Today’s English Daily Mail carried the story “Could there be proof to the theory that we’re ALL psychic?” by Danny Penman.
Penman describes remote viewing research being carried out at the UK’s Northampton University by Dr Chris Roe using the Ganzfeld technique. Ganzfeld uses mild sensory deprivation (participants have their vision and hearing blocked) to invoke a light meditative state in which they supposedly become more sensitive to psychic impressions. Roe reports promising results and is about to embark on a series of more rigorous tests, including those in which participants will attempt to see across time as well as space. See University of Northampton’s Centre for the Study of Anomalous Psychological Processes.
Penman’s article further describes how psychic abilities have long been studied by the military with a view to establishing whether such abilities can be taught to “ordinary” people.
Support for the existence of such abilities comes from no less than eminent a source as Cambridge Nobel Laureate physicist Brian Josephson, quoted as saying “The experiments have been designed to rule out luck and chance. I consider the evidence for remote viewing to be pretty clear-cut.”
Another academic, Professor Jessica Utts of the University of California says, “Using the standards applied to any other area of science, you have to conclude that certain psychic phenomena, such as remote viewing, have been well established.”
So alongside the mountains of anecdotal evidence, science is now beginning to accept the reality of psychic functioning. This capacity appears to be stronger in some people than others, like some have a natural flair for sport, math, art… But it’s also likely that we all have some psychic potential; some means of tapping into this greater, unseen, world of which the physical forms but a fraction. Shouldn’t then part of our life purpose be trying to develop this ability, for if we could, wouldn’t its potential for our personal development be enormous?
And why does much of conventional science continue to reject the overwhelming evidence that now exists for the reality of such abilities? Perhaps it is because these abilities operate within a reality infinitely greater than the physical realm understood extremely well by the white coats? And perhaps any acknowledgement of a greater reality over which their knowledge would pale into insignificance would threaten their own sense of purpose and self worth?