On Free Will

A compilation

A selection of quotations on the theme of ‘Free Will’ from Maitreya (Messages from Maitreya the Christ), Benjamin Creme’s Master (A Master Speaks), and Benjamin Creme’s writings. June 2012  (re-published courtesy Share International magazine)

We really do not understand what free will is. We have an understanding of it in rather a superficial way, but we really do not understand how profound a quality free will is and why it is so impossible for the Masters to infringe our free will. Free will is the very element of our nature which makes evolution possible. Without free will we would not evolve. The Masters are in charge of the Plan of evolution so They are involved with evolution, and human evolution is part of it. If They were to infringe our free will, which is fundamental to being able to evolve at all, They would put a stop to Their own actions and put a stop to all evolution of humanity – so it will never happen. We must become aware of how important that free will is and not see it as something we hold on to even when we know we are doing the wrong thing. (Benjamin Creme, The World Teacher for all Humanity)

There exists the notion that, as the “inner government” of the planet, Hierarchy is in control of all events, large and small. This certainly is not the case. Nor could it ever be, without the infringement of men’s free will. The task of Hierarchy is to implement the Plan of God through “The Centre which we call the Race of Men”. This must be done while respecting, at all times, man’s divine free will. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The Plan works out’)

The development of the New Age institutions and structures will take time, and the full participation of all sections of society will be required to make the new ideas acceptable and lasting. The speed of change will be in proportion to society’s ability to implement the requirements of sharing and redistribution on a global scale…

Human free will is sacred to Hierarchy (if not to humanity!). They will act only as advisers and experienced counsellors. Nothing will be imposed or enforced but, eventually, a reorientation of thought will lead to a worldwide desire to serve the common weal. (Benjamin Creme, Maitreya’s Mission Volume Two)

Half the world's population now lives in poverty
“Half the world’s population now lives in poverty; enormous gaps exist between the rich and poor.”
Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The return of the Christ’

When you see Me you will know why I have come, for I shall appeal to you in these terms: “Save My little ones. Feed your brothers. Remember that mankind is One, children of the One Father. Make over, in trust, the goods of the Earth to all who are in need. Do this now and save the world.”

Thus shall I speak; so shall be My Appeal; and when mankind has accepted this Law, I shall declare Myself. Many there are now who know this to be true, who desire to share, who long for brotherhood, yet act not. Nothing happens by itself. Man must act and implement his will. Today, that will is the Will, also, of God. Therefore, the outcome is assured. (Maitreya, from Message No. 31)

Half the world’s population now lives in poverty; enormous gaps exist between the rich and poor. Inherent in the tensions thus engendered is great danger for mankind. The Christ will point the way forward, reducing step by step these inequalities and tensions, so ensuring a relatively tranquil transition to the New Age. All has been carefully planned beforehand. Nothing has been left to chance; but humanity itself will determine the speed of implementation of the needed changes, for mankind’s free will may never be infringed. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The return of the Christ’)

If man wills, the transformation of existing structures can proceed quickly and with minimal stress; a glad acceptance of the need for change would ensure that this were so. However, not all men see the world in the same light, and for some the needed changes will appear as backward steps strongly to be opposed. Who, then, decides?

Man, himself, must decide the speed and scope of change. In this way, free will is not infringed. Gradually, men will come to understand that radical change is inevitable and the sooner undertaken the sooner enjoyed. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The pressure mounts’)

The Initiates and disciples are the ones who are putting the Plan into effect; through whom the Christ and the Masters are working and will work. They are the builders of the New Age, not only the Christ and the Masters. They can point the way, but the actual New Age structures, political, economic, financial, social, and so on, will all be built by the trained Initiates and disciples of the Hierarchy, men and women in the world. They are not contravening human free will, because they are humanity. (Benjamin Creme, The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom)

Today, the leaders of nations wrestle with events beyond control. Forces they know naught of drive them to unplanned and oft hysterical response. They flee from chaos into chaos, led by their own dogma.

Meanwhile, We patiently wait. We know the outcome of man’s present dilemma, and aid to the full extent of karmic law. We know, too, that man, of his own free will, must choose the path to future glory: the path of brotherhood and love, justice and sharing.

