The Role of Mediums and Psychics

Why People Consult Mediums and Psychics

It seems these days more and more people are consulting mediums and psychics with numerous Websites, telephone services and even entire TV channels dedicated to offering 24/7 readings. But why do people seek the services of these individuals, and what can we expect from them?

At least part of the reason for the growth in demand for medium and psychic services is the ever-growing complexity of modern life leaves many feeling unable to cope independently and thus feeling the need for some external advice. If that advice can come from an other-wordly source then so much better than from a counselor or therapist, who is ultimately just another human being like themselves.

I’d like to think a secondary reason may be that humanity is approaching a point where acceptance of a greater, infinite, Spiritual reality becomes the norm rather than something that seems freaky.

What is the Difference Between Mediums and Psychics?

Mediums and psychics both tap into knowledge emanating from the Spiritual realm, but mediums specifically establish communication with the souls or consciousness of departed individuals.

Are Mediums Born or Made?

Both. Since we are all Spiritual beings anyway we are all capable of psychism and mediumship, but juts as some are better at math or soccer, so some people find it easier to tune in to the Spiritual realm. But with practice and experience we can all develop our innate skills.

Mediums frequently say that they aren’t really needed, that we are all capable of communing with departed loved ones if only we can learn to shut out the distractions of the material world, quieten the physical mind and raise our vibrations towards those of Spirit.

So, why don’t our loved ones simply materialize before us and remove and give absolute proof of their existence?

Firstly, because it takes a great deal of energy to pass impressions from Spirit side to earth. Many materializations have taken place, and left those who experienced them in no doubt as to the reality of Spirit. Unfortunately the vast majority that didn’t directly experience them remain skeptical (as do many of those who did, who put them down to tricks of the mind or otherwise).

And secondly, because if Mom or Dad in Spirit were to simply walk into the room while you were having a cup of coffee on the sofa it would likely scare the hell out of most of us, even causing serious illness or a heart attack. As much as they want to be re-united that would not be their intention.

But Spirit do make their presence known in subtle ways all the time. Words that just seem to appear in our heads, particularly in the dream state, or half asleep half awake state, and by little things that happen, like objects getting moved telephones that ring with no one at the other end, lights flickering for no physical reason etc.

What Mediums Cannot Do

People often expect mediums to be able to offer insights into the future on more mundane matters, but even this is rarely possible to give with accuracy due to the fact we all have free choice. Just because Uncle Ted or whoever has passed to Spirit doesn’t mean he has much greater insight than he did when on earth, although being freed from earthly pressures can allow those on the “other side” to see reality from a slightly higher vantage point, which often makes their advice worth listening to.

Even the ultimate source, or “God”, doesn’t have the power to predict the future, because the whole purpose of human experience is how we exercise our free will. So even though God sees from the highest vantage point he cannot predict how individuals will react. If he could, the entire experience of human existence would be rendered pointless as we would have no more free will and be no more than images in a pre-scripted movie.

If you visit a medium hoping to be given next week’s winning lottery numbers you will inevitably leave disappointed. If mediums could obtain this information they’d most likely use it for themselves – no doubt to further their Spiritual work. If it’s meant for you to win the lottery, Spirit will guide you to the winning combination and/or manipulate the drawing mechanism to bring you the jackpot. But if you are “lucky” enough for this to lie upon your pathway, be aware that it will be for the purpose of gaining experience, not just as a nice gift.

Spiritual Guidance

People often consult mediums in times of difficulty or when faced with tricky decisions, hoping for some “higher” guidance. But again this is not the primary purpose of a medium, though they might be of some assistance.

If Granny were still on the earth plane, would you have sought her advice? And heeded it? If so, then the advice she can offer from the Spirit realm will likely be of equal value to that which she would have offered in life. She may have learned a little more since then, and have access to a little more information than you, but infinite wisdom she has not.

But what those Spirit side can offer is a different perspective on our situation than that available from our single and likely biased viewpoint. And that can be valuable, just to remind us there are multiple ways of looking at any situation. A similar service could be offered by the living, but at least those in Spirit have no vested interests to serve.

The Real Role of Mediums and Psychics

Which brings us to the real role of mediums and psychics, which is to demonstrate the existence of an infinite Spiritual reality, of which we are part, and the eternality of the individual consciousness.

By giving evidence that the soul survives physical death, that information can originate from other than physical sources, mediums and psychics gradually convince humanity that it is part of some far greater whole. In so doing, little by little, we move ever closer to a time in which the Spiritual reality will be widely acknowledged and at that point the way we live our lives will alter radically.

It will be as though a light is switched on among the darkness. Short term material gain and other insignificancies will become irrelevant in the face of long-term purpose fulfillment. We will be less selfish, more aware that despite surface differences we are in reality part of one single wholeness. And that is the real role of mediums and psychics.


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