The concept of infinity is simultaneously both simple and mind-boggling.
Infinity is the name given to an unquantifiably large value, ie a value without bounds.
What of the physical universe we inhabit; it’s humongous for sure, but is it infinite? And is it the only universe – now? or ever? or one of many (ie a multiverse) or even an infinite number?
Our universe is an astounding entity, whose very existence – and also that of life – relies upon the various fundamental physical constants being set to precisely the right values. This so called anthropic principle strongly suggests an underlying Spiritual nature of reality.
Of course if the universe is infinite then anything is possible, but not necessarily guaranteed.
The hypothesis of an infinite universe, or even an infinite number of infinite universes, offers materialists and skeptics a counter argument. Of course all the fundamental constants are set perfectly, if they weren’t we wouldn’t be around to observe them. And the universe might have had an infinite number of attempts at getting them right.
That may or may not be so, we have no way of knowing. But our universe, our planet, and life itself are all so incredibly special one cannot reasonably suggest they are without deeper significance.
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