaders – Ilchi Lee of Sedona, Arizona has just launched a life-changing new book called The Call of Sedona:  Journey of the Heart. This is an essential book for anyone seeking peace, enlightenment and happiness – not just the spiritually-minded or fans of Sedona. (more…)