Author: abracad

  • Spring Festivals Start with Chinese New Year 2011, a Year of Metal Rabbit

    Author: Rahul Kumar

    The spring season in 2011 will start with celebration of New Year in china and ends with easter 2011. Coming year in china would be associated with rabbit. Experts believe the New Year 2011 in china would be calm like the nature of rabbit. The Chinese New Year would start from February 3 in the year 2011. (more…)

  • The Guidance That Your True Self Can Provide

    by Zoe Young at

    We all seek to know what is true.  Without knowing we may find ourselves intuitively on this quest.  Bearing down on answers, in search of the right path that will show us the way.  To find answers must we first know the questions?  Often not, for sometimes, deep within, we may feel a shift of something balancing, of something clicking into place.  This kind of knowing is possible without even understanding it.  It is truth righting itself within us. (more…)

  • Mind Weeds Will Strip You of Your Dreams

    By Lisa Whatley – – © 2011

    Many years ago when I first began my search for truth – before I knew that we are the creator of our lives – I sought advice from psychics; seeking what my future would hold, hoping they would give me a glimpse at some sort of fantasy life, perhaps wave a magic wand and create a deliciously new life for me; a life that I myself hadn’t even had time to envision!  (more…)

  • Enlightenment Is A Journey To The Present

    By Zoe Young at

    Enlightenment is a journey, it is a way of seeking to understand all that is important and the truth of our own being.  It is a goal and at the same time away of existing in the world.  It is without trying and without finding, for it is a presence that is already within.  Each of us is capable of discovering peace, happiness, and truth.  If only we are able to let go long enough to see that we already exist in such a state.  We exist in a realm full of creation.  So much is going on endlessly around us.  To see clearly all the changes and possibilities of life is to be present, to be at one what is constantly happening. (more…)

  • How To Let Go of Grief

    By Zoe Young at

    When we are faced with the moment of losing something, whether it be a job, loved one, or a way of being, it can act as a catalyst of reversion.  Leading us on a path away from ourselves.  It is almost as if in order to deal with it we must lose ourselves as well.  To be present is harder than letting go of the situation and falling into what overwhelms us.  To see ourselves clearly in these moments helps to exist with what is happening.  By letting go of ourselves we lose the hold of not only of our own reality but of what is true.  It is almost as if we prefer to hide in the moment that most scares us, than see it for what it is so that we can move on.  This does make sense, for to admit that we have lost something means that it has really happened.  But admitting it is often the first step of recovery into the present, it is allows us to come back to our life.  To dwell too deeply without acceptance holds nothing more than a quicker exit from the truth. (more…)

  • Understanding Destiny And How It Can Help You Find Peace

    By Zoe Young at

    Our chosen path already exists within us.  The path we are meant for, our destiny, is true to our heart and our being.  It is here, throughout life, we are being led toward.  Sometimes, of course, the path is averted or ignored completely.  We then become unsatisfied and full of want.  It can be hard to see clearly the choices meant for us.  To hear above the noise, the direction that is calling us forward.  But in your heart and deep within, when you have when you have found your true path, all becomes light and filled with life.  We as beings are not meant to struggle or work at life and what we do.  It is when we let go and let our lives lead themselves, to allow it to be presented, that we begin to see our calling.  (more…)

  • Synchronicity, Cause and Effect

    The term Synchronicity was introduced by psychologist Carl Gustav (C.G.) to describe meaningful coincidence in his classic 1950 essay Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle. Jung makes an eloquent attempt to define synchronicity as an alternative to cause and effect as a connecting principle. Jung’s theory is paralleled by the paradigm-shifting discoveries in physics of relativity and quantum mechanics which shattered the then widely held belief in a deterministic, “clockwork” universe.

    If reality is likened to an ocean, infinite in both expanse and depth, then the material universe is the surface of that ocean, and the non-physical its vast depths. Synchronicity is the observable effects of submerged activity upon the surface. This hidden activity is beyond human understanding, but we do, on occasion, glimpse its effects.

    Causality vs Probability

    In a causal/deterministic (model of) reality, cause precedes effect thus:

    cause and effect (more…)

  • A True Believer Meets His Angel

    by Doug Simpson

    Edgar Cayce, the Edgar Cayce who was destined to become America’s legendary mystic, began attending Sunday School classes around the age of ten. The lesson being taught on that first day was the story of creation from the book of Genesis. Edgar was mesmerized. He asked his father for a book with the entire story of creation in it, and soon received a gift of his own personal Bible. Edgar’s life-long love of, and expertise in, the contents of the scriptures had commenced. Edgar quickly vowed to read the entire Bible at least once each year for the rest of his life, a promise he faithfully kept. But, at age ten he considered himself ten readings in arrears. Edgar was fourteen years old when he completed his fourteenth complete reading of the Bible. He was quickly regarded as the local Biblical expert and began teaching adult Bible classes while still a teenager. (more…)

  • Seeing Past The Illusion Of Fear

    by Zoe Young at

    Whether you realize it or not, a lot of our actions and reactions are based upon fear.  For we believe what has happened will happen again.  We let our imaginations run wild with the possibilities, whether harmful or not.  We see the world through eyes connected to our past, for we can not imagine a future unrelated to something we haven’t experienced, if it has happened before, it will happen again.  But life doesn’t work this way, there is no pattern of repetition except in our minds.  We even see something as the same even though it is unrelatable.  We like to connect, even if it’s bad.  We will then feel more comfortable, for we have already experienced this and we can feel safe because it makes sense. (more…)

  • New book presents entertaining conversation with God

    God appears in surprising form in this open-minded approach to spirituality

    ELDRED, PENN. – If you could ask God just one question, face to face, what would it be? A new book gives readers the chance to take a journey with an ordinary man as he encounters God in the form of various passed celebrities.

    In his inaugural book God Took His Coffee Black, author G.W. Drum brings readers to an old-time diner on a snowy Christmas Eve where Jerry gets a visit from God. Over the next year, he receives monthly visits from God in celebrity form, each famous identity one surprise after the next. During this time, Jerry is enlightened with knowledge to help him look at God and spirituality from a new perspective. (more…)