We rally to man’s need. We strive to teach and serve. Man himself must act, and test his divinity in the crucible of experience. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The end of hunger’)

The choice is man’s alone. If he chooses the Path which I shall indicate, that divinity shall verily shine forth. Otherwise, My brothers and sisters, the future for man would be fateful indeed.

But, My friends, I know beforehand your answer and choice. Through your love – the love in your heart for your brothers – have no fear, My dear ones: you will choose correctly. This love will radiate throughout the world and on this you may count. My Presence guarantees that this shall be so. (Maitreya, from Message No. 78)

Maitreya appears now, actually ahead of schedule, as the Agent of Divine Intervention, to mitigate the effects of earthquakes which have been mounting in frequency and intensity throughout the world over the past 150 years. If He were to come before the world, uninvited, He would infringe, to some degree, human free will. This He is reluctant to do (and would do only as a last resort) because it would limit, to some extent, His ability to act as the Agent of Divine Intervention. The result would be greater human suffering from earthquake activities. The energy He may use on our behalf is related to the invocative appeal we make to Him: the more energy used by humanity to invoke Him, the more energy He may use on our behalf. (Benjamin Creme, Maitreya’s Mission Volume One)

Some people think that because we should be aiming at group consciousness we should lose our individuality. That is the worst thing we could do: lose our uniqueness, our individual pattern, our colour. That is given to us; we call it free will. The abuse of our free will causes all the wars, the harm, the terrible lives which millions of people live. The correct use of free will makes for a clearly defined, individual, unique person which is necessary for the evolutionary process. (Benjamin Creme, Maitreya’s Mission Volume Three)

It has to be your own intuitive response to what one is saying. You have to know and you have to recognise the Christ for what He is. Not because President Carter, or the Pope, or whoever, said He is in the world, but because you have in you the qualities that that man says the world needs. He will be saying we have to share, we have to co-operate; mankind has to be free; we have to have justice in the world; we must feed the starving millions; our brothers are dying in their millions and we do nothing. This is what the Christ will say. And you have to say, that man is my man – whether you recognise that He is the Christ or not. Because the Christ Consciousness is working through you. You must want what He is advocating. It has to be that way. It has to be mankind’s own response, from man’s own free will. (Benjamin Creme, The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom)

I am your Friend and Brother, not a God. It is true that My Father has, once again, sent Me to you; but I come to you who are My brethren, to guide you and lead you, if you will, into a blessed future. My task will be to show you that for mankind the ways part. The signposts are set, and on your decision rests the future of this Earth. We are here together, you and I, to ensure that man chooses the correct path, the only Way which can lead him to God. (Maitreya, from Message No. 19)

Many await the World Teacher with a growing faith that He can solve the problems which men find so intractable. They sense that they can trust His wise judgement and experience. That this is true cannot be gainsaid. He is indeed a wise counsellor and men should hearken to His advice with confidence. The Law, however, limits the degree to which He may intervene in man’s affairs. Men should know that the Law forbids the use of force – man’s free will cannot be infringed. Thus it is that men alone must make the decisions for change: as Maitreya has said: “I am the Architect, only, of the Plan. You, My friends and brothers, are the willing builders of the Shining Temple of Truth.” (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘Overcoming the fear of change’)

What is happening today, for the first time since early Atlantean times, is that mankind’s free will and the Will of God as it is known on Shamballa are coming into correct alignment. The three great centres, Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity, are now in a more correct alignment than they have ever been, because for the first time for untold thousands of years man’s free will is becoming the same as God’s will. When man’s free will is different from God’s will, man has difficulty, has problems and suffering. But when man’s free will, which remains free will, is by his own free choice brought into line with Divine Will, all is well. We have always had the possibility to make a divine existence, a beautiful world, without suffering, simply by bringing our free will out of alignment with our own personal predilections, our own personal desire nature, and into alignment with our soul purpose, which is divine purpose. (Benjamin Creme, The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom)

When you see Me, My friends, know then that the hand of your Friend is yours to grasp; the Love of your Brother is yours to absorb; the Teaching of That One is yours to hear. Know this, My friends, and take responsibility for reaching your brothers with these truths.

My plan is that the world should be changed by man. The Law forbids all else. Therefore, My friends, I depend on you to execute My Plan, and thus prepare the New World. (Maitreya, from Message No. 85)


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