Category: spirituality

  • The path of co-operation

    by the Master – through Benjamin Creme – 9 May 2012 (re-published courtesy Share International magazine)

    Humanity must now choose between the destructive path of competition or the path of co-operation, upon which men and women have realized their highest inspirations. June 2012  (more…)

  • The Virtue of Patience

    Life is both painfully short and incredibly busy. The onset of the technological age promised humanity an era of unprecedented leisure. Machines would free us from drudgery allowing us to spend our precious time however we pleased. The reality is that technology has increased the complexity of our lives exponentially, demanding ever-increasing sacrifice of time and effort just to stand still.

    Impatience is a modern epidemic, insatiability a characteristic of the present human condition. We can get from A to B faster than ever, access the entirety of human intellectual achievement from our armchair or phone. But still it isn’t enough. The more we have, the faster we go, the more and the faster we desire. (more…)

  • Man is what his mind is

    By: Lt Col R K Langar


    Man is what his mind is. Man is what he thinks. As the mind so is man. If mind is disturbed, man is disturbed. Thoughts which are continuously produced by our mind are  our constant companions and we have no choice but to accept it. Man should be the master of his thoughts but if he does not check his thinking process, he becomes a slave of his thoughts which produce substandard words and acts. Again as we think so is the world. If you think positively the world looks beautiful and you become a well wisher of the world. And if you think negatively, your own state of personality sinks low. It is rightly said that thoughts produced by our mind hold the key for our evolution. That is why the Gita says that mind can be one’s best friend as well as one’s worst enemy. In other words we are makers of ourselves.  Human mind is described as a public place open from all sides. Any thing can enter our mind and settle there which may not, in most cases, be good there by affecting our personality. Therefore we should not allow negative and useless ideas to enter our mind. This requires our complete self control over our mind and senses. Man’s character is sum total of his thoughts. The reason is that our speech and actions are based on our thought process. (more…)

  • Developing Spiritual Awareness

    What is Spiritual Awareness?

    Throughout history people have consulted shamans, oracles, witch doctors and others believed to possess “supernatural powers”. These days greater numbers than ever, aided by advances in communication and computer technologies, are seeking advice from psychics and mediums and attending Spiritualist churches.

    This suggests two things: 1) life often seems so overwhelming that it is necessary to enlist external help, and 2) a belief in (or, at the very least, acknowledgement of the possibility of) some greater power or intelligence existing beyond the physical realm of this world and our present life. Indeed this acknowledgement of some higher, mystical, reality seems innate to humankind, with organized religion the best known of its manifestations.

    What may be less obvious to those consulting psychics and mediums is that with a little effort and self-discipline they could obtain the guidance they seek without recourse to a “middle man” and would likely make their lives much more satisfying into the bargain. (more…)

  • The Wisdom of Silver Birch

    Silver Birch is arguably the most famous guide and prolific teacher in the history of Spiritualism. Though presenting himself as a North American Indian the wisdom of this timeless master transcends both history and culture.

    The philosophy of Silver Birch was channeled over an incredible 61 years by trance medium and founder of Psychic News, Maurice Barbanell.

    Silver Birch not only provides us with a comprehensive description of the Spirit realm and its relation to the material plane we temporarily call home, his words also provide a blueprint for living a purposeful and ultimately satisfying life. (more…)

  • From Dependence to Independence then Interdependence

    By Lt Col R K Langar

    What is dependency

    To be dependent on others means that we have not developed ourselves inwardly and we depend on others for finding our way in life. As a child one is totally dependent on his parents. But when one grows up one should stand on his own feet and face worldly problems with confidence. You can face outer situations in a purposeful manner only when inwardly you are strong and balanced. As is the inner, so shall the outer will appear. (more…)

  • How to Contact Spirit Guides

    Every living entity has a number of Spirit guides. They are a bit like the controllers of a special agent sent on a secret mission. Like the agent’s controllers they tend to stay in the background most of the time, leaving the agent to carry out their mission, but always keeping a careful eye on progress and ever ready to step in where needed, or requested.

    Many of our guides change throughout our life, drawing close when their particular expertise is most suited to our current situation, and making way for others as that situation changes. But we always have at least one guide (and maybe more) who stays with us from cradle to grave. (more…)

  • The Inner War: Conquest of Self

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    The most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self.

    Sufis have long held that the inner war- Jihad, the fight between a traveler’s higher and lower nature is a moment by moment struggle. Those who are somehow able to turn toward their higher self and use in daily life their access to spiritual awareness are on the road to enlightenment. This world is made a better place: one person at a time and each person’s life is made-up of small moment by moment conflicts, decisions and actions. (more…)

  • Purity is the mother of all virtues

    By Lt Col R K Langar

    Purity of  body and mind are two essential aspects of man’s personality. Out of the two purity of mind holds the key for one’s betterment in life. It is the pure mind which dictates how will you speak and how good are your actions. Just as colored water penetrates easily in white cloth similarly elevated teachings go deeply in a pure mind. Without purity there is no peace of mind and without peace of mind there can be no true happiness. Purity of mind is a big power. Purity gives clarity of thoughts. (more…)

  • Wisdom: Why It Cannot be Given Away?

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    The Exemplar exists to show the traveler what is possible.

    If you are lucky enough to find a wise man or woman don’t be surprised if they don’t dispense wisdom like a coca-cola machine.  Wisdom is not the type of thing that can be offered to another person like an afternoon cup of coffee; it is a personal capacity that is developed over time, enriched by life experience and bestowed through spiritual Grace.

    Also wisdom is individual and specific to time, place and people. So one traveler’s wisdom or set of instructions and insights might mean nothing or seem like gibberish to another. (more…)