Invitation: The Golden Path, The Superhighway to God

by Dr Stewart Bitkoff

The following piece is taken from Servant of God (Golden Path Press); which is a first hand account of a meeting with a modern Sufi Saint (Sam). Later, material in this book was used to help write Sufism for Western Seekers and The Ferryman’s Dream.  If you are searching for a Path, as God Wills, this may be the Path for you.

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It is interesting to note that Sam rarely referred to Servants of God as Sufis.  He was the first person I ever heard use this term “Servant of God” in referring to a holy man/woman.  Also Sam never used a specific Holy Book and encouraged us to read all of the books.  All he ever said was become a better Christian, Muslim or Jew.  The Servant of God points toward God.  It doesn’t matter what their specific creed may be; all creeds are one on a spiritual level.

Sam claimed that the Path he was teaching was the Golden Path, The Superhighway to God.  It was the same Path that had been passed down from the beginning and was the same Path that Moses and Mohammed offered to humanity.  This was the original religion, and humanity had turned this religion into something else.

Sam called this Path, The Superhighway to God because it was the original way for the traveler to reach the Beloved.  All the other occult traditions and various religious sects were outgrowths of this primordial tradition.  Sam claimed this method had been perfected a millennia ago and there was no better system.

Sam characterized the progress a traveler could make toward God by stating – “as you take one step toward God, God takes ten steps towards you.” This was particularly true with the Golden Path since the traveler had the guidance of the teacher to help avoid the pitfalls.

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If you would like to learn more and begin traveling The Golden Path, The Superhighway to God familiarize yourself with my written materials and contact:

May God/Light Bless your efforts.


Check-out my two books: Sufism for Western Seekers: Path of the Spiritual Traveler in Everyday Life and The Ferryman’s Dream.  Both books are available through or local bookstore.


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