Author: abracad

  • Spirituality- The need of the hour

    by Shree Prasanna Guruji

    Many individuals who are on the highest altar of the materialistic world term spirituality & the foundation behind it as illogical & the people who are involved in it as ESCAPISTS.

    There might be some truth in it as the people who have not grown to the fullest can never believe the illogical…logically. It needs a great amount of sensitivity to overcome the logical mind which is based on the mundane things which are visible & easy to comprehend. (more…)

  • Scientific Credibility for Precognition?

    Despite overwhelming statistical evidence supporting the existence of human psychic ability, gathered over decadces by numerous highly credible researchers, parapsychology has struggled to find acceptance as a mainstream science.

    The New Scientist reports that a new paper on precognition by Daryl Bem of Cornell University has been accepted by the respected Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Professor Bem’s experiments found that participants’ behavior was influenced, to a small but statistically significant degree, by events that had not yet happened.

    Bem’s paper Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect may be found online at

  • The Illusion of Fear

    Fear is part of our evolutionary physiology. The “fight or flight” response has helped your ancestors, back to the dawn of time, survive long enough for you to be reading this. The trouble is that while modern life doesn’t present us many life or death situations, its complexity causes the fight or flight response to kick in way more often than is good for us. If we’re not careful the result can be irrational fear, leading to problems of anxiety, stress, depression, self-doubt and ultimately paralysis of the life force that drives the fulfillment of our very purpose. (more…)

  • What Is Spirituality?

    A Definition of Spirituality

    Despite the incredible technological progress of recent years the period has also seen a massive resurgence of interest in what might be termed “Spiritual” matters, ie the desire to seek and understand a deeper reality that lies beyond the superficiality of the material plane. This renewed search for a more profound knowledge goes beyond the solutions offered by conventional religions and has been labeled by some “New Age Spirituality”.

    But what exactly is Spirituality, and what might it have to offer us? (more…)

  • The Lightworkers’ Oracle

    The Lightworkers’ Oracle is a channelled message provided by Wendy Stokes, author of ‘The Lightworkers’ Circle Guide – A Workbook for Spiritual Groups’ published by O Books. Visit

    “Let me tell you my story. Our small farm was situated on the perimeter of Bethlehem, an ancient town of great renown. A shepherd boy, on the very hills where my sheep roamed, became the greatest King our country had ever known. Many people from all over the country came at that time to pay their taxes to the occupying Romans who had taken over our country. That particular night – I remember it as though it was yesterday – I had built a small shelter, as I did each evening. (more…)

  • The Path Of Luck Or Serendipity?

    Author: Johnny Cyreous

    “I find that the harder I work the more luck I seem to have.” – Thomas Jefferson

    I have often heard the question, “Do you believe in luck?” I do actually, but I prefer to call it serendipity; for two reasons.

    1) Since so many do not know the meaning of the word it is my way of getting everyone to look it up.

    2) I prefer my students to associate the idea with words like: fate, destiny, providence, fortune, and design, instead of the negative ideas normally associated with luck. (more…)

  • How to Determine your Luck Cycle and Attract Luck!

    Author: Jim Francis

    One of the more extraordinary discoveries our research efforts made was in the field of luck! Luck is a personal psychokinetic event.

    There are two kinds of luck. The first is what we consider to be a “random event” which happens unexpectedly. This may well be part of an individual’s personal synchronistic event-train which in real time appears to happen for no discernible reason. However future hindsight may indicate that this event-train was part of an overall pattern. (more…)

  • Feng Shui Career Tips – 12 Amazing Tips on How to Feng Shui Your Personal Career Luck

    Author: Feng Shui Master

    Feng Shui Career Tips

    There are effective and powerful ways to enhance your personal career luck with the wisdom of feng shui. In this article, I have my 12 amazing feng shui tips grouped into 4 main categories, they are “How To Enhance Your Personal Career Luck”, “How To Enhance Your Personal Work Space / Desk Top”, “How To Enhance Your Personal Office Space” and “How To Enhance Your Personal Success & Development”. (more…)

  • How to Grab Luck by His Neck and Never Let Him Go Again – 7 Ways Attract Luck

    Author: Razvan Dobre

    Luck. The final frontier. People that have success are born with a special ability that makes them lucky. False. Forget you ever heard this. People are sometimes lucky because they do certain things that gives them a great result in the end. They make there own luck.

    1. The first step is to be…

    Positive. Be as positive as you can be. In most cases, luck comes to people that are positive most of the time. Don’t complain about your life or the things you have to do. Instead, take a firm attitude against negative thinking. Just give it a big F and tell it that it’s services are no longer needed. Then, welcome the positive thinking and keep it in your mind. (more…)

  • Good Luck on Demand

    Author: Roy E. Klienwachter

    One of my associates at work would appear to be the luckiest man on the job. Things just seem to work out for him.

    Those who know him, describe him as lucky. Harry associates all the good things which happen to him as coming from being lucky. He believes these things to be random acts of good fortune he has no control over.

    Sometimes Harry even credits his dead son for looking out for him. Harry has no power or control over these events because he has given it away. He won’t take responsibility for his luck. (more…)