Entangled Minds

Entangled Minds by Dean Radin

Dean Radin’s Entangled Minds provides a comprehensive review of the current evidence supporting the existence of various forms of psychic functioning, or psi. Finding there to be overwhelming evidence that something mysterious is going on it proceeds to examine a range of theories that might offer some explanation. Drawing close parallels between psi and the universe described by quantum physics, Radin proposes the latter may hold the key to understanding the former. Entangled Minds concludes by predicting the universal acceptance of psi in the not too distant future, and speculating how this may impact humanity.

For more than a century science has sought to apply its rigorous methodology to the study of paranormal phenomena, creating the discipline now termed parapsychology. Over this period many studies have been carried out, with many reporting slight but significant positive results. Skeptics have continued to dismiss the results, citing for example poor experiment design, failure to report negative results, and even fraud.

Radin describes a number of meta-analyses that use statistical techniques to combine results of all known studies, even accounting for the so-called “file drawer” problem of unreported experiments that found no evidence. Combining all known studies the odds against chance are astronomical (1.3×10^104 to 1). No feasible amount of unreported failures can bring the results within the realms of chance.

The only, amazing, conclusion from the sum of scientific research to date is that psi is real! So why do so many mainstream scientists continue to reject the possibility? One suggestion is peer pressure. Those who espouse the idea risk ridicule and ostracism from the academic establishment.

Quantum theory is one of physics strangest concepts. And yet its predictions have repeatedly been shown to accurately describe the observed universe. One of its most esoteric implications is that of entanglement. Two particles that share some history remain mysteriously connected, even though they may be far apart in space. So counter-intuitive is this that Einstein refused to accept such “spooky action at a distance.”

Radin shows that these connections, or entanglement, need not be limited to sub-atomic particles. Indeed the entire universe, compressed into a single point until the “big bang”, may continue to behave as a single entangled entity, in which every part remains connected to every other. In such a model the mind of the psychic is connected to other minds, inanimate objects, even other times.

This model of inter-connectedness among the apparently separate strongly suggests the existence of one or more hidden layers of reality through which these seemingly magical connections operate. Though physical science is restricted to measuring 4-dimensional space-time, psychic phenomena may provide hints to what lies beyond the perceived realm.

The acceptance of psi doesn’t mean you’ll be able to foresee next week’s winning lottery numbers, or even know which route to take to avoid traffic jams. Even in the most successful experiments the effects are weak (but sustained over many trials). It’s not so much the way we could use psi, but the implication that this world, even this life, may not be the totality of existence. How might our lifestyle change if we knew, rather than just having faith, that life was just one step along an infinite journey. Or if we knew, deep down, we were all part of the same commonality?

Whether you are fascinated by the paranormal but left cold by the bizarre paraphernalia of mystics and psychics, or just open-mindedly seeking the truth, Entangled Minds presents and objective review from an established and respected scientist, giving much food for further thought.


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