What the Bleep Do We Know!?

Discovering the Endless Possibilities for Altering Your Everyday Reality

What the Bleep Do We Know!? What the Bleep Do We Know!?

What the Bleep Do We Know? is a movie and book exploring the nature of reality and showing that the apparent schism between science and religion might be disappearing.

Often humans are comfortable in the realm of the known. We avoid asking questions that might disturb that comfort, or confront us with answers we’d rather not hear. What the Bleep suggests that asking questions is good because it challenges and expands our worldview. It discusses a range of life’s most fundamental questions in an accessible and entertaining way.

The world that we perceive via our senses, like the traditional materialistic worldview of science, doesn’t really match the reality. For one thing “solid” matter is mostly empty space. In particular, quantum theory, which is borne out by masses of experimental data, suggests reality is in fact very different. For example the emptiness that permeates space might well be filled with “information”.

Quantum theory implies that at the smallest level nature is inherently unpredictable. This unpredictability also applies to the human brain and might explain how human free will operates. It also assigns a vital role to the process of observation, suggesting that somehow concrete reality does not exist until observed by some entity, causing one of many possibilities to be selected.

What the Bleep is one of those few movies or books that could change forever the way you look at things. Though it will probably leave you with more questions than answers, for me its overriding message is one of optimism. It hints at one or more levels of reality existing behind the material universe. Mightn’t the most basic of these be something like what’s commonly known as God, Spirit or source?

If we really were mere automata existing within a mechanical, deterministic universe our lives, and everything that we do and experience, would all be completely meaningless. Instead, What the Bleep gives solid evidence that we exist in a far more complex reality. A reality in which the concept of an eternal soul is a distinct possibility.


